1.Application of uniform design in enzymatic maceration processing of blackberry juice;均匀设计在黑莓澄清汁酶解工艺中的应用
2.Study on processing technology of fruit and vegetable beverage of blackberry;黑莓果蔬汁加工工艺研究
3.Effect of low temperature pectinase treatment on juice yield and several other physical indices of blackberry juice;低温果浆酶处理对黑莓出汁率和几个理化指标的影响

1.yogurt with sweetened blueberries or blueberry jam.含有加过糖的黑莓黑莓酱的酸奶。
2.blackberry-like fruits of any of several trailing blackberry bushes.几种蔓生黑莓丛的类似黑莓的果实。
3.Its have grape, blackberry, La Mei and plum to wait on behalf of the fruit.其代表水果有葡萄、黑莓、蓝莓和李子等。
4.Study on the Ecology of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi from the Rhizospere of Raspberry and Blackberry;树莓和黑莓根际AM真菌生态学研究
5.I made blackberry jam yesterday.昨天我做黑莓子酱。
6.blackberry( wild shrub with thorny stems)黑莓(野生灌木,树干有刺).
7.Berries such as strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, and blueberries prefer cool and moist growing conditions.像草莓、黑莓、覆盆子及蓝莓之类的浆果都喜好湿冷的生长环境。
8.Effect of Water and Fertilizer on the Photosynthetic Characteristics of Raspberry and Blackberry;水肥对树莓和黑莓光合作用影响的研究
9.Studies on Virus-free and Rapid-propagation of Raspberry and Blackberry for Seedling Culture in Factory;美国红树莓和黑莓脱毒快繁及工厂化育苗研究
10.Study on the Raspberry and Blackberry Introduced to Ya an, Sichuan Province;四川雅安地区树莓和黑莓引种试验研究
11.Introduction and Tissue Culture Propagation of Raspberry and Blackberry;树莓、黑莓引种驯化及组培快繁技术的研究
12.Investigation on Phenophase of Blackberry and Raspberry in Nanjing Area黑莓与树莓品种在南京地区的物候期观测
13.American blackberry with oblong black fruit.一种结黑色长方形果实的美洲黑莓
14.blue-black berries similar to American blueberries.与美洲黑莓相似的蓝黑色浆果。
15.Its small dark edible fruit黑莓(可供食用的黑色小果子)--
16.It is round and full bodied, with bright fruit flavors of blackberry, raspberry and black pepper.酒体丰满圆润,带有明亮的水果风味,如黑莓,红莓以及黑胡椒的味道。
17.He'd never drunk any wine before, except blackberry cordial.他除了黑莓甜酒外从来未喝过酒。
18.Blackberries are a fairly good source of iron and vitamin C.黑莓果含有丰富的铁和维生素C。

black berry黑莓
1.Study on the photosynthetic characteristics of young black berry leaves;黑莓幼树叶片光合特性的研究
2.The growth and development of black berry are normal in Hunan.从江苏引种黑莓品种切斯特(Chester)到湖南栽培,对果实生长过程中主要营养成分含量变化和呼吸作用特点进行测定。
3)blackberry & honey wine黑莓蜜酒
4)blackberry pomace黑莓渣
1.In this paper, the antioxitive activities of polyphenols extracted from blackberry pomaces, including reducing power, anti-lipid peroxidation, and the capacity of scavenging ·OH,O2- and DPPH· free radicals, were studied.三种自由基的能力五个方面评价了黑莓渣中提取出的多酚类化合物的抗氧化活性。
5)Blackberries (Rubus ursinus)黑草莓
1.Study on the Constituents from Freeze-dried Power of Blackberries (Rubus ursinus);黑草莓冻干粉化学成分研究
1.Tissue culture and rapid propagation of blackberry.;黑树莓的组织培养与快速繁殖
2.Tissue Culture and Plant Regeneration of Blackberry;以美国黑树莓叶片作为外植体,以MS为基本培养基,添加不同浓度的6-BA、NAA或IAA进行愈伤组织诱导及植株再生试验。
