1.Adaptive control design of MEMS gyroscope using stochastic averaging method;基于随机平均法的MEMS陀螺自适应控制设计
2.Influence of the rotator’s spinning instability on the stability of Si micromachined gyroscope;旋转体自旋角速度不稳定对陀螺稳定性的影响
3.Error analysis and integrated compensation of scale factor for MEMS gyroscope;MEMS陀螺标度因数误差分析及分段插值补偿

1.electrically suspended gyroscope静电陀螺仪静电陀螺
2.Shaped like a top.陀螺形的形状象陀螺
3.electrical suspended gyroscope电悬式陀螺仪;静电支承陀螺仪;静电支承陀螺
4.whipping top(用鞭子抽的)陀螺
5.Having the shape of a cone resting on its apex.陀螺形的形状象陀螺或倒置的圆锥的
6.kovalevskaya's top科瓦列夫斯卡亚的陀螺
7.attitude gyro coupling unit姿态陀螺仪接合装置
8.gyro-spin motor, of an output exceeding 37.5w陀螺电动机,功率超过37.5w
9.integrating gyroscopic accelerometer积分式陀螺加速度表
10.pendulous integrating gyro accelerometer摆式积分陀螺加速度计
11.This gyroscopic motion is called precession.此陀螺运动叫做进动。
12.Something that continuously whirls.陀螺不停地旋转的东西
13.Wheels, tops and the earth rotate.轮子、陀螺和地球均旋转。
14.Let's play a spinner game.我们玩个陀螺游戏吧。
15.gyroscopic angular deviation detector陀螺角偏差灵敏元件
16.The boys are spinning their tops.男孩子们正在抽陀螺玩。
17.These boys are whipping tops.这些男孩子正在抽陀螺
18.inertial navigation systems with gyroplatform陀螺平台惯性导航系统

1.Stabilization properties of airborne imaging platform based on position gyro and rate gyro;航空光电成像平台角位置陀螺和角速率陀螺的稳定效果分析
2.Principle of the effect of gyro misalignment on the stabilization platforms accuracy;陀螺安装误差影响视轴稳定平台精度的机理研究
3.Design and simulation of accelerometer based gyro-free inertial navigation system;基于加速度计的无陀螺惯性导航系统设计与仿真
1.The dynamical equations of a flexible spacecraft with VSCMGs(variable speed control moment gyroscopes) are established via the Lagrange equations in terms of quasi-coordinates and the momentum theorem.利用拟坐标下的拉格朗日方程和动量矩定理,建立了带变速控制力矩陀螺群(VSCMGs,Variable Speed Control Moment Gyroscopes)的柔性航天器的能量/姿态一体化控制系统(IPACS,Integrated Power/Attitude Control System)的动力学模型,该模型适合于姿态控制律设计及VSCMGs操纵律设计。
2.The domestic and foreign fault diagnosis methods for the gyroscopes and the latest development are analyzed and concluded.在进行大量资料调研的基础上,将目前国内外现有的陀螺故障诊断方法通过分类进行了归纳和总结,分析了各类方法的优缺点和应用场合,并对各种方法进行比对,最后得出各类陀螺故障诊断方法的发展前景,可为工程应用提供参考。
1.On-orbit calibration algorithm for gyros/star sensor;陀螺/星敏感器在轨标定算法研究
2.On-orbit calibration algorithm with star sensors of gyros;一种利用星敏感器对陀螺进行在轨标定的算法
3.a RBF neural network for gyro fault diagnosis of a placement of six one-freedom gyros is designed.分析了径向基函数神经网络在陀螺故障诊断中的应用。
1.Electromagnetic induction pendulum and electromagnetic induction top;电磁感应摆与电磁感应陀螺
2.Precession and nutation of top and gyrosscope is discussed by elementary method,equations of motion are solved using simplified models, and an elementary analysis is made.用初等方法讨论了陀螺陀螺仪的进动及章动,用简化模型求解了运动方程,并给出了它们的初等 分析。
3.A top is supported horizontally and the counterweight is connected by a spring,the direction of angular momentum of the top varies horizontally when the counterweight vibrates vertically.给出了高速自转陀螺在连续周期性外力矩作用及力矩突变下的运动规律演示,实现了力矩可自动改变方向的角动量运动规律演示实验,还给出了在理论上角动量n次变化率不为零的一种实例演示。
