1.Control of Liu system using self-feedback and sampled-data feedback;Liu系统的自反馈控制和采样数据反馈控制
2.Application of self-feedback RBF NN in prediction model for heat state of blast furnace;自反馈RBF网络在高炉热状态模型预测中的应用
3.Multimodel self-feedback Bearings-only tracking algorithm based on data fusion;一种多模自反馈角被动跟踪算法

1.Research on PIC12F509 I_(DDA) Testing and Self-feedback Testing;PIC12F509全速电流测试及自反馈测试研究
2.Research of Self-Feedback Vircator with Quasi-Optical Resonator;准光腔型自反馈虚阴极振荡器的研究
3.Fast text categorization based on feedback Hopfield network基于自反馈Hopfield网络的快速文本分类器
4.Blind Adaptive Multiuser Detection with Decision Feedback of Variable Step Size判决反馈变步长盲自适应多用户检测
5.Feedback Design for the Web-Based English Reading Course;网络英语阅读自学课程中的反馈设计
6.Theory of Feedback Cycle;反馈循环论——自组织研究的新思路
7.CSTR control based on adaptive fuzzy logic and feedback linearization基于反馈线性化的CSTR自适应模糊控制
8.UWB Autocorrelation Receiver Based on Decision Feedback Average判决反馈平均的UWB自相关接收机
9.Based on the Improved Adaptive Feedback Synchronization of Chaotic Systems基于改进的自适应反馈混沌系统同步
10.New Variable Step Size NLMS Adaptive Decision Feedback Equalization一种变步长NLMS自适应判决反馈均衡器
11.Limited Feedback SDMA with Adaptive Multiplexing Order基于有限反馈的数据流数自适应SDMA
12.Compression of Feedback in Adaptive OFDM-based Systems基于OFDM的自适应系统的反馈压缩
13.inherent feedback内反馈,固有反馈,内回收
14.measured feedback测定反馈,实测反馈(信号)
15.position feedback定位反馈,位置反馈
16.feedback loop反馈回路,反馈环路
17.Adaptive Feedback-Feedforward Control Scheme Design Based on Neuro-Fuzzy System基于神经模糊系统的自适应前馈-反馈控制系统设计
18.Summarize routine quality feed back form from different departments.负责收集、总来自不同部门的质量信息反馈。

1.Fast text categorization based on feedback Hopfield network基于自反馈Hopfield网络的快速文本分类器
2.We consider a network of two neurons with feedback and d elay.讨论了一类具自反馈二元时滞神经网络模型的渐近行为 。
3)self feedback自反馈
1.The character of virtual cathode oscillation(VCO)with e-beam modulated either by external microwave or by self feedback microwave was analyzed and numerically calculated.理论分析并数值计算了具有外注入微波或自反馈微波调制电子束的虚阴极振荡器特性 ,发现通过合理选择调制信号的参数 ,虚阴极振荡器的运行性能可以大大提高 ,理论计算结果与实验结果符合的较好。
2.The dynamic parameters of the micro tactile sensor are tested by using the self feedback optical fiber interferometer.并采用自反馈光纤式麦克尔逊干涉仪测试了其动态特性参数。
4)automatic feedback自动反馈
1.By questinaire survey, the self-feedback on Japanese teaching was analized in Foreign Language Insistitute of North-east University.问卷设立了 12个参照变量 ,搜集学生的自我反馈信息 ,并结合学生平日学习成绩 ,比较与分析影响学生日语学习的客观因素 ,为教师更好地教学提供了可靠依据 ,同时也提出了优化日语教学的建设性意见 。
2.As the fulfilment of the mutal control and coordination in the course of skill teaching is based oil the students self-feedback as well as theteacher s teaching feedback, therefore the key to the improvement of teaching qualitylies in how to combine organically the teaching feedback and the self-feedback in theteachi.而对技能教学的调控,则依据教师的教学反馈与学生的自我反馈来实现。
6)Delayed feedback control延时自反馈

自我反馈自我反馈self feedback  自我反馈(self feedbaok)道德行为反馈的一种渠道。这种反馈是行为主体对行为的自我道德评价。一个人在 一定道德意识支配一下完成一次道德行为,当这种行为取得圆满结果时,为参加扑灭火灾、救起落水儿童,帮助同志克服困难等,便会产生充实、满足、自豪、喜悦等良好情绪体验,从而形成一种力量和信心,今后会继续坚持这种行为。反之,如果一个人做了坏事,就会受到良心谴责,产生自愧、内疚、悔恨等情绪体验,促使他反省,产生今后不再发生类似行为的决心。自我反馈的作用方向和程度,取决于行为主体的道德意识水平和道德责任感。自我反馈是行为主体的一种自我激励,是在没有外力参与下认识的自我深化和信念的自我强化,它在人们的道德品质形成过程中起重要作用。 (李诚忠撰王树茂匪亘亘审)