1.Design of password security input set of PIC-based intelligent cipher burglarproof;基于PIC的智能防盗型密码输入器设计
2.How hacker software to detect password and how to prevent it;黑客软件探取密码的原理及其防范
3.The Password Establishment Psychology and the Methods of Decode;浅析密码设置心理与破解方法

1.A symbol used in secret writing;a cipher or code.暗码,密码,代码用于秘密书写的符号;暗码或密码
2.The study of cryptanalysis or cryptography.密码学研究密码分析或密码学的学科
3.To write(a message, for example) in code or cipher.译成密码用电码或密码书写(如,信息)
4.A cross-encrypted password is necessary to change this user password.更改此用户密码时需要交叉加密密码
5.A cross-encrypted password is necessary to change a user password.更改用户密码时需要交叉加密密码
6.Using code or cipher.使用代码的,使用密码
7.A piece of writing in code or cipher.密码文,电码文一种密码或电码的书写形式
8.Your old and new password are the same. Please enter your passwords again.您的新密码和旧密码相同,请再次输入密码
9."You have not specified the old and new passwords. Your password was not changed."您未指定旧密码和新密码。您的密码未更改。
10.Your new and confirm password are different. Please enter your passwords again.您的新密码和确认密码不相符,请再次输入密码
11.To change your password enter your current and new passwords.若要更改密码,请输入当前密码和新密码
12.The confirmation does not match the password. Try typing the password again.密码与确认密码不匹配。请重新输入密码
13.The confirmation does not match the password. Type the password and confirmation again.密码与确认密码不匹配。请重新输入并确认密码
14.The password was not correctly confirmed. Please ensure that the password and confirmation match exactly.密码未被确认。请确保密码和确认密码完全相符。
15.cryptanalysis:The analysis and deciphering of cryptographic writings or systems.密码分析:对密码书写或密码系统的分析和译解.
16.The analysis and deciphering of cryptographic writings or systems.密码分析对密码书写或密码系统的分析和译解
17.Of, relating to, or employing cryptography.密码术的密码术的、与之有关的或使用密码术的
18.In cryptography, a cipher produced by a composition of a number of substitution and transposition ciphers.密码学中,由替代密码和置换密码结合使用而构成的一种密码

1.Recursive presentation and bi symmetry for BSC(2 m,2 n ) cryptography;BSC(2~m,2~n)密码的递归表示与双对称性证明
2.Research on Import and Export Laws and Regulations of Cryptography in China;我国密码进出口监管法律问题研究
3.The application of chaos in cryptography has attracted much attention,however,most of them were cracked soon after publications.基于混沌的密码算法设计引起了广泛的讨论,然而,大多数混沌密码算法发表不久即被攻击。
1.Piecewise linear chaotic map and its cipher applications;一类分段线性混沌映射及其密码应用研究
2.The principle of illegal acquiring cipher and the defence measure;非法探取密码的原理及其防范
3.Approach to Deciphering the Cipher of Excel files & word files in Chain-example;穷举法破解EXCEL、WORD文档密码
1.Works with Hidden Codes: A Review of Zhu Jingxiang s New Projects;藏密码的设计——朱竞翔新设计之讨论
2.Traditional mechanical code discriminator has complex structure,many moveable parts,larger volume and difficult to be fabricated and assembled.传统机械密码鉴别器结构复杂,可动件多,体积较大,对加工工艺和装配要求很高。
1.Research and Application of Cryptogram Technology in Network Security;网络安全中的密码技术研究及其应用
6)cipher code密码
1.The wireless and lost warning cipher code machine can set password discretionarily in the encoder-decoder and has strong anti-jamming ability.该无线防失提醒机采用无线遥控,可以任意设置密码,具有较强的抗干扰能力,结构简单,使用方便,成本低,耗电少,具有普遍的应用价值。
2.This article presents a full analysis and comparison of the protective measures adopted by regular cipher code in the application of VFP,revealing the corresponding drawbacks of security and suggesting a solution convenient and reliable to them.本文分析比较了在vfp应用中目前常采用的密码保护措施,指出其安全性的不足之处,并给出一种比较简单但又比较安全可靠的解决方案。
