1.In this paper, the first-in-first-out(FIFO) circuit design for the PCI-Express interface is proposed,which is based on the dynamic access memory (DRAM) core with the 0.18μm标准CMOS工艺实现的基于动态存储器(DRAM)内核的高速大容量先入先出存储器(FIFO)电路及其版图设计。
2.0 chip Cy7c68013 and IDT72v06 First in First out(FIFO) memory, realizes uni-directional, high-speed, safe and reliable data transmission between the host-computers in different security domains, with hardware design of exter.0芯片Cy7c68013和先入先出存储器IDT72v06,通过Cy7c68013通用可编程接口与外部先入先出的连接,实现了在不同安全域主机之间单向、高速、安全可靠的数据传输。

1.F-Buffer Fragment Stream FIFO Buffer片段流先入先出缓冲区
2.first-in-first-out stock contro先入先出的仓货控制方式
3.A set of stored data in which the first item to be retrieved is the one stored earliest.先进先出存储器一组存储数据,其中最先输出的项目是最先存入的
4.FIFO: Short for "First-in,first-out".A method of manipulating data in a computer wherein the first data entered is the first data to be used.先进先出:文是[先进先出]的略字。是电脑处理数据的一种方法,最先输入的数据最先被处理。
5.Morning, sir.Please show me your passport and entry card.早上好,先生,请出示您的护照和入境卡。
6.A last-in, first-out (LIFO) method of queuing in which the last item attached to the queue is the first to be withdrawn.后进先出(LIFO)的排队方法,即最后进入队列的项最先取出。
7.From Economic Perspective:the LIFO and the FIFO;经济学视角:后进先出法与先进先出法
8.first-in first-out buffer memeory先进先出缓冲存储器
9.firstin firstout method of inventory costing存货成本先进先出法
10.first-in first-out costing of inventory存货先进先出计价法
11.Under the first-in, first-out method, it is a umed that the first units acquired are the first ones sold; ending inventory is valued at the most recent purchase prices.在先进先出法下,假设企业首先销售最早购入的商品,期末存货按最近的购货价格计价。
12.A set of data stored in a computer, in which the first item to be retrieved is the one most recently stored.后进先出存储器存入计算机的一组数字,其中最先输出是最新存入的数据
13.Enter a different file name for the output file before continuing.先为输出文件输入一个不同的文件名,然后继续。
14.If you wish to enter you'll first need to show return ticket.如果你想进入的话,首先出示你的双程票。
15.(2) To decide on the agenda, giving priority to government bills for inclusion in the agenda;(二)决定议程,政府提出的议案须优先列入议程;
16.It was another case of the preconception fathering the prediction.这可以说又是按先入之见做出预言的一例。
17.Despite working two jobs, Mr. Chen can hardly make ends meet.尽管兼了两份工作,陈先生几乎还是入不敷出。
18.These basic questions must be considered before a company begins exporting.公司投入出口业务前必须先考虑这些基本问题。

first in first out先入先出
3)first-in first-out method先入先出法
4)First In First Ou(tFIFO)先入先出(FIFO)
5)FILO[英]['fi:l?? ,pe?stri][美]['filo 'pestr?]先入后出
1.With the work mode of FIFO and FILO,it can be used working with forklift truck and stacker in automated and semi-automated stereoscopic warehouse.穿梭板是一种应用于密集式存储立体仓库的托盘自动搬运设备,能够最大限度地提高仓库的空间利用率,满足先人先出(FIFO)和先入后出(FILO)的作业要求;具有灵活的作业方式,与叉车配合实现立体仓库的半自动化作业,或与堆垛机配合组成全自动化立体仓库系统。
6)next-in first-out次入先出

陈高祖陈霸先(503~559)  南朝陈创建者。字兴国,小字法生。在位三年。自称世居颍川(今河南许昌东),先祖在西晋永嘉时南迁吴兴长城(今浙江长兴东)下若里。家世寒微,出身小吏,喜读兵书,长于军事。初随宗室新喻侯萧映至广州刺史任,为中直兵参军,招集兵马。曾镇压土著与少数民族起义,累官西江督护、高要太守、督七郡诸军事。太清二年(548)侯景叛梁,攻陷建康。次年七月霸先消灭与景勾结的广州刺史元景仲,十一月在始兴(今广东韶关)起兵勤王讨侯景。大宝元年(550)出大庾岭,沿赣江而下,军至南康(今江西赣州),受湘东王萧绎节制。至湓城(今江西九江)与王僧辩会师,率甲士三万、强弩五千张、舟船两千乘,东进破建康,讨灭侯景(见侯景之乱),进位司空,领扬州刺史,镇京口。承圣三年(554)十一月,西魏陷江陵,杀梁元帝萧绎,立萧詧为梁主。霸先与王僧辩迎立晋安郡王江州刺史萧方智至建康为帝而擅朝政。四年,王僧辩又纳北齐扶植的萧渊明至建康为帝。霸先从京口起兵袭杀王僧辩,废萧渊明,拥萧方智为帝(梁敬帝),并击败北齐军。敬帝太平二年(557)霸先加九锡,进爵为王,十月代梁即皇帝位,国号陈,改元永定。