通断测试,switching test
1)switching test通断测试

1.Design of a cable connected testing instrument based on the PC104 bus基于PC104的电缆通断测试仪设计
2.Data Acquisition with USB and its Application in Cable Switching Test;基于USB的数据采集及其在线缆通断测试系统中的应用
3.The switch wire harness must be disconnected before testing switch continuity.在测试导通性之前必须断开开关线束。
4.Design of general fault diagnosis and testing platform for military mobile power station军用电站通用故障诊断测试平台设计
5.Study on Software Technology of Auto Test & Diagnosis System for General Equipment通用自动测试诊断系统软件技术研究
6.Design and Realization of the Universal Testing Subsystem for the Remote Testing and Fault Diagnosis System;远程测试与诊断系统之通用测试子系统的设计与实现
7.The data loopback test disrupts normal network communication. Normal communication will resume when test is complete. Do you want to continue?数据环回测试中断正常网络通讯。测试完成后,正常通讯会复原。要继续吗?
8.Your computer's numeric data processor has passed all diagnostic tests and appears to be working properly.计算机的数字数据处理器已经通过所有的诊断测试,一切正常。
9.Inspection:conformity evaluation by observation andjudgment accompanied as appropriate by measurement, testing or gauging检验:通过观察和判断,适当时结合测量、试验所进行的符合性评价
10.For patients with new symptoms that suggest angina, a stress test is usually the first diagnostic step.对于有新发咽峡炎疑似症状的病人,应急测试通常是诊断的第一步。
11.Design and Realization of Testing System for Measuring Communication Cable Breakpoint Based on TDR基于时域脉冲回波的通信线缆断点测试系统的设计与实现
12.Test of a demonstration project using on-off valve regulation and household heat allocation technique based on building heat metering基于分栋热计量的末端通断调节与热分摊技术的示范工程测试
13.Testing of the demonstration project using on-off valve regulation technology in heating terminal and water-mixing technology in building heat inlet供暖末端通断调节与楼栋混水技术示范工程测试
14.microwave repeater test bay微波中断装置测试器
15.Experimental Methods for Fracture Mechanics Determination ?断裂力学测试技术(3)
16.TMDE (Test,Measure and Diagnostic Equipment)试验、测量与诊断设备
17.DFT=Diagnostic Function Test【计】诊断函数[功能]测试
18.Test and analysis of interrupt latency for WindowsCE.NETWindowsCE.NET中断延迟测试与分析

on-off test通断试验
1.short-circuit),AC on-off test is simulated in the short-circuit conditions to check reliability of electric switches.矿用防爆电气开关在非正常条件下(例如短路)也应能接通或分断电流,交流通断试验就是在模拟的短路系统状态下进行,以考核开关电器的可靠性。
3)diagnostic test诊断测试
1.An Empirical Study of Large-Scaled Computer-Assisted Diagnostic Testing of Spoken Business English;基于计算机的大规模商务英语口语诊断测试实践研究
2.A Study of Correlations between Testing Methods and the Validity of English Diagnostic Test;测试方法与英语诊断测试效度的相关性研究
3.This paper mainly discusses the echo effect of diagnostic test in language teaching for the purpose of actively popularizing diagnostic test and promptly interfering the learning process of the students.诊断测试是通过检查以往以图补救今后的测试方法,在我国日常教学中起着日益重要的作用。
4)Assert testing断言测试
5)Interrupted test中断测试
6)fuel shutoff test断油测试

开断能力试验  在规定条件下检验开关设备能够开断预期开断电流的性能的试验。不同的开关电器要求的开断电流有很大的差别。例如,断路器和熔断器要求具有开断几千安、几十千安短路电流的能力,而负荷开关只要求开断额定电流或几倍额定电流。但是它们的开断能力试验方法和要求大致相同。    以高压断路器为例,三极断路器应能关合、开断所有的短路电流,包括对称的及非对称的,直到额定短路开断电流。如果断路器在最高电压下关合和开断所规定的10%、 30%、60%和100%额定三相对称和非对称短路电流,则证明断路器已具备开断所有短路电流的能力。对于具有临界电流的断路器,还应增加临界电流开断试验。    在开断能力试验中,断路器的油或气应从断路器专设的排逸孔逸出,不应引起外部闪络。油断路器不允许喷火。开断能力试验完成后,断路器的机械传动部件、非易损件和绝缘瓷瓶不得损坏,实际上应与试验前的状况相同。断路器应能正常操作,其机械特性与试验前相比不应有显著的变化。断路器的主触头不应有严重烧伤,主绝缘不应受到损坏。油断路器的油面应可见。    断路器还应通过开断能力试验检验下列额定参数:①近区故障的额定参数;②额定线路充电开断电流;③额定失步开断电流;④额定电缆充电开断电流;⑤额定单个电容器组开断电流;⑥额定背对背电容器组开断电流;⑦额定感应电动机开断电流;⑧额定空载变压器开断电流;⑨额定电抗器开断电流。