电子自旋,electron spin
1)electron spin电子自旋
1.Study of injection and relaxation of electron spins in InGaN film by time-resolved absorption spectroscopy;InGaN薄膜中电子自旋偏振弛豫的时间分辨吸收光谱研究
2.Optimal preparation of arbitrary quantum state of electron spins quantum-bit system based on invariant magnetic field;基于恒定磁场的电子自旋量子比特系统任意量子态的最优制备
3.Based on a magnetic field controlled electron spin quantum system,utilizing the mechanism of realizing the unitary evolution of the quantum state through the quantum gate,an optimal control strategy to prepare an arbitrary quantum state is proposed.针对以磁场为控制场的电子自旋量子比特系统,结合量子门实现量子态幺正演化的量子态调控机制,提出了一种量子比特系统任意量子态的最优制备策略。

1.microwave electronic spin-resonant apparatus微波电子自旋共振仪
2.electronic spin resonance magnetometer电子自旋共振磁强计
3.saturation transfer ESR饱和转移电子自旋共振
4.electron spin resonance magnetometer电子自旋共振磁力仪
5.Some Properties about Spin Operator and Spin Wave Function of Electron;电子自旋算符和自旋波函数的一些性质
6.The Study on the Electron Shin Transport in One-Dimensional Quantum Waveguides一维量子波导中的电子自旋输运研究
7.millimeter-wave electron spin resonance spectrometer毫米波电子自旋共振波谱仪
8.We introduce labels for the spin of electron as follows.我们引入电子自旋的标记如下。
9.esr dating method电子自旋共振年代测定法
10.ON 0.2 μs Time Resolution ESR Spectrometer0.2微秒时间分辨电子自旋共振波谱仪
11.The Application of Mathematica Software in Electron-spin Models;Mathematica在电子自旋模型中的应用
12.Applications of Electron Spin Resonance and Mass Spectroscopy to the Study of Batteries;电子自旋共振和质谱在化学电源研究中的应用
13.Electron spin is essential in understanding many atomic phenomena.电子自旋对于理解许多原子现象是很重要的。
14.A Study of Multiple Quantum Wells for All-Optical Switching on Spin Electronics;用于电子自旋光开关的多量子阱材料研究
15.Properties of Spin-Polarized Electron Transport in the Magnetic Quantum Structure;磁量子结构中电子自旋极化输运性质的研究
16.Polarized neutron diffraction and its application to spin density studies极化中子衍射及在电子自旋密度研究中的应用
17.Spin-polarized transport in quantum waveguide systems with attached stubs含stubs量子波导系统的电子自旋极化输运性质
18.despin control electronics消自旋控制电子设备

1.The Spin Current in the Semiconductor Spintronics——the frontier study of spintronics;半导体自旋电子学中的自旋流——自旋电子学前沿探索之一
2.Brief introduction to spintronics and its development of study;自旋电子学简介及其研究进展
3)spin electronics自旋电子学
4)electron spin energy电子自旋能
1.The ratio of electron spin energy to Landau ground energy is always 0.数值计算给出了下列结果:电子自旋使自陷能分裂为二,且随磁场B增加其分裂间距增大;电子自旋能量与电子在磁场中的Landau基态能之比恒为0。
5)electron-spin state电子自旋态
6)spinning electron自旋电子,旋转电子
