1.Research On Service-Oriented GIS System Architecture;面向服务的地理信息系统架构研究
2.Research on the service-oriented solution for integrating WSN with grid;一种面向服务的WSN与网格的集成方法研究
3.Research on Integration Method of Legacy Systems Based on Service-oriented Architecture;基于面向服务体系结构的遗留系统集成方法研究

1.The Research on Service Composition in Service-Oriented Computing;面向服务的计算(SOC)中服务组合的研究
2.Research on GIService Based on Service-Oriented Architecture;面向服务架构(SOA)的空间信息服务研究
3.A Provider-Oriented Mechanism for Discovering Services;一种面向服务提供者的服务发现机制
4.Service classification of service-oriented architecture and its application面向服务架构中的服务分类及其应用
5.Service Contract-oriented Design Approach to Developing Adaptable Services一个面向服务契约的Web服务适配器
6.A strategy for service fault tolerance in SOA一种面向服务架构中服务容错的策略
7.Studies on Service Oriented Resource Organization for Business End Programming;面向服务的业务级资源组织方法研究
8.Research on Key Technologies of Service Recomposition of Service-Oriented Architecture;面向服务体系结构的服务重组关键技术研究
9.Research on the Web Services Composition Based on QoS in Service-Oriented Computing;面向服务计算中基于QoS的Web服务组合研究
10.Design and Realization of Service Bus of Service-Oriented Architecture;面向服务架构的服务总线的设计与实现
11.Research on the Model of High Available Service Registry in SOC;面向服务计算的高可用服务注册中心模型研究
12.Research of Semantic Graph Based Web Service Composition in SOA;面向服务架构中基于语义图服务组合的研究
13.Digital Time-Stamping Service Base on Service-Oriented Architecture;基于面向服务体系结构的数字时间戳服务
14.Application Study of Service-Oriented Architecture and Web Services;面向服务的体系架构与Web服务应用研究
15.Research on Web Service Integration of PACS Based on SOA;基于Web服务面向服务架构的PACS系统集成研究
16.Research on the Model of Tourism Resources Information Services Based on SOA;面向服务的旅游资源信息服务框架模型研究
17.Research and Application of the Enterprise Service Bus Based on SOA面向服务架构企业服务总线的研究与应用
18.Asian firms with a focus on the supply chain that satisfies US needs for healthcare, education, tourism, personal care, transportation and financial services should be big beneficiaries. We provide a list of possible winners.面向美国服务业如保

Service Oriented面向服务
1.An Service Oriented Architecture to Apply the Sensor Networks;面向服务的传感器网络应用体系结构研究
2.Study on architecture of service oriented data mining platform;面向服务的数据挖掘平台体系结构研究
3.Service View Description Framework of Service Oriented C~4ISR Architecture面向服务的C~4ISR体系结构服务视图描述框架
1.A Model of Event Driven Handling Technique in SOA;面向服务的事件驱动模型技术
2.Enterprise Application Integration Framework Based on SOA and Multi-agent;面向服务及多代理的EAI框架研究
3.Upon this foundation,a web service integration of hospital information system based on SOA was realized.在此基础上,实现面向服务的医院信息系统Web Services集成,构建区域协同医疗信息系统平台。
1.Bring forward a new services-oriented software architecture aiming at medium-small enterprise by analysing of medium-small enterprise and based on the servicesoriented design pattern.文中对中小企业进行了深入的分析;然后通过面向服务的设计思想,提出了一个新型的中小企业管理软件架构。
5)Service-oriented architecture面向服务
1.SOA(service-oriented architecture) has been enjoying popularity in recent years as an emerging norm of application integration.面向服务的体系结构作为一种新的应用集成规范成为近几年分布式计算领域的热点。
6)service orientation服务面向
1.The paper,in the light of service orientation,training direction and basic requirement,explores the training objective which bears rich implications for the precise orientation of higher vocational education.本文从服务面向、培养方向和基本要求等三个方面探究了高职教育工科类的培养目标,这对高职教育准确定位具有重要的启迪作用。
2.The service orientation of higher vocational and technical colleges should be rationally targeted at local area, different business, and grassroots.高职专科院校服务面向的合理定位应该趋于地方化、行业化和基层化,我国的办学实践却与此相去甚远。

服务贸易自由化与服务贸易保护主义服务贸易自由化与服务贸易保护主义  服务贸易自由化与服务贸易保护主义国际服务贸易的政策和措施。在国际贸易中,服务贸易占1/3,西方发达国家服务出口占世界服务出口的80%。20世纪80年代以来,贸易保护主义盛行和债务危机加深,发展中国家工业制成品也越来越具有竞争力,发达国家就越来越重视服务贸易出口,并积极倡导服务贸易自由化。1986年9月关贸总协定乌拉圭回合《部长宣言》提出建立服务贸易原则和条例的多边框架,在提高透明度和逐步自由化的条件下扩大服务贸易,促进所有贸易伙伴的经济发展及国家的进步。服务贸易保护主义是在世界性经济萧条、服务市场竞争激烈的情况下,各国为了自己的利益,对服务贸易采取逐步实行的政策。尤其是服务业不甚发达的发展中国家更是如此,如阿拉伯国家为了保护阿拉伯国家利益,多次召开区域性国际会议,制定保护阿拉伯国家利益,限制外国承包商的法令和措施。西方发达国家一面倡导服务贸易自由化,同时对发展中国家劳动密集型服务贸易实行严格限制,如美国限制外籍普通服务人员入境,西欧各国近几年辞退发展中国家服务人员多达几万人。