全员创新,all-involvement innovation
1)all-involvement innovation全员创新
1.Innovative Community: new perspective on the model of all-involvement innovation of firm;创新共同体:企业全员创新模式的新探索
2.Review on the theoretical source of all-involvement innovation;全员创新的理论来源探究
3.The all-involvement innovation has already become the subject of enterprises innovation.全员创新已经成为企业创新的主题。

1.Innovative Community: new perspective on the model of all-involvement innovation of firm;创新共同体:企业全员创新模式的新探索
2.Does TQM Restrain Total-involvement Innovation?--A Discussion of the Two Models of TQM;TQM是否阻碍了全员创新?——TQM的管理控制模式与全员创新模式
3.The Safeguard Factors and Support Tools of All-involvement Innovation;企业全员创新的保障因素与支持工具
4.On Everyone s Innovation and Continuous Development of Jianghan Oilfield;浅谈全员创新与江汉油田的持续发展
5.The Empirical Study on Elements of All-Involvement Innovation Capability;全员创新能力构成要素及其实证研究
6.The Mechanism and Management Mode of All-involvement Innovation from TIM Perspective;TIM视角下企业全员创新机理与管理模式研究
7.Structural equation analysis on the functional mechanism of firm s all-involvement innovation;企业全员创新运作机理的结构方程分析
8.The Comparison of Management Mode of All-Involvement Innovation(AII) between China and America:Haier Mode and GE Mode;中美企业全员创新管理模式比较——海尔模式与GE模式
9.Innovation of the Training Mechanism of Employees to Establish the Platform of Becoming the Talents on the Post;积极创新员工培训机制 全力打造岗位成才平台
10.On Professional Staff s Reconstruction in Innovation of State - owned Enterprises in China;我国国有企业体制创新中的全员职业化再造
11.revolutionary new design...完全创新的设计……
12.The Characteristic Innovation and Spirit Base of Welcome to Olympics Beijing PE Teacher s Whole Training in Elementary and Secondary Education;迎奥运北京市中小学体育教师全员培训的特色创新
13.Grasp Standards for Student Party Members and Start New Situation of the Party Building in Universities;全面把握学生党员标准开创高校学生党建工作新局而
14.Based on Competency Public Safety Management in-service training system innovation基于胜任力的公共安全管理在职人员的培训系统创新
15.Council of Advisors on Innovation and Technology创新科技顾问委员会。
16.Institution Innovation and Management Innovation in the Global Innovation Competition;全球创新竞争中的中国制度创新与管理创新
17.Failure to re-enter the exact entries used to create the original file will create an invalid Admins group? .如果重新输入的数据与创建原始文件的所用的数据不完全相同,将创建无效的“管理员”组?。
18.1. Members shall provide for the protection of independently created industrial designs that are new or original.1.对独立创作的、具有新颖性或原创性的工业品外观设计,全体成员均应提供保护。

1.The Comparison of Management Mode of All-Involvement Innovation(AII) between China and America:Haier Mode and GE Mode;中美企业全员创新管理模式比较——海尔模式与GE模式
2.With more and more importance of innovation in the development and management of organizations,more attentions are given to All-Involvement Innovation(AII) of a firm.随着创新对企业发展作用的日益明显以及在管理领域的不断延伸,企业全员创新受到广泛关注。
3)AII capability全员创新能力
4)innovative personnel创新人员
5)employee innovation员工创新
1.The empirical results show that transformational leadership impacts on employee innovation by cross-level intermediary role of organizational innovation atmosphere and LMX average.领导行为对组织创新的影响已逐渐成为近年来的研究热点,而关于领导行为对员工创新行为影响机理的探讨却是该领域中的薄弱环节。
6)innovation of teachers教员创新

工业企业全员劳动生产率工业企业全员劳动生产率是指在一定时期内工业企业平均每个职工在单位时间内创造的工业增加值。它是反映工业活劳动投入的经济效益指标,是企业生产技术水平、经营管理水平。职工技术熟练程度和劳动积极性的综合表现。其计算公式为:工业企业全员劳动生产率(元/人)=报告期累计工业增加值 /报告期全部职工平均人数公式中累计工业增加值按不变价格计算。职工平均人数是指报告期内每天平均拥有的从业人员人数。分月、季、半年、年平均人数。