1.Development of taximeter with district-identification;具有区域识别功能出租车计价器的研制
2.Development of the new-type verification system used to verify speedometer and odometer or taximeter新型车速里程表与出租车计价器检定系统的研制
3.According to the operation principle of taximeter, this paper advances the mathematical model changing the continuous segmenting to saltatory segmenting, and probes into the application of this model.根据出租车计价器的工作原理,提出将连续性分段改为跳跃式分段的数学模型,探讨了模型应用。

1.The New Design System of Minicomputer for the Taxi-meter新一代出租车计价器微机设计系统
2.Design of the Multi-function Taximeter Based on Proteus基于Proteus的多功能出租车计价器设计
3.16 Bit Single-Chip Computer Application in Taximeter16位单片机在出租车计价器中的应用
4.Built-in Pronunciation Reports the Words Implement Application in the Taximeter内置语音报话器在出租车计价器中的应用
5.Brief Discussion on the Necessity of Tightening Up the Calibration of Taxi Meters;浅谈加强出租车计价器检定工作的必要性
6.Preliminary Discussion on the Working Principle and Maintenance of Host Taximeter浅述出租车计价器主机的工作原理及维修
7.How to Use Access Databae to Manage and print Verification Certificate for Surveying TaximeterAccess数据库管理和打印出租车计价器检定证书
8.Development of Orientation Module with District-identification Function for Taximeter Device;具有区域识别功能出租车计价器车载定位模块的研制
9.Development of the new-type verification system used to verify speedometer and odometer or taximeter新型车速里程表与出租车计价器检定系统的研制
10.To Expand the Function of the Error Correction of Taximeters by Bringing in Singlechip and Comparator引入单片机和比较器扩展出租车计价器的纠错功能
11.a taxi meter ticking the fare.出租车计程器计算车费
12.General faults of taximeter and its analyses and processing出租汽车计价器常见故障及分析处理
13.The Application of the Encryption on Sensor of Taximeters加密技术在出租车计价传感器上的应用
14.Thinking of "Testing Work of Taximeter"and Suggestions;对出租汽车计价器检定工作的思考和建议
15.Evaluation of Uncertainty in Measurement of Local of TAXIMETER出租汽车计价器本机测量结果的不确定度评定
16.He watched the meter in the taxi as they drove to the department store.乘车去百货商场的路上,他一直注视着出租车的计价器。
17.Taximeter Local Way of Measuring the Results of the Evaluation Method of Uncertainty出租汽车计价器本机计程测量结果不确定度的评定方法
18.Discussion on tire correction coefficient in cab price meter出租汽车计价器检定时对轮胎修正系数运用的探讨

1.The application of the encryption on sensor of taximeters;出租车计价器加密传感器的设计
2.The Application of the Encryption on Sensor of Taximeters;该文把加密技术用于出租车计价传感器中,在分析现有出租车传感器漏洞的基础上,提出了出租车加密传感器的加密模型和系统结构模型,采用PIC12C508A、PIC12CE518A和INTER8031单片机完成了密码传感器系统中加密器、解密器和密码写入器软硬件系统设计,加密后的密码传感器大大提高了出租车计价器计费的准确性和安全性,解决了现有出租车计价器可靠性不高和难以实现统一管理的难题。
3)Taxi Fare Meters出租汽车计价器
1.A Data Management System for Taxi Fare Meters;出租汽车计价器数据管理系统
4)Taxi Meter出租车计费器
1.This article presents a method of how to use FPGA to design a taxi meter, and how to replace traditional electrical design with burgeoning EDA parts.本文介绍了一种采用单片FPGA芯片进行出租车计费器的设计方法,主要阐述如何使用新兴的EDA器件取代传统的电子设计方法,利用FPGA的可编程性,简洁而又多变的设计方法,缩短了研发周期,同时使出租车计费器体积更小功能更强大。
6)taxi meter出租车计程计

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