内群认同,ingroup identification
1)ingroup identification内群认同
2)group identification群体认同
1.Its specific showings are network division of body and heart resulting in losing self-identity, alienation of network interperson intensifying crisis of group identification, and the crises of self and group identification bringing overflow of polyvalue.呈现为:网络身心分裂导致自我同一性的丧失;网络人我疏离加剧了群体认同危机;自我与群体的认同危机带来多元价值观的泛滥,这也是“去中心性”的后现代主义文化在网络空间施展的结果。
2.This dissertation focuses on the culture identification, region identification, group identification, SES identification and career identification of the migrants.显然,生活空间的转换会唤醒移民们的社会认同意识和冲突,他们需不断地对各种“社会身份”进行重新确认,包括文化认同、地域认同、群体认同、地位认同和职业认同。

1.Workers Collective Identity and Class Consciousness in State-owned Enterprises in the Times of Market Transformation;市场转型时期国企工人的群体认同与阶级意识
2.A Research on the Group Identity of Adolescent Informal Groups in Classes;班级内青少年非正式群体认同发展研究
3.Cultural Group Identity in Multinational Environmental Problems解析跨国环境问题中的文化群体认同因素
4.The Influence of Group-identity to Self-identity of Deaf Students in Senior High Schools;听觉障碍高中生群体认同对自我同一性的影响研究
5.Formation and Social Impact of Recognition-consciousness of the CommercialEntrepreneurs in Late Qing Dynasty and Early Republic of China;清末民初工商企业家群体认同意识的形成及其社会影响
6.Group Identification and Individual Standard--The Comparison of Personality Ideal between Traditional East-West Culture;群体认同与个人本位——中西传统文化的人格理想比较
7.The Research of the Cognition on the Students Evaluation of the Teaching from the Different Groups of People in the Colleges and Universities;高校不同群体对学生评教认识的研究
8.On Cognitive Deviation to College Teachers Role from Different Community;不同群体对高校教师的角色认知偏差
9.Investigation and Analysis of the Cognitive Situation of the Sport Tours Among Different Groups of People in China;我国不同群体体育旅游认知情况的调查与分析
10.Sociological Research on the Cultural Identity of University Student Group in Transforming Time;转型期大学生群体文化认同的社会学研究
11.Life Style and Cultural Identity:An Analysis of "New Overseas Chinese" in Japan;生活表象与文化认同——日本新华侨华人群体试析
12.The Cognition for the Development of High and New Agriculture Technology in Hebei Province in Different Groups;不同群体对河北省农业高新技术发展的认知
13.The Study on the Emergence of Epistemic Communities in Clusters and Its Process of Evolution集群中认知共同体的涌现及其进化过程研究
14.Investigation and Analysis for Cognition to Pharmaceutical Care of People-oriented in Different Population不同群体对药学服务内涵的认知调查分析
15.The Cultural Strategy and the Identity of Ethnic Groups in Urban Existence:A Case Study of a Migrating Group of Miao Nationality;都市生存的文化策略与族群认同——对一个苗族流动群体的个案研究
16.Cohesion of the Core Value System from Valve Identity of Low-income Groups:Case by Urban Poverty Groups in Fujian Province从低收入群体价值认同看核心价值体系凝聚力——以福建城市贫困群体为例
17.I don't think their aim was ever to accurately recreate the Pittsburgh gay community.我不认为他们的目的是要真实地重现匹兹堡同志群体的生活。
18.Why Groups and Prejudices Form So Easily: Social Identity Theory为什么群体和偏见能如此容易地形成:社会认同理论

group identification群体认同
1.Its specific showings are network division of body and heart resulting in losing self-identity, alienation of network interperson intensifying crisis of group identification, and the crises of self and group identification bringing overflow of polyvalue.呈现为:网络身心分裂导致自我同一性的丧失;网络人我疏离加剧了群体认同危机;自我与群体的认同危机带来多元价值观的泛滥,这也是“去中心性”的后现代主义文化在网络空间施展的结果。
2.This dissertation focuses on the culture identification, region identification, group identification, SES identification and career identification of the migrants.显然,生活空间的转换会唤醒移民们的社会认同意识和冲突,他们需不断地对各种“社会身份”进行重新确认,包括文化认同、地域认同、群体认同、地位认同和职业认同。
3)ethnic identity族群认同
1.Ethnic Identity and Ethnicity——Taking for Pinghua’Ren and Kejia’Ren of the Liucheng city Of Guangxi Province an Example;族群认同与族群性——以广西柳城县平话人与客家人为例
2.Social Situation, Historical Memory and Ethnic Identity Descendants of the Kaifeng Jews to a Case Study;社会环境、历史记忆与族群认同
4)ethnic identification族群认同
1.Totemic beliefs and ethnic identification ——Taking the frog totemic beliefs Zhuang nationality in GuangXi province for example;图腾信仰与族群认同——以广西壮族族群蛙图腾信仰为例
2.From the perspective of Anthropology,this paper discusses the present movement of Heritage in China,involving such concepts as the classification of objects,cultural space,ethnic identification,cultural self-consciousness which are closely related with heritage in the aspect of anthropology.从人类学学科的角度,对目前国内的遗产运动进行了讨论,内容涉及人类学学科中与"遗产"联系紧密的物的分类、文化空间、族群认同、文化自觉等概念,并试图对目前学界"遗产"研究理论薄弱的现状进行反思和补充。
3.This article tries to research Minhe Tu People′s orally-spread history from the perspective of historical anthropology and discusses how transfer and adjust process of Tu′s historical memory and ethnic identification in the history space-time,the current social elite is how makes use of part historical memories and learning resource to affect common Tu people.本文以土族的起源、发展、形成与延续为背景,探讨在历史时空变幻中,土族的历史记忆和族群认同经历了怎样的传递和调整过程,以及当前土族精英分子如何利用部分历史记忆和学术资源影响土族民众,土族民众如何利用历史记忆资源获取各种利益,从而为土族族群自我认同的历史变迁及现存的学术争论提供较为合理的解释。
5)Identity of Ethnic Group族群认同
1.This paper,making use of the firsthand materials of fieldwork,taking the endogamy of the Zangs in Zhuocang as a case,analyzes that the Zangs in Zhuocang is how to maintain the feeling of ethnic group and strengthen the identity of ethnic group.本文利用田野调查的第一手资料,以卓仓藏族内婚制为个案,从族群边缘的角度探寻卓仓藏族是如何维系族群情感和加强族群认同的问题。
2.Perspectives on the Internal Conflict in Arab States from the Contra- dictions between Identity of Ethnic Group and Identity of Nation State;本文主要探讨了种族、语言、宗教、教派等族群认同对阿拉伯国家认同的挑战,分析了阿拉伯国家族群冲突的四种主要形态:权力分割族裔化而引发的国内冲突;权力垄断族裔化而引发的国内冲突;主体民族与少数民族族裔群体的冲突;跨界族群寻求自治与独立引发的冲突。
6)community recognition社群认同

内群体与外群体  依照人们的归属感对社会群体所作的一种划分。内群体是指一个人经常参与的或在其间生活、或在其间工作、或在其间进行其他活动的群体。内群体又称我们群体,简称我群。外群体是相对于内群体而言的,泛指内群体以外的所有群体。外群体又称他们群体,简称他群。    内群体与外群体这一对概念最早是由美国社会学家W.G.萨姆纳在《民俗论》(1906)一书里提出来的。作者试图用这对概念描述一个人的群体归属、群众意识以及群众对于个人的影响。    内群体和外群体的概念,明确地区分了我们和他们的界限。这种内外有别的观念不仅内化在群体成员的心里,而且有时通过外在的形式加以突出和强调,如一个群体有自己的名称、符号标志,或特殊的服饰、礼仪或习俗等等。社会学文献使用内群体和外群体概念时,主要用来说明个人对于内群体的肯定和忠诚、对于外群体的排斥和疏远的态度。    内群体和外群体的性质和范围是不断变化的。比如,在原始社会里,内群体和外群体的数目极为有限,性质单纯。一个人所在的家庭、氏族或部落属于内群体,其他的氏族或部落则属于外群体。随着社会的发展,人们活动范围不断扩大,一个人参与的内群体的数量随之增多,性质不完全局限于血缘的联系或地域的联系,而是逐步扩展到工作、社交、文化娱乐和体育运动各个领域,从而形成业缘、社交、文体等多种类型的内群体。内群体和外群体的界限不是一成不变的,随着个人的加入或退出,外群体和内群体不时发生相互转换的现象。