1.Reflections on Ransom s Theory of "Structure-Texture";兰色姆“构架-肌质”理论的延伸思考——兼论小说的“肌质”

1.Reflections on Ransom s Theory of "Structure-Texture";兰色姆“构架-肌质”理论的延伸思考——兼论小说的“肌质”
2.A Sleazy Sex Guru -- Tom Cruise's new part in Magnolia一个低俗的性指导者--汤姆·克鲁斯在《木兰花》中的新角色
3.How is the Sam Carter on Atlantis going to be different, beyond her new rank as a full-bird colonel?山姆卡特在亚特兰蒂斯中将作全职上校,为此角色会如何变化?
4.TMTT (Tetramethyl Thiuram Tetrasulfide)四甲基秋兰姆化四硫
5.tetramethylthiuram monosulfide四甲基秋兰姆化一硫
6.tetraethylthiuram sulfide四乙基秋兰姆化一硫
7.gram schmidt orthogonalization格兰姆 施密特正交化法
8.Tom died from drinking too much brandy汤姆喝白兰地过度而死。
9.ice cream that was dashed with rum.添加兰姆酒的冰淇淋
10.He is born in a good hour that gets a good name. --Charles Lamb生逢其时,美誉自至。——兰姆
11.A Selection from Lamb's Works.兰姆作品选集 (书名)。
12.climber having dark red berries (peppercorns) when fully ripe; southern India and Sri Lanka; naturalized in North Burma and Assam.一种攀缘植物,成熟时结黑红色浆果;产于印度南部和斯里兰卡;引种于缅甸和阿萨姆邦。
13.Laced the eggnog with rum and brandy.把兰姆酒和白兰地加到蛋酒中
14.Lancashire flanne兰开夏色织白边法兰绒
15.A coffee cake flavored with orange rind, rum, almonds, and raisins.兰姆糕一种加有桔皮、兰姆酒、杏仁和葡萄干的咖啡蛋糕
16.A leavened rum cake, usually made with raisins.兰姆糕一种发酵的兰姆酒蛋糕,一般用葡萄干制成
17.I ordered a rum punch in the restaurant, but they said they ran out of rum.(我在这家餐厅点了一杯兰姆潘趣酒,但餐厅的人说兰姆酒用完了。)
18.He played the title role in ‘Hamlet’.他在《哈姆雷特》中演哈姆雷特的角色。

1.A Contrastive Study on the Prose of Lamb and Liang Yuchun;兰姆、梁遇春散文比较研究
2.In which outstanding prosper, regards Charles Lamb, William Hazlitt and Thomas De Quincey.无论是兰姆看似闲聊的叙说、赫士列特激情的行文风格还是德?昆西梦幻般的诗化笔触,无一不是对自身情感的宣泄和对自我的张扬。
4)Lamb wave兰姆波
1.Virtual instrument system based on Lamb wave active detection technique;基于兰姆波主动监测的虚拟仪器系统
2.Liquid density sensing of Lamb waves in a liquid layer and a piezoelectric plate;液体层-压电薄板中兰姆波对液体密度的声传感
3.Boundary element modeling of Lamb wave scattering on surface breaking rectangular defect;表面开口矩形缺陷兰姆波散射的边界元模拟
5)Lamb waves兰姆波
1.The two types of plates were detected by pitch-catch technique with Lamb waves respectively.采用一发一收法,分别在两种厚度的钢板上激励出兰姆波进行检测,通过对比分析检测到的缺陷前后板中兰姆波信号,采用时频分析方法识别出板中激发的兰姆波模式以及模态转换现象,初步确定特定缺陷形态对兰姆波在板中传播的影响。
2.Wedge transducers located on the surfaces of layered planar structures are used to generate and detect the multimode Lamb waves.置于层状平面结构表面的斜劈超声换能器被用于激发和接收多模兰姆波。
3.This paper analyzes the feasibility of using the amplitude-frequency characteristics of Lamb waves to characterize the surfaces of solid plates.基于Ritec-SNAP系统建立了兰姆波实验系统,分析了用兰姆波幅频特性定征固体板表面性质的可行性。
1.Three odd bacteria named TM_1,TM_2 and TM_3 were screened from the soil contaminated by thiuram in a landfill of a rubber-manufactured factory and then these bacteria were added into the water with a certain concentration of thiuram.从某橡胶厂废弃物堆积场采集受秋兰姆污染的土壤中分离出TM1、TM2、TM33株单菌,分别加到一定浓度秋兰姆的模拟水中,通过实验优化出秋兰姆最佳降解条件,得出单菌株TM1对水样中的秋兰姆降解能力最大。
2.The change of vulcanization parameters and mechanical properties produced by Vocol-s equivalently replaced DTC s, thiurams accelerator was studied in different curing systems of some rubbers.针对几种橡胶的不同硫化体系 ,探索了Vocol -s等量取代二硫代氨基甲酸盐类、秋兰姆类促进剂所产生的硫化参数、力学性能的变化。

忆秦娥 赠前朝宫人琵琶色兰兰 赵万里据永乐【诗文】:恨凝积。佳人薄命尤堪惜。尤堪惜。事如春梦,了无遗迹。人生适意无南北。相逢何必曾相识。曾相识。恍疑犹览,内家园籍。【注释】:【出处】: