1.Numerical simulation of combustion and pollutants emission about instantaneous gas water heater;燃气快速热水器燃烧和污染物排放的数值模拟
2.An Research on the quantity of Discharged Pollutant of Freshwater Breed Aquatics in Hangjiahu Area;杭嘉湖地区淡水水产养殖污染物排放总量的研究
3.Environmental behavior of pollutants in sediments;底泥污染物的环境行为研究进展

1.completely free from dirt or contamination.完全没有污垢和污染物
2.not spreading pollution or contamination; especially radioactive contamination.不会散布污染或者污染物;特别是放射性污染物
3.(2) "Pollutant" means a substance that is capable of causing water pollution.  (二)“污染物”是指能导致水污染的物质。
4.chemical residue and contaminant化学物质残滓及污染物
5.fission product contaminants裂变产物裂变污染物
6.Food Contamination Status of Nanjing City in 2006-20082006-2008南京市食品污染物污染状况分析
7.Heilongjiang Province Site Pollution Source Survey and Estimation黑龙江省面污染源调查与污染物估算
8.petrol engine exhaust emissions汽油发动机废气污染物
9.spill cleanup activities溢漏污染物的清除活动
10.long-range transport of atmospheric pollutants大气污染物的长程飘移
11.transport (of a pollutant) in soil污染物在土壤中的迁移
12.Management of Cleaning Pollutants from Ships船舶污染物清除管理
13.surface contaminant detector表面污染物质检测仪
14.et removal rate雨水清除污染物速率
15.interaction of atmospheric pollutants大气污染物的相互作用
16.contaminated with infecting organisms.被传染性微生物污染的。
17.contaminated clothing,eg by radio-active material受污染的衣物(如受放射性物质污染)
18.Something that pollutes, especially a waste material that contaminates air, soil, or water.污染性物质造成污染的物质,尤其指一种污染空气、土壤或水的废物

1.Detection and removal of contaminants in nanofabricating process;纳米制造中污染物的检测与清除
2.Laboratory determination of diffusion and distribution coefficients of contaminants in clay soil;污染物离子在粘土介质中扩散系数和分配系数的测定(英文)
3.Analytical solution of contaminant diffusion through multi-layered soils;层状土中污染物的一维扩散解析解
1.A site experimental method to study the transfer and transform of water-soluble contamination in soil;水溶性污染物在土壤中转化的原位实验方法
2.Study on Main Contamination Fluxes of Water Environment in the Qiantang River;钱塘江水环境主要污染物通量研究
3.Analysis on contamination of visceral meat and milk in Nanning markets南宁市畜禽内脏食品及牛奶污染物监测分析
1.Analysis of the Chinese environment conditions and potential of pollution emission reduction;我国建材工业的环境状况及污染物减排潜力分析
2.Treament Method of Pollution in 2,4-Dichloro-4-fluoro-phenyl Methyl Ketone Production;氟氯苯乙酮生产污染物的处理方案
3.Research on Diffused Model of Vehicle Pollution at Urban Intersections;城市交叉口机动车污染物扩散模型研究
