1.On the Errors Made by Large Dictionaries in Citing Pianhai;谈大型字典引《篇海》时存在的问题

1.A Contrastive Study on Yu Wen Cited in PianHai and JiYun;《篇海》引《余文》与《集韵》的对比研究
2.On the Errors Made by Large Dictionaries in Citing Pianhai;谈大型字典引《篇海》时存在的问题
3.A Study on the on the Allusion to YuPian in SiSheng PianHai (Excerpt);《四声篇海》引《玉篇》研究(部分)
4.Review of Three Africa-Based Short Stories by E. Hemingway;试论海明威的三篇非洲题材短篇小说
5.The Dead in Naval Battles: a Breakthrough in Historical Novels about the Navy in the Late Qing Dynasty;《海殇》:晚清海军历史长篇的跨越
6.Listen to the story about Helen Keller.听一听这篇关于海伦. 凯勒的故事。
7.A Study of Phonetic System on YU WEN Cited in SI SHENG PIAN HAI;《四声篇海》所引《馀文》音系研究
8.A Study on the Citation to Long-kan-shou-jing in Si-sheng-pian-hai (Part);《四声篇海》引《龙龛手镜》研究(部分)
9.Iceberg Style in Ernest Hemingway’s Short Stories;冰山风格在海明威短篇小说中的体现
10.Contrastive Cohesion Study of the Old Man and the Sea;《老人与海》中的篇章语义粘连对比
11.Application of Cohesion and Coherence in Nautical English Text;语篇衔接与连贯在航海英语中的运用
12.Colorful Flowers on a Pear Tree --Comparison Between Two Articles in the Same Title"Petrels";一树梨花异彩纷呈——《海燕》两篇比较谈
13.The Influence of the Trible Legacy on Ernest Hemingway s Short Stories;再谈海明威短篇小说中的“部落遗俗”
14.carry out the school motto achieve work of the communist youth league;发扬海大校训精神 开创团学工作新篇
15.A Cognitive Analysis of Conversational Coherence in Hemingway s Short Stories;海明威短篇小说会话连贯的认知分析
16.They've published a few studies on coastal problems.他们发表了几篇有关海洋问题的研究文章。
17.His The Long Regret is considered on a par with Sea Lilt.他的清唱剧《长恨歌》在艺术上堪称《海韵》的妹妹篇。
18.A verse from Psalms knifed into Pug's mind: "put not your trust in princes."《诗篇》里有一句话闪过帕格的脑海:“不要相信王侯。”

Xiang Jiao Pian Hai《详校篇海》
1.This article has a comparative study on the relation between Pian Hai Lei Bian and Xiang Jiao Pian Hai.文章将《篇海类编》、《详校篇海》进行对比研究后,认为《篇海类编》实本之于《详校篇海》,是将《详校篇海》改头换面后重新翻刻而成的一本伪书。
3)Pian Hai Lei Bian《篇海类编》
1.Book-sellers of the Ming dynasty pressed the book Pian Hai Lei Bian with forged names Song Lian and Tu Long.明坊贾伪托宋濂、屠隆之名编印的《篇海类编》究竟本之何书,学术界一直未有确切结论。
4)SiSheng PianHai《四声篇海》
1.A Study on the on the Allusion to YuPian in SiSheng PianHai (Excerpt);《四声篇海》引《玉篇》研究(部分)
5)Chouhaipian of Haiguotuzhi《海国图志·筹海篇》
6)maritime English discourses海事英语语篇
1.Corpus-based analysis on conjuncts in maritime English discourses基于语料库的海事英语语篇中连接词分析

消详1.端详;揣摩。 2.犹逍遥。 3.犹拖延。