1.Research progress in waste plastics injection in blast furnace;高炉喷吹塑料废弃物技术研究进展
2.Study on the feasibility of injection of waste plastic in our country blast furnace;我国高炉喷吹废塑料的可行性研究
3.Mathematical Model of Oxygen Blast Furnace with Preheating Gas Injection into Upper Shaft;从炉身喷吹预热气体时氧气高炉内冶炼过程的数学模型

1.pulse jet Bag,house precipitator脉冲喷吹袋式除尘器
2.Analysis of the Influencing Factors of Injection Performance in Blowing Tanks影响喷吹喷吹特性若干关键因素分析
4.A Mathematical Model to Predict the Erosion of BF Tuyere Due to the Pulverized Coal Injection煤粉喷吹使高炉风口磨损的预测模型
5.Study on Conveying Property of Pulverized Coal Injection into Baoshan Iron and Steel Corp's Blast Furnace;宝钢高炉喷吹用煤粉输送性能的研究
6.Research of Refining Process of 7075Al Alloys by Spinning Rotor Degassing;7075铝合金旋转喷吹精炼工艺的研究
7.Analysis of the Environmental Benefit of Injecting Plastic Scrap into Blast Furnace Technology in Steelworks高炉喷吹废塑料技术的环境效益分析
8.Behavior of Magnesium Dissipation During Hot Metal Desulphurization by the Adoption of Mg+CaO Co-injection铁水包复合喷吹脱硫金属镁耗散分析
9.Research and application of hot metal desulfurization technology with complex powder injection铁水复合喷吹脱硫技术的研究及应用
10.TG-FTIR Analysis of Pulverized Coal Pyrolysis of Handan Steel邯钢喷吹用煤的TG-FTIR热解研究
11.Optimization Practice of Injection System of BF 3, No.2 General Ironworks, Masteel马钢二铁总厂3~#炉喷吹系统优化实践
12.Improved Production Practice of No.6 Blast Furnace Injection Technlolgy of BX STEEL本钢6号高炉喷吹工艺改进生产实践
13.Automatic control system of coal powder injection in blast furnace/rotary kiln高炉/回转窑煤粉喷吹自动控制系统
14.Desulfurization technology by using Mg+CaO powder injection in hot metal ladle铁水包喷吹Mg+CaO粉剂脱硫技术
15.Optimization Design of Soot Blowing System of Bag Filters袋式除尘器喷吹清灰系统的优化设计
16.Investigation on Design of Flux-equal Nozzle for Pulse Bag Filter脉冲袋式除尘器匀流喷吹管设计研究
17.Analysis of Desulphurization of Injection and Stirring for Hot Metal Pretreatment铁水预处理喷吹法和搅拌法脱硫分析
18.Additives Affected to Coal Combustion Performances of Blast-Furnace Blow添加剂对高炉喷吹煤燃烧性能的影响

1.The optimal means of eliminating white pollution — the current status and trend of injecting waste plastics into the blast furnace;消除“白色污染”的最佳途径——高炉喷吹废塑料的现状及其必然趋势
2.Since the method of injecting waste plastics into Blast Furnace was developed by German at beginning of 1990s, it was considered as optimum approach to solve the problem of waste plastics.高炉喷吹废塑料是 2 0世纪 90年代初由德国提出的处理废塑料的最佳方法。
3.This article concludes the test result and production experience of the internal puddler aboutinjecting the bituminous and anthracite mixed coal.本文归纳了国内炼铁工作者关于高炉喷吹烟无混合煤的试验结果和生产经验。
4)gas injection喷吹煤气
1.Slag formation in blast furnance with gas injection was studied by simulation experiment.对喷吹煤气后高炉的成渣过程进行了模拟研究,结果表明:FeO的含量决定了初渣的性能。
5)isobaric spray & blow等压喷吹
1.Effective control on isobaric spray & blowtorch and airflow spray distance of pulsed bag-hose precipitator means a key technology in ensuring the result of dust removal and the effective measures for electricity saving and energy conservation,prolonging the use of filter bag.对脉冲袋式除尘器的等压喷吹管和气流喷射距离的有效控制,是保证清灰效果的关键技术,是节电节能、延长滤袋使用寿命的有效措施。
6)Spinning Rotor旋转喷吹
1.Especially,in the design of spinning rotor,a special pipeline is fixed inside the rotate pole,in order to decrease the temperature inside the rotate pole and prevent the spray flux softening owing to the high temperature and spinning rotor .针对铝合金熔体除气净化方面存在的问题,对铝合金熔体旋转喷吹除气净化设备进行研究。
2.A physical model for spinning rotor degassing of aluminum alloys was built by calculating in light of physical dimensions representing flowing according to similar theory for model.从表征流态的物理量出发,利用模型的相似理论,通过计算建立了铝合金旋转喷吹除气系统的物理模型。
3.The mechanism of spinning rotor degassing and the advantages of which were discussed.本文论述了旋转喷吹法除气的机理及其优点,概述了旋转喷吹水模拟的研究进展以及旋转喷吹法在工业上的应用,指出旋转喷吹工艺存在的不足,并简要介绍了在其基础上发展起来的一些新工艺与研究动向。

吹云1.吹起云气。 2.鼓之别名。 3.国画中画云技法之一。