市场挑战者,market challenger
1)market challenger市场挑战者
1.The market challenger is one important strength of branch of market competiton,three stages working out,competing for the strategy in the preparation,supplement,bringing into effect,can be guided by Sunzi Military Strategy,absorb its marrow to realize strategy target better.市场挑战者作为市场竞争的一支重要力量,在竞争战略的准备、竞争战略制定、竞争战略的实施三阶段均可以孙子兵法为指导,吸取其精髓,以更好地实现战略目标。
2.As a market challenger, Beijing Telecom should have a high-performance marketing channel system, which can improve integration between direct channel and cooperation channel, can promote complementary between regional sales and industry sales, and effectively resolve the conflict.作为电信市场挑战者,北京电信应该拥有一支直销与合作渠道相结合,区域营销与行业营销相结合,能够有效解决冲突,大力发挥合作渠道优势,各种营销渠道形成强大合力的高绩效的营销渠道体系。
2)market challenge市场挑战
1.The epoxy soybean oil because of it's superior characteristic obtains widespread application,this article introduced the epoxy soybean oil preparation present and application present situation as well as market challenge.环氧大豆油由于本身优越的特性得到极其广泛的应用,本文介绍了环氧大豆油的制备、应用现状以及市场挑战。

1.Facing bravely market challenges and improving hospital operation and management;直面市场挑战 改善医院经营管理
2.NDF Market: Challenges and Strategies--Comparisons and Experiences of global NDF markets;NDF市场:挑战与应对——各国NDF市场比较与借鉴
3.Developing the Chinese Capital Market to Accept the Challenge from the WTO深化发展中国资本市场 迎接“入世”挑战
4.Intensify Market Competition to Meet New Challenges of WTO Entry提高市场竞争力迎接入世新挑战
5.New-released "Christmas Girl" challenges Barbie市场新推“圣诞女孩”挑战芭比娃娃
6.The Challenges and Opportunities Faced by Chinese Capital Integrating Market;中国资本市场整合面临的机遇与挑战
7.Challenge of Market-Oriented Economy on Ideological Security of China;市场经济对我国意识形态安全的挑战
8.The Challenge of Fund in Money Market to Chinese Banking Industry;货币市场基金对银行业的冲击与挑战
9.Chinese Architectural Coatings Market Facing Chance and Challenge;我国建筑涂料市场面临的机遇与挑战
10.Interest rate liberalization: System barrier and challenge;利率市场化: 制度壁垒与现实挑战
11.Efficiency of Capital Market:Hypothesis,Testing and Challenges;资本市场有效性:假说、检验与挑战
12.The challenge and Countermeasure for“WTO Entry"to the Accounting Markel;谈“入世”给会计市场带来的挑战与对策
13.Credit Risk: the Great Challenge to Financial Market in New Era;信用风险:新世纪金融市场的重大挑战
14.After Joining in WTO,How the Retailing Trade in China Is to Face the Market Challenge;中国零售业如何面对入世市场的挑战
15.Opportunity And Challenge Coexisting The Future of LED Display Market;挑战和机遇并存的LED显示屏市场
16.Improve the Quality and Face the Market to Receive Challenges;狠抓质量 面向市场 迎接挑战
17.Thoughts on Meeting the Challenge of WTO Entry for China s Marketing Survey Industry;中国市场调查业面对“入世”挑战的思考
18.Fully Develop the Technological Market to Meet theKnowledge Economy Challenge;大力发展技术市场 迎接知识经济挑战

market challenge市场挑战
1.The epoxy soybean oil because of it's superior characteristic obtains widespread application,this article introduced the epoxy soybean oil preparation present and application present situation as well as market challenge.环氧大豆油由于本身优越的特性得到极其广泛的应用,本文介绍了环氧大豆油的制备、应用现状以及市场挑战。
3)challenge from international market国际市场挑战
1.Research on Bank-Securities-Express Challenger Market Strategy of West China Securities Ltd.;华西证券银证通挑战者营销战略研究
5)Market Challenger Strategy挑战者战略
6)market niche strategy市场补缺者战略
