1.Rectangle-packing-based floorplanning algorithms for system-on-a-chip design;基于矩形宏模块的片上系统布图规划算法
2.The Boundary Constraints of Floorplanning Based on Single-Sequence;基于Single-Sequence布图规划边界约束问题的研究
3.Simulation annealing accelerating in VLSI floorplanningVLSI平面布图规划中模拟退火算法的加速策略

1.Algorithm Study on Microarchitectural Floorplanning;面向微处理器系统结构的布图规划算法研究
2.Research on the Floorplanning Algorithms in the Non-Manhattan Architecture;非曼哈顿互连结构下的布图规划算法研究
3.Simulation annealing accelerating in VLSI floorplanningVLSI平面布图规划中模拟退火算法的加速策略
4.The Length Constraint of Floorplanning Based on Single-Sequence基于Single-Sequence布图规划线长约束问题的研究
5.A Congestion Driven High Level Re-Synthesis Method after Floorplanning;面向布线拥挤度的布图规划后的高层次再综合方法
6.A Deterministic VLSI Block Placement Algorithm Using Less Value First Principles;一种基于最小价值度优先的集成电路布图规划和布局算法
7.Research on the Algorithm and Methodology of Integrating High Level Synthesis and Floorplan;高层次综合与布图规划相结合的算法与方法学研究
8.Research on Thermal Aware Loorplanning and Thread Mapping in CMP Processor片内多核微处理器温度可知的布图规划及线程映像研究
9.Blueprint planning蓝图规划,详细规划
10.Contains shapes used in the creation of cubicle layout or space planning diagrams.包含用于创建隔间布局或空间规划图表的形状。
11.Has drawn up a Blueprint of规划了……发展蓝图
12.During the year, two new OZPs were published by the board. The board also amended 107 statutory plans.年内,城市规划委员会公布了两份新订分区计划大纲图,并修订了107份法定图则。
13.This wizard helps you add a floor plan and rooms (spaces) to your space plan.此向导可帮助您向空间规划添加平面布置图和房间(空间)。
14.Contains shapes used in the creation of office layout or space planning diagrams.包含创建办公室布局或空间规划图时使用的形状。
15.Question2: Please provide the arrangement plan of the station and yard with elevation of surrounding roads and control points.问题2:请提供带有周边规划道路及控制点标高的站场平面布置图。
16.Research on the Key Technologies of Planning & Laying and Graphic Processing for the Multi-types & Complex Pipeline Systems;多类型复杂管线系统规划布置与图形处理的关键技术研究
17.To Apply on the Value Engineering in Layout and Design of the Construction Projects--Based on the Perspective of Strategy Canvas Analysis价值工程在工程项目规划设计中的应用——基于战略布局图的视角

1.The research on "integrating high level synthesis and floorplan" is a very important part in the research on electronic design automation.介绍了高层次综合与布图规划相结合的基本方法与技术及其研究进展。
2.In practice of floorplan/placement of very large scale integration(VLSI) physical design,it is very critical to place some modules along the boundaries of the chip so that connections between inputs and outputs and among units in hierarchical design mode are shortened.该文针对一般的具有不可二划分结构的布图规划问题,在SS编码的基础上解决VLSI物理设计中有边界约束的布局布图规划的问题;证明SS的放置顺序是表示模块的数字在SS中出现的位置先后顺序;提出模块放置在四个边界(上、下、左、右边界)在SS编码中应满足的充要条件及证明;并给出模块位于四个边界在SS编码中相应的表达式和计算方法。
3)VLSI floorplanningVLSI布图规划
1.A effective VLSI floorplanning method based on Genetic Algorithms was presented in this paper.提出了一种有效的基于遗传算法的VLSI布图规划方法。
5)incremental floorplanning增量式布图规划
1.This paper introduces a two-stage strategy to solve the incremental floorplanning problem with boundary constraints.该文提出了一种二阶段法来实现边界约束下的增量式布图规划算法。
2.This incremental floorplanning algorithm has a very high sp.提出了一种基于CBL布图表示的新的增量式布图规划算法。
6)High Level Synthesis and Floorplan高层次综合与布图规划
1.Research on the Algorithm and Methodology of Integrating High Level Synthesis and Floorplan;高层次综合与布图规划相结合的算法与方法学研究

城市总体规划与国土规划、区域规划的关系 国土规划、区域规划、城市总体规划是在不同层次、涉及不同地域范围的发展规划。国土规划、区域规划、城市总体规划组成一个完整的规划系列,国土规划和区域规划应当是城市总体规划的重要依据。而全国和区域性的江河流域、土地利用等专业规划则是国土和区域规划的重要组成部分,城市土地利用规划又是城市总体规划的重要组成部分。 我国的国土规划、区域规划以及江河流域规划、区域性土地利用总体规划等工作起步较晚,目前正在有计划、有重点地逐步展开,还没有法定的审批程序和审批成果。而全国绝大多数城市总体规划已经各级政府按法定程序审批,并在不断完善和深化,在实际工作中存在着相互联系和交叉的情况,因此本法原则确定应当相互协调的关系是必要的。