乏燃料,Spent Fuel
1)Spent Fuel乏燃料
1.International Legal Regulation on the Management of Radioactive Waste: The Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and Radioactive Waste Management;放射性废物管理的国际法制度——《乏燃料管理安全和放射性废物管理安全联合公约》的视角
2.Radioactivity calculation of spent fuel elements of No. 300 reactor using ORIGEN2;应用ORIGEN2估算300~#反应堆乏燃料元件活度
3.Burning of spent fuel of an accelerator-driven modular HTGR in sub-critical condition;乏燃料在加速器驱动的次临界模块式HTGR中的燃烧

1.We are suffering from a severe shortage of fuel.我们苦于严重缺乏燃料
2.To stop burning from lack of fuel.烧尽,烧光因缺乏燃料而停止燃烧
3.Radioactivity calculation and measurement of spent fuel elements of SPRR-300300#反应堆乏燃料组件活度计算及测量
4.Fuzzy AHP Model Based on Entropy Weight for Selection of Route in Spent Fuel Road Transportation基于熵权的乏燃料公路运输选线模型
5.Measurement of ~(235)U Mass and Burnup in Fuel Assembly in Research Reactors研究堆乏燃料组件中~(235)U含量和燃耗的测定
6.Transportation Shielding and Surveying of Spent Fuel Elements in SPRR-300300~#反应堆乏燃料组件的转运屏蔽与监测
7.Study on the Determination Method of Trace Bromide in Uranium Trioxide for the Spent Fuel Reprocessing of Nuclear Power Reactors;动力堆乏燃料后处理UO_3产品中微量Br~-的测定方法研究
8.Study on the Determination Method of Trace Amounts of Fluoride, Chloride, Bromide Ions in Uranium Trioxide from the Spent Fuel Reprocessing of Nuclear Power Reactors;动力堆乏燃料后处理产品三氧化铀中微量氟、氯、溴的测定方法研究
9.Study on the Determination Method of Trace Nitrate Ion in Uranium Dioxide and Nitrite Ion in the Purex Process of Spent Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing;二氧化铀中微量硝酸根及乏燃料后处理Purex流程料液中亚硝酸根的测定方法研究
10.Feasibility Study on the Constrction of Spent Fuel Interim Dry Storage Facility within TQNPP Site;秦山第三核电厂厂址建造乏燃料干式中间贮存设施的初步可行性分析
11.carriage of irradiated nuclear fuel乏放射性核燃料的运输
12.Heavy storms worsened the fuel shortage.暴风雨使燃料的缺乏状况更加恶化。
13.Food and fuel were scarce in this region.这地区食物和燃料都很缺乏。
14.biofuels and synfuels生物燃料和合成燃料
15.Carbon black: A fine, intensely black pigment obtained by burning natural gas or oil with restricted air supply. Used in the manufacture of ink.碳黑:在缺乏空气的情况下,燃烧天然气或油产生的一种细面极黑的颜料。用来制造油墨。
16.Though it has the world's second-largest oil reserves, the country is so short of refining capacity that it spends a lot of cash on importing fuel.尽管这个国家的石油储量居世界第二,但由于提炼能力的匮乏而不得不耗巨资进口燃料。
17.To ignite fuel, as in an engine.点燃如在内燃机里点燃燃料
18.To add fuel to(something burning).加燃料加燃料到(正燃烧的东西)里

spent nuclear fuel乏燃料
1.A lithium reduction technique has been developed as an effective method for reducing the volume and radiation of the spent nuclear fuel, which can benefit to the disposal and management of the spent nuclear fuel.使用后的核燃料-乏燃料的锂化还原处理技术是能够有效地减小乏燃料的体积和辐射性的一种新技术,便于其储存和管理。
2.The potential incorporation of radionuclides into uranyl phases that would form during the oxidative corrosion of spent nuclear fuel has been recognized as an important mechanism for radionuclide immobilization in the near-field of geological repositories.乏燃料蚀变次生矿物对放射性核素的捕获作用对于高放废物处置系统的安全性具有重要影响。
3)lack of fuel燃料缺乏
4)spent fuel pool乏燃料池
5)lack fuel cask乏燃料桶
1.The transport vessel of lack fuel cask is a special facilities which is for reactor lack fuel transportation.文章使用MCNP4C软件计算西屋MC-10乏燃料桶的外部剂量率,方法是基于网格的定义,得到桶周围外部整体剂量率,并与前研究工作者Georgeta Radulescu的计算结果相比,结果一致性符合较好,使用网格造成机时耗费较大,也存在一定误差,但能够比较全面,详尽地得到关于乏燃料桶外部剂量的一些数据,可以对工作人员确定乏燃料桶外部剂量有一定的参考意义。
6)Spent Fuel Pool乏燃料水池
