1.Study on roasting mechanism of pellet made from Jidong magnetite concentrates;冀东磁铁精矿球团焙烧机理的研究
2.Experimental study on baking of sulphuric acid slag pellet;硫酸渣球团焙烧试验研究

1.A small spherical mass, especially a small drop of liquid.小球小球团,尤指液体的小液滴
2.The pellet quality predominates their proportions.球团矿质量决定其配比,质优的球团矿利于高炉顺行。
3.The Industrial Utilization of the Pellets Theory and Comparison of Anshan Iron and Steel Company s Pellet Economical and Technical Specification;球团理论的工业运用与鞍钢球团经济技术指标的比较
4.Study on Running Cost Reduction in Shaft Furnace Pelletizing Process降低球团竖炉造球工艺运行成本的研究
5.Effects of adding MgO on pelletizing ability and strength of pellet添加MgO对球团矿成球性能及强度的影响
6.down-draft drying zone(带式球团焙烧机的)抽风干燥段
7.A ball of yarn or thread.线团,纱团丝线球或线球
8.There are team sports, such as baseball, basketball, and football.其中有团队运动,诸如垒球、球和足球。
9.snow pressed into a ball for throwing (playfully).团成球来向别人扔的雪。
10.Form the dough into a ball with your hands.用手把面团搓成球。
11.The boy squeezed paste into a ball.孩子把面团捏成了球形。
12.company teams and teams supported by religious groups.公司球队以及由宗教团体赞助的球队。
13.Adult baseball, little league, or softball field can be specified.成人棒球、小团体或指定的垒球场。
14.Shoot! You will have a chance to develop and improve your basketball skills, such as shooting, passing, dribbling, rebounding, defense and team play.投球!来一起学篮球的技巧-投篮,传球,运球,篮板球,防守,和团队合作。
15.The Globe Strategy of News Groups and the Groups of Chinese Mass Media;“新闻集团”的全球战略与中国传媒业的集团化
16.The Significances of Team Spirit and Cultivating Techniques of Graduates on Earth Science;团队精神与地球科学研究生团队精神培养
17.Formed into a compact, rounded mass; tightly clustered; conglomerate.团集的形成紧密的圆球的;成团的,聚成球形的;密集的
18.I like team sports, basket ball, football and the like.我喜欢团队运动,比如篮球、球诸如此类的。

1.The influence of pelletizing quality by using different size distribution of concentrate;铁精矿粒度组成对球团质量的影响
2.Shortage of magnetite concentrate is a main factor influencing the pelletizing industry development in our country.磁铁精矿的严重短缺是制约钢铁企业球团快速发展的一个重要因素,通过对南非HI磁铁精矿进行球团试验,结果表明:该矿具有良好的成球性、焙烧性能和冶金性能,与大部分的磁铁精矿相比,用该矿生产球团所需预热温度低,预热时间短。
3.The laboratory test for addition of boronic iron ore concentrates in sintering and pelletizing process were conducted,As a result,the boronic iron ore concentrates could improve sintering and pelletizing production,the strenth of sinter cake and pellets was increased,pellets roasting temperature could be decreased.在实验室条件下,进行了烧结和球团配加含硼铁精矿的试验研究。
1.5% silica,the compression strength of pellets was appreciable,Higher alumina and magnesia was harmful to compression strength,so the contents of alumina and magnesia should be reduced.应用微型烧结法 ,通过添加化学纯Al2 O3 、MgO、SiO2 、CaO改变球团中Al2 O3 、MgO、SiO2 、CaO的含量 ,研究了不同脉石成分对球团矿质量的影响。
2.The oxidized pellets produced with it are severe in reduction expansion and low in reduction intensity.包钢高F铁精矿含有较高的碱金属,生产的氧化球团还原膨胀严重,还原强度很低。
3.The modification of 3АД-13 gas generation furnace for increasing pellets output and improving pellets quality was also presented.介绍了太钢峨口铁矿球团燃料系统的特点 ,以及为增加球团矿产量和提高其质量对煤气发生炉所进行的一系列改造。
1.Comparison of benefits achieved by using sinter and pellet;球团矿与烧结矿经济效益对比分析
2.Study on the Testing Result of Pellets Deviation of the Relative Reductibility of Pellets;球团矿相对还原度检测结果偏差的研究
3.A modification to small-sized blast furnace complex: belt conveyance of pellet and coke;小高炉群球团矿、焦炭实现皮带运输
1.The study of the spheroidizing process of carbides of tungsten alloy white cast iron;钨合金铸铁碳化物团球化工艺的研究
2.We discuss the effects of composite modification and hot deformation on the spheroidizing of low alloy white cast iron's eutectic carbide,and research the effects of the spheroidizing of eutectic carbide on mechamical properties and wear- resistance of low alloy white cast i.我们探讨了复合变质处理和热变形处理对共晶碳化物团球化的影响,同时还研究了共晶碳化物团球化对低合金白口铸铁机械性能和耐磨性的影响,结果表明,共晶碳化物团球化有利于白口铸铁韧性和耐磨性的大幅度提高。
3.The spheroidizing procedure of the eutectic carbide in the modified M2 steel during heatingwas investigated with the methods of high temperature quenching and annealing.采用高温淬火、退火等方法研究了变质M2高速钢中共晶碳化物在加热时的团球化过程。
1.A study of the hot compressive strength of pellets during roasting;球团矿氧化焙烧过程中的热强度研究
2.The Change of hot strength of iron ore pellets during oxidizing roasting and reduction was researched.研究了球团矿在氧化焙烧和还原过程中抗压强度的变化规律。
3.Part of CaO,MgO contained in pelletizing raw material can improve the metallurgical performance of product pellets.造球原料中含适量CaO有利于提高球团矿强度,MgO有利于改善球团矿的冶金性能。

球团  铁矿粉造块的重要方法之一。此法也应用于有色金属冶炼。铁矿粉球团造块法在1955年开始投入工业生产,比烧结约晚40年。这种方法特别适于处理细精矿,随着选矿推广细筛再磨,铁精矿粒度越来越细,加上球团具有较好的冷态强度、还原性和粒度组成,所以近年发展较快。中国细精矿粉较多,考虑到高碱度烧结矿冶金性能优越,搭配一部分碱度较低的球团矿可能是较好的高炉炉料结构。    球团矿生产 先将矿粉制成粒度均匀、具有足够强度的生球。造球通常在圆盘或圆筒造球机上进行。矿粉借助于水在其中的毛细作用形成球核;然后球核在物料中不断滚动,粘附物料,球体越来越大,越来越密实。矿粉间借分子水膜维持牢固的粘结。采用亲水性好、粒度细(小于0.044毫米的矿粉应占总量的90%以上),比表面积大和接触条件好的矿粉,加适当的水分,添一定数量的粘结剂(皂土、消石灰和生石灰等),可以获得有足够强度的生球。    生球经过干燥 (300~600℃)和预热(600~1000℃)后在氧化气氛中焙烧。在预热和焙烧阶段出现氧化铁的氧化、石灰石分解和去硫等反应。焙烧是球团固结的主要阶段。球团固结过程中,固相反应和固相烧结起重要作用,而液相烧结只在一定的条件下才得到发展。焙烧温度一般是1200~1300℃,主要用气体或液体燃料,有时也可用固体燃料。    球团矿的焙烧设备 主要有竖炉、带式焙烧机和链篦机-回转窑三种。用竖炉焙烧,单机能力小,加热不均,对原料适应性差;但设备简单,操作方便。中国在竖炉焙烧技术方面有所突破。带式焙烧机主要是德腊沃-鲁奇型(Dravo-Lurgi),具有单机能力大、有余热利用系统、设备简单可靠、操作方便等优点;是目前世界上球团焙烧的主要设备,生产的球团占世界总产量一半以上。链篦机-回转窑具有焙烧均匀、单机能力大等优点,但设备环节多。    参考书目   中南矿冶学院团矿教研室:《铁矿粉造块》,冶金工业出版社,北京,1981。