弱环境文化,the culture determined by the weak circumstance
1)the culture determined by the weak circumstance弱环境文化
2)minor culture of communicative environment弱交际环境文化

1.Differences between High and Low Context Cultures Reflected in Chinese and English Discourse;在汉英语篇中透视强/弱交际环境文化差异
2.The Comparison of Communicative Culture between High and Low Context Communication;从强弱语境交际的角度谈交际文化的对比
3.Characteristics of cross-cultural communication in the source culture environment;源语文化环境中跨文化交际特点探讨
4.Researching Shenzhen international tourism environment form the angle of cross culture intercommunication从跨文化交际的角度看深圳的国际旅游软环境
5.High-context and Low-context:Differences and Conflicts Between the Chinese and American Cultures;“强环境”与“弱环境”:中美文化差异及冲突
6.Analysis of Cyber Language and Cyber Communication;网络文化环境下的语言特点和交际模式探析
7.Impact of Confucianism on Chinese Staff s Communication in Cross-Cultural Work Context;儒家文化对跨文化企业环境下中国员工交际的影响
8.In the past three years, leaders of CECPA, have met with experts from international organizations for many times and participated in international forum to exchange views on environmental issues.三年来,中国环境文化促进会领导多次与国际友人会晤,参与国际论坛,就环境问题进行交流。
9.Inviting Students to Class Communicating Environment;融学生于交际学习环境之中(英文)
10.Communication Differences in High Context Culture and Low Context Culture高语境文化与低语境文化中的交际差异比较
11.Pragmatic Failures in Nonverbal Communication: A Perspective of Intercultural Communicative Context;跨文化交际语境中的非言语交际语用失误分析
12.Analysis On the Differences between Chinese and American Verbal Communication Patterns from the Perspective of High-context and Low-context Culture从高低语境文化交际理论看中美交际模式差异
13.Understanding of contexts and speech adjustment in cross-cultural communication;跨文化交际中的语境理解与言语调节
14.Cultivation of Intercultural Communicative Competence in EIL Context;EIL语境下跨文化交际能力的培养
15.On the Communicative Feature of Paralanguage and the Construction of Context;论副语言交际特征及其文化语境构建
16.Improvement on Cross-cultural Communicative Competence in Dynamic Context谈动态语境下跨文化交际能力的提高
17.The Improvement of Personal Relationship on Campus for the Harmonious Humanist Environment;优化高校人际关系 营造和谐人文环境
18.A Tentative Study of Cultural Context and the Cultivation of Intercultural Communicative Competence;试论文化语境与跨文化交际能力的培养

minor culture of communicative environment弱交际环境文化
3)cultural environment文化环境
1.Significance of constructing cultural environment of Chinese medicine;营造中医药文化环境的意义
2.Research into the problems of cultural environment of second generation of peasant-worker and its countermeasures——Based on Chongqing;我国“第二代”农民工文化环境问题研究与对策——以重庆市为例
3.The Influences of Host Country Cultural Environment on Foreign Direct Investment Activities of MNEs;东道国文化环境对跨国公司直接投资行为的影响
4)environmental culture环境文化
1.Arguing on the construction of environmental culture in university campus;大学校园环境文化建设浅论
2.The New System Construction of China Environmental Culture under the Environment-friendly Society;环境友好型社会视阈下中国环境文化新体系的构建
3.The connotation character and function of environmental culture are emphatically discussed, and principles of development of environmental culture and ways of building of ecological civilization are explored.环境文化是生态文明的基础,是社会先进文化的重要组成部分,是引领传统工业文明向生态文明过渡,实现社会、经济、自然全面和谐、可持续发展的杠杆和动力。
5)Culture environment文化环境
1.The construction of campus culture environment in a university under the background of innovative education;创新教育背景下的高校校园文化环境建设
2.This paper points out that leading behaviors,culture environment and science mechanism are the most important factors in personnel resource exploitation.文章不仅指出了领导行为、文化环境、科学机制是人力资源开发中主要的激励因素 ,同时还提出了相应的激励方法和原
3.According to the relationship between system and its environment, technological innovation system includes such characteristics:openness, coordination and non equilibrium, so the corresponding culture environment must be in harmony with technological innovation system.根据系统与环境的关系 ,技术创新系统所具有的开放性、协作性和非平衡态的特征 ,客观上要求相应的文化环境与其适应。
6)environment culture环境文化
1.The environment culture is the people in the social practice process,to natural understanding,to person and natural environment relations cognition condition and level community reflection type.环境文化是人们在社会实践过程中,对自然的认识、对人与自然环境关系的认知状况和水平的群体性反映样态,由“环境认知文化”、“环境规范文化”、“环境物态文化”构成,三种文化交融互摄、循环扩展,形成一个动态的复合体。
2.Combining the theory of management with the reality on campus, this paper points out the importance and urgency of cultural management mainly from the angles of the administration culture, the environment culture, and the Internet culture and it also puts forward some practical measures to improve the culture construction in universities.针对这种情况,结合管理理论和大学校园文化的实际,重点从高校管理文化、环境文化和网络文化三方面阐述了校园文化建设的重要性和紧迫性,提出了改进和完善高效校园文化建设的几点建议。

社会文化环境  社会文化环境:主要是指一个国家或地区的社会组织、社会结构、社会风俗习惯、历史传统、生活方式、教育水平、宗教信仰等。