1.Relationship Among Gratitude,Self-esteem,and School Life Satisfaction of Junior High School Students初中生感戴、自尊与学校生活满意度的关系
2.Then,we intervened the different skill and investigated how the different skill of gratitude influence subjective well-being.该研究通过开设班级辅导和"列举恩惠"活动,采用不同的干预方式对初一年级学生进行感戴干预研究,考察不同感戴干预方式对主观幸福感的影响。

1.The Intervention of Gratitude and Subjective Well-being for Junior Middle School Students;初中生感戴和主观幸福感的干预研究
2.The Study on Status and Influencing Factors of Gratitude in College Students;大学生感戴现状及其影响因素的研究
3.A Research on Relationship between Gratitude & Demographic Factors大学生感戴与一般人口学特征的关系
4.The Relationship between Gratitude and Subjective Well-being and Intervention of Junior Middle School Students;初中生感戴与主观幸福感的关系及干预研究
5.Gratitude: Relationships to Mental Health and Subjective Well-being;感戴与心理健康、主观幸福感的关系研究
6.Relationship Among Gratitude,Self-esteem,and School Life Satisfaction of Junior High School Students初中生感戴、自尊与学校生活满意度的关系
7.Nor was the gratitude of its powerful friends easily translated into concrete measures.它的强有力的朋友对它的感戴要化为具体措施并非易事。
8.David's undying love for his wife is very touching.戴维对他妻子始终不渝的爱极其感人。
9.It is very nice of you to invite me to have Chinese food.戴: 你请我吃中餐,真是太感谢了。
10.Love, Night & Lights: Sensibility and Imagery of Daiwangshu s Lyric Poetry;爱、夜、灯:戴望舒诗歌的情感与意象
11.stomach flu, a cold, or just some bug going around(David Smollar)胃肠感染,感冒或一些传播着的疾病(戴维 斯莫拉)
12.He is thrilled to be with Daisy, but she is a shallow girl.和戴西在一起让他感到非常兴奋,但戴西是个肤浅的女孩。
13.Grateful for something they imagined you to be.他们想象你是某种了不起的人物而感恩戴德。
14.The Puritans, as they were called, had much to be thankful for.被称为清教徒的这些人们在好多方面感恩戴德。
15.The ancient clerk turned his surprised spectacles upon him.戴眼镜的年迈的职员感到奇怪,转过来望着他。
16.A covering worn over the nose and mouth, as by a surgeon or dentist, to prevent infection.口罩外科医生或牙医佩戴的防止感染的覆盖物
17.And Dave found it funnier than everyone else. I feel like an idiot.戴夫更是乐在其中。我感觉自己像个白痴一样。
18.A bond, as of affection or loyalty;fond regard.依恋,爱慕,情感一种情结,如爱戴或忠诚;爱慕

emotion of gratitude感戴情感
3)Grateful scale感戴量表
4)helping tendency感戴倾向
5)Do not know how to express my gratitude感戴莫名
6)I am grateful for great virtue感戴盛德
