1.The Relation between Family, Peer Factors and Adolescent s Future Orientation in the Context of Contemporary China;青少年未来取向的发展与家庭、同伴因素的关系
2.Objective: Explored Beijing adolescent s perceptions of their attachment relationships with their mother, father, and peers.目的:了解北京地区青少年与父亲、母亲及同伴的依恋状况。
3.This article elaborates on the necessity of mixed-age education from the aspects of the necessity of communication between children of different ages,benefits of interactivity between children of different ages and its compensation to the absence of peer in the development of a single child.本文从幼儿异龄交往的必要性、异龄互动的益处以及弥补独生子女成长过程中同伴群体缺失等三个角度阐述实施幼儿混龄教育的必要性。

1.To be or go with as a companion.陪伴,陪同作为同伴相处或同行
2.having accompaniment or companions or escort.有陪伴物或同伴或陪同的。
3.Then he cried in tones that echoed through the mountains: "Comrades! Comrades!"他随即高喊:“同伴们!同伴
4.Peer Acceptance and Interpretation to Peer Rejection in Adolescence;同伴接纳与青少年对同伴拒绝的解释
5.hogging the court(双打)抢打同伴的球
6.Have you met the new Inmates?你见过新的同伴了吗?
7.He was misled by his companions.他被同伴引入歧途。
8.The companions with whom they will associate are more vicious.他们将结交的同伴更坏。
9.to the accompaniment of the drip-drop, the local folk song和着同伴们土著的歌谣,
10.Should you dribble toward your teammates or away from your teammates? Why?应该向同伴运球还是远离同伴运球?为什么?
11.Social Information-processing of Peer Conflicts: Contrasts among Pupils of Different Social Status;不同同伴地位小学生对同伴冲突行为的社会信息加工特点研究
12.My fellow travellers made good companions.与我同路旅行的人成了我的好同伴
13.He waved desperately to his companion, who had been water-skiing for the last fifteen minutes.他拼命向他的同伴打手势,他的同伴滑水已有十五分钟了。
14.Sibling relationships also influence children's peer status and peer relationships.兄弟姐妹关系也影响儿童的同伴交往技能和同伴地位。
15.He said he's had a bellyful of his partner's lack of help and was thinking of ending the association between them.他说他已受够了其同伴的寡助,正想结束同他的伙伴关系。
16.It comes with the company of the all.它伴了所有的东西同来。
17.accompany as an escort.作为一个陪同人员陪伴。
18.her team-mates, class-mates, playmates她的队友、 同学、 夥伴.

1.The concept of adolescent self-disclosure with peers is defined as a behavioral process in which adolescents reveal personal information aspects about themselves such as their opinions, feelings, personalities, and experiences as well as share their comments and ideas about other persons and things directly through face-to-face communication and other means.从青少年与同伴自我表露的主题入手,以文献研究和已有问卷为基础,结合开放式问卷所获资料,编制青少年与同伴自我表露问卷。
1.We can use the means of investigation to study the characteristics of the companion relationship of the junior school students.我们可以用调查方法研究初中生同伴关系的特点。
6)Peer education同伴教育
1.Impact upon parents of peer education project on HIV/AIDS prevention;预防艾滋病同伴教育对学生家长影响
2.Evaluation of peer education on HIV/AIDS intervention in Sanming of Fujian province;福建省三明市高中生艾滋病同伴教育效果评价
3.Peer education:an effective mode for the promotion of healthy sexual behaviors;同伴教育:促进健康性行为的有效教育途径

同伴1.犹同伙。谓共同参与其事。 2.伴侣,同行者。今指在一起工作或生活的人。