1.Shannon limit explanation on the UNB modulation;超窄带调制的乡农极限解释
2.Application of UNB AMR system;超窄带载波抄表系统的应用
3.Discussion on UNB Transmission Technology and Its Application;超窄带传输技术及其应用探讨

1.Design of X-band Waveguide Ultra-narrow-band Bandpass FilterX波段波导超窄带带通滤波器的设计
2.An UNB Power Line Meter Reading System Based on OFDM;基于OFDM的电力线超窄带通信抄表系统
3.Research on the Realizability of UNB Communications and VWDK;超窄带(UNB)通信可行性及VWDK研究
4.The Study and Preparationon Extremely Narrow-band Interference Filter at 1571nm1571nm超窄带干涉滤光片的研制
5.A UNB Wireless Transceiver Design and Implement Based on DSP;基于DSP的超窄带无线收发信机的设计与实现
6.Ultra Narrow Band Technology Based FDMA Power Line Communication Technology of Long-Distance Meter Reading Solution for Distributed Users基于超窄带FDMA电力线通信技术的分散用户远程抄表解决方案
7.Fabrication of Super-Narrow Bandwidth Grating Filter Based on Phase Error Correction基于相位误差补偿技术的超窄带光栅滤波器的制作
8.3~10 GHz UWB LNA with notch characteristics to suppress in-band interference具有抑制窄带干扰带阻特性的3~10GHz超宽带LNA
9.Realization of Ultra-narrow Gap Welding with Flux Strips Constraining Arc;焊剂带约束电弧超窄间隙焊接的实现
10.Studies of Ultra-wideband (UWB) Narrow Pulse Generator;超宽带(UWB)窄脉冲发生器的研究
11.Arc Characteristic and the Development of Flux Bands in Ultra-narrow Gap Welding超窄间隙焊接焊剂带研制及电弧特性
12.Constricted Arc by Flux Strips Applied to Ultra-narrow Gap Welding焊剂带约束电弧用于超窄间隙的焊接
13.Study on Forming Process & Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Super Narrow Stainless Steel Strip;超窄不锈钢带的成型工艺及组织性能研究
14.The Research on the Technology of Ultra-narrow Gap Welding with the Flux Strips Constricting Arc;焊剂带约束电弧超窄间隙焊接方法研究
15.Identification Model of Narrowband ELF Atmospheric Noise Amplitude Probability Distribution窄带超低频噪声幅度概率分布模式辨识
16.On-line Monitoring System of Partial Discharge Based on Narrow Band UHF基于超高频的局部放电窄带在线监测系统
17.Study on Narrowband Interference Suppression in Sky Wave OTHR天波超视距雷达窄带干扰抑制技术研究
18.Experimental method and equipment of ultra-narrow welding with flux strips constraining arc焊剂带约束电弧超窄间隙焊接试验方法及装置

super-narrow steel band超窄钢带
1.Intoduction is done to the two main methods of processing super-narrow steel band as well as the process advantage.介绍了超窄钢带的两种主要生产方式及其优点,主要研究了纺织器材专用高精度超窄钢带的平辊压扁轧制成型工艺,重点探讨了圆钢丝压扁轧制的变形特点,分析了钢丝在压扁轧制中的变形规律和压力分布情况,总结了目前用于计算宽展的公式,通过试验数据验证,M。
3)ultra-narrow bandwidth超窄带宽
4)Ultra Narrow Bandwidth超窄带通信
5)ultra-narrow bandwidth optical filter超窄带滤波
1.We advanced the theory of ultra-narrow bandwidth optical filter consists of two-dimensional (PCADOF) photonic crystal composed of anomalous dispersion material cylinders set on dielectric medium with the square lattice.本文讨论了利用由反常色散材料构成的二维(2D)光子晶体实现超窄带滤波的原理,并分析了铯原子蒸汽6 P3 2? 6S12谱线的超精细结构,得到了这条谱线附近的反常色散曲线。
6)ultra narrowband technology超窄带技术
