测量下限,lower limit
1)lower limit测量下限
1.Based on the classical Mie scattering theory,the lower limit of particle size measured by the static scattering method in multiple directions and its influencing factors are discussed in this workIt is drawn that the system error of the measurement instrument has to be decreased and the wide range of the scattering angle has to be detected to extend the lower limit of the particle sizer在经典Mie散射理论基础上,讨论全方位稳态光散射法激光测粒仪测量粒径的下限及其影响因素,认为通过减小激光测粒仪的系统误差和增大探测的散射角范围,可降低测粒仪的测量下限
2)Limit of measurement of apparatus仪器测量下限
3)Detection limit in low energy能量探测下限
4)measuring range lower limit测量范围下限值

1.lower actual measuring range value实际测量范围下限值
2.higher actual measuring range value实际测量范围上的限值
3.single range (measuring) instrument单范围[量限] (测量)仪表
4.Be carefull with the range of use of the probe, measurements at limit values are possible only for short periods.小心探头的使用范围,限定值的测量只能在很短的时间内可行。
5.decide upon, as of variables in math.数学用语,限定变量的取值范围。
6.Study on the Upper Limit of Appropriate Weight on Shoulders of Children and Adolescents儿童少年双肩背负重量适宜值上限范围的研究
7.The query time-out value is out of the range. It will be set to the upper/lower limit by default.查询超时值超出范围。它将被默认设置为上/下限。
8.The login time-out value is out of the range. It will be set to the upper/lower limit by default.登录超时值超出范围。它将被默认设置为上/下限。
9.Design of upper limit of measurement range on capacitive micromachined acceler ometer电容式微机械加速度计测量范围上限设计
10.the greatest amount of something that is possible or allowed.范围的极限最大的数量。
11.Explored the Range of Value K about Text the Consumption of Potassrum Permanganate in Pure Water检测饮用纯净水中高锰酸钾消耗量(耗氧量)时K值取值范围的探讨
12.Within the limits of experimental error, this was equal to the measured speed of propagation of light.在实验误差范围内,这数值等于光的传播速度的测量值。
13.The output is usually either a varying electrical voltage or displacement of a moving pointer over a fixed scale.所测出值不是电压变动量,就是固定范围内的指针异动值。
14.To manage projects within the constraints of scope, quality, time and cost to deliver specified requirements.在限定的范围、质量、时间、成本的条件下,提供特定的需求管理计划。
15.Analysis to the Limit Range of Side Shift Ratio for Transfer Story Structure;转换层层间侧移角比界限值范围分析
16.Divide the Spectral Range of the Grating by the Number of Detector Elements. The resulting value is the Dispersion.按探测器元件数量分光栅的光谱覆盖范围。结果值是色散。
17.An analogue meter moves a needle along a scale.指针式万用表,以在一个范围内,摆动一根指针指标测量数值而名。
18.without limits in extent or size or quantity.在范围、尺寸或数量上没有界限的。

Limit of measurement of apparatus仪器测量下限
3)Detection limit in low energy能量探测下限
4)measuring range lower limit测量范围下限值
5)actual lower value of measuring range测量范围实际下限值
6)lower actual measuring range value实际测量范围下限值

测量与测量结果测量与测量结果  测量与测量结果测量是以确定某个量的值为目的的一整套运作。例如,用米尺量布以确定布的长度为多少米,用体温汁量体温以确定体温为多少摄氏度等。测量的根本意义在于,可以将不能直接计数的量,如物体的长度、体积(容量)、质量(重量)等,通过测量确定其为多少米、多少升、多少千克等,从而变得可以汁数。依测量对象的性质和预定测量要求的不同,测量可能是简单的,也可能是复杂的。简单的量布和复杂的珠穆朗玛峰海拔高度的测量,都是对长度这个量的测量。 测量结果指由测量所得到的被测之量的量值,而量值则由牧字乘以计量单位组成。不管测量进行得多么仔细,测量结果都只是被测之量的真实量值的一个近似值。因此,在完整表述测量结果时,应包括给出测量不确定度。此外,必要时还要给出一些附加说明,如是单次测量所得还是多次测量所得,系统误差是否已作修正,以及测量时影响量的取值范围等