典型形象,typical image
1)typical image典型形象
1.Pan Jinlian is one of the most well-known typical images in Chinese Literature.潘金莲是中国知名度最高的典型形象之一。

1.An analysis on the method of typical image-building in writing typical material试析典型材料写作中典型形象的塑造方法
2.he did a funny impression of a politician.他塑造了一个滑稽的政客的典型形象
3.The News Discourse Study of Typical Worker Image in the People's Daily《人民日报》工人典型形象新闻话语研究
4.Interpretation of Alienation and Distorted Typical Chinese Women Image;被扭曲异化的中国妇女典型形象解读——《金瓶梅》中潘金莲的杂色人生
5.Represented by a figure or resemblance;symbolic or emblematic.象征的用形象或相似物代表的;象征的或典型的
6.A Study of the Typical Women Characters of Muriel Spark;穆丽尔·斯帕克典型女性人物形象研究
7.Typicality of the Image of Ah Q from Lu Xun s Novel Ah Q;从《阿Q正传》看阿Q形象的典型性
8.Funny plays often have characters that are stereotypes of nationalities or people doing certain jobs.滑稽剧中有些模式化的形象或从事某种工作的典型人物形象。
9.Acting out stereotypes of people from different countries can be very funny.表演不同国家的典型人物形象会很滑稽。
10.The Female Image in the Chinese Typical Figure Reports between 1995 and 2004;新时期(1995-2004)中国典型人物报道中的女性形象
11.On the Type and Evolution of Chivalrous Swordsman s Image in Chinese Classical Novels;中国古典小说中侠士形象的类型及演变
12.Typical Character-Young Female Images in the Works of Lu Yao;典型性格——试论路遥作品中的青年女性形象
13.Typical Literati Figure with Aphasia--Ji Zheng s Iimage in A Dream of Red Mansion;失语状态下的典型文人——议《红楼梦》人物贾政形象
14.Universal Axiom Reflected from Cuisine--The Representative Significance of Yi Yin & Pao Ding;寓大道于庖艺之中——伊尹、庖丁形象的典型意义
15.On Eccentricity of the Typical Characters in Faulkner s Novels;试析福克纳小说中典型人物形象的怪诞性
16.The Catabolize of Mother Love --The Analyse of the Four Mothers in A Dream of Red Mansions;母爱的异化———《红楼梦》中的四位典型母亲形象分析
17.Typical Character Cold Irony -Discussion of ZONG Chen s A Letter to LIU Yi;典型的形象 冷峻的讽刺──试析宗臣的《报刘一丈书》
18.A Successful Villain Creation --An Image of Yudushka;一个反面典型的成功塑造——“犹独什卡”形象评析

typical figure典型形象
1.A new probe into the generality and individuality of typical figure;典型形象共性与个性内涵新探
3)typical demonstration image典型示范形象
4)typical design of art典型的艺术形象
1.The difficult of sign design is to create typical design of art.典型的艺术形象的创作是标志设计的难点。
5)representative consumer image典型消费者形象
6)typical artistic feature典型艺术形象

产品形象产品形象product image  产品形象(produet image)即产品的魅力,指产品对公众的吸引力。它的心理机制是产品的个性与公众的思想感情的密切联系。通常,产品的魅力主要取决下列因素:一是方‘便,如便于携带、存放等;二是适应性强,即用途广泛;三是质量高;四是合乎顾客的地位或身份;五是可靠性:六是满足顾客的审美需要。许多名牌产品,一般都具有上述特点,能使顾客或公众获得多重满足。 (张燕逸撰张交审)