1.Management and control of shaders based on real-time rendering实时渲染应用程序中着色器的管理和控制
2.The characteristic and performance of programming model under different DirectX versions is studied in detail, including Shader architecture, Shader language, float-point texture format, program flow control, and their influence on the general purpose computing on the GPU.详细阐述了GPU编程模型在DirectX不同版本下的特点与性能,包括着色器架构、着色器语言、浮点纹理格式、程序流程控制等几个方面,以及编程模型方面的不同特点与性能对GPU通用计算带来的影响,并从软件和硬件两方面分析了这一领域未来的机遇和挑战。
3.Considering real-time performance,three lighting effects(Directional light,Point light and Spot light) are rendered realistically with vertex shader of OpenGL shading language.考虑到实时性要求,使用高层着色语言GLSL的顶点着色器编程实现三种光源(平行光、点光源和聚光灯)的光照效果。

1.The Research on Shader-Based Real-Time Cartoon Rendering基于着色器技术的实时卡通渲染研究
2.Simulation of radar display system based on pixel shader基于像素着色器的雷达显示系统模拟
3.Management and control of shaders based on real-time rendering实时渲染应用程序中着色器的管理和控制
4.Gouraud renderings GouraudGouraud着色
5.USE: For the manufacture of cobalt protoxide, and the painting of cobalt pigments, cobalt salts, enamels.用途:用于制造氧化亚钴,钴颜料、盐、器着色。
6.USES: Used as colorants for color TV glass face plates glassware. It is also used for making magnetic material.用途:用作电视玻壳,玻璃器皿的着色及磁性材料。
7.The term "hemochromatosis" is used when organ dysfunction occurs.当发生器官功能障碍时,则用“血色素沉着症”表示。
8.Anti-collision algorithm based on neural network graph coloring基于神经网络图着色的阅读器防冲突算法
9.Frequency Point Distribution Algorithm Based on the Coloring for Wireless Sensor Network基于点着色的无线传感器网络频点分配算法
10.Locate the Tint or Hue control for your display and set it to the middle position.找到显示器上的“着色”或“色调”控制,然后将其设置到中间位置。
11.To stain or tint with a color.染色,着色用一种色彩染色或着色
12."and the children of Israel had done as Moses had said; and they got from the Egyptians ornaments of silver and of gold, and clothing:"以色列人照着摩西的话行,向埃及人要金器,银器,和衣裳。
13.The eyes of ceramic tiger glowed as if alive, and the orange and Black stripes sparkled with a porcelain shine.陶瓷虎的眼睛闪着光亮,栩栩如生。橙色和黑色的条纹闪耀着瓷器的光泽。
14.fugitive tinting colours标志色,着色剂,指色剂
15.To dye or stain into the fiber of.染色给纤维染色或着色
16.Relating to the processes of dyeing or coloring.染色的,着色的有关染色或着色的
17.In other words, if the difference is small, then the point being shaded is closer to the startShadow locator.换句话说,如果距离是很短,那么被着色点是靠近开始阴影定位器。
18.There would be all kinds of snacks and cooked meats in shining pots and pans.干净的器皿装着各种有名的特色糕点和冷菜卤味;

vertex shader顶点着色器
1.Further,the speed of lake wave simulation is improved by the vertex shader and pixel shader(GPU-based programming).同时利用顶点着色器和像素着色器(基于GPU的编程)强大的图形处理功能,极大地提高了太湖湖面波浪的生成速度,在网格为256*256,图像大小为1024*768的情况下,刷新频率达到了80帧以上,满足了实时性的要求。
3)Pixel Shader像素着色器
1.Simulation of radar display system based on pixel shader基于像素着色器的雷达显示系统模拟
2.This paper discusses how to do image processing efficiently by using pixel shader.本文介绍利用通用显示卡里的像素着色器快速完成图像处理的方法,并给出仿真结果。
3.Further,the speed of lake wave simulation is improved by the vertex shader and pixel shader(GPU-based programming).同时利用顶点着色器和像素着色器(基于GPU的编程)强大的图形处理功能,极大地提高了太湖湖面波浪的生成速度,在网格为256*256,图像大小为1024*768的情况下,刷新频率达到了80帧以上,满足了实时性的要求。
4)memory coloring存储器着色
5)fragment shader片段着色器
1.Byapplying the technology of 3D texture and Fragment Shader of programmable graphics hardware,the real time volume rendering of 3D data sets with full Phone shading model was realized on commodity PCs.通过应用三维纹理和可编程显卡的片段着色器(FragmentShader)技术,在当前主流PC机上,实现了带有完整Phone光照阴影效果的三维数据场直接体可视化。
6)geometry shader几何着色器
1.Isosurfaces in every cube are extracted by the geometry shader and then triangles are generated for rendering.利用几何着色器的数据批处理能力在每个立方体中提取等值面并生成三角形带;在片段着色器上采用Phong光照模型对生成三角形渲染显示。
2.It is then followed with the second pass to extract the silhouette edge using geometry shader and to generate penumbra map by extending the silhouette vertex along the normal.通过对阴影图算法进行扩展,提出一种完全基于GPU的近似软影实时绘制算法,它是一种3遍算法:第一遍从光源中心计算场景的深度图;第二遍采用几何着色器提取物体的轮廓边,同时在轮廓边上生成新的几何图元,利用硬件自动插值功能向外绘制线性近似半影图,并根据第一遍得到的深度图在像素着色器中对背面轮廓形成的半影区进行剔除;对于重叠的半影区设定片元的伪深度值,利用硬件进行自动融合。

低着色残差炭黑分子式:CAS号:性质:亦称低着色残差炭黑(low hysteresis carbon black),是国外20世纪80年代中期开发的一个炭黑新品种。它的结构较高,加工性能好,炭黑聚集体直径分布宽。用于轮胎可以赋予胶料较低的生热性、低滚动阻力和良好的耐磨性,是节能降耗的优良品种。其生产方法一般采用梯级式反应炉,两级喷油:一级是通过轴向伸入的探管,由里向外;另一级是通过喉管喷油点由外向里,由此而生成低滞后炭黑。