高阶谐波,higher order harmonics
1)higher order harmonics高阶谐波
1.Implicitly restarted Arnoldi method and its application to the solution of higher order harmonics;隐式重启的Arnoldi方法及其在高阶谐波求解中的应用
2.This paper proposes the flux mapping method using the higher order harmonics of the neutron equation.提出用中子方程的高阶谐波进行通量拟合的方法。

1.The harmonic, sub-harmonic and multi-harmonic response of the premixed flame to acoustic perturbation was observed.预混火焰对声波扰动的谐波、分谐波和高阶谐波响应并存。
2.The Harmonic Retrieval Based on The Cross-High-Order Cumulant of Hybrid Colored Noises基于互高阶累计量的混合色噪声中的谐波恢复
3.higher harmonic AC polarography多阶谐波交流极谱法
4.second harmonic AC voltammetry二阶谐波交流伏安法
5.Study of Methods of Harmonic Retrieval of State-space Model Based on Cross-high-order Cumulants;基于互高阶累积量的状态空间模型的谐波恢复方法的研究
6.The higher modes have shorter periods than the fundamental mode and, moreover, they have higher velocities.高振型波比基阶振型波周期短,波速高。
7.step recovery effect harmonic generator阶跃恢复效应谐波发生器
8.Contrast-enhanced Harmonic Sonography: Study in Renal Masses;肾脏肿瘤的灰阶(谐波)超声造影研究
9.Second harmonic injection for restraining third-order intermodulation in traveling wave tube行波管中二次谐波注入对三阶互调的抑制
10.Fundamental current detection based on 2nd-order serial resonant filter基于二阶串联谐振滤波器的基波电流检测方法
11.Harmonic Retrieval Embedded in Hybrid Colored Noises: Study on the Methods of Cross-high-order Spectral Estimation with Cleared False Peaks;混合色噪声背景下谐波恢复:可抑制伪峰的互高阶谱估计方法的研究
12.Active filter filters 50 th and above harmonics to reduce their influences;有源滤波模块滤除50次以上的高次谐波,减少了高次谐波的影响;
13.Investigation of Second Order Nonlinear Optical Activity and Surface Second-Harmonic Generation in Chiral Media;手性介质二阶非线性旋光与表面二次谐波研究
14.A Mixed Stepped Impedance Resonator Dual-Band Filter一种混合型阶梯阻抗谐振环双通带滤波器
15.A Miniature Dual-Band Bandpass Filter Based on Stepped Impedance Resonators基于阶梯阻抗谐振器的小型化双频带通滤波器
16.Forth-order current-mode band-pass filter with coupled tunability by current using CCCⅡ电控双调谐四阶电流模式CCCⅡ带通滤波器
17.Magnetoelastic Second Order Harmonic Resonance Analysis of a Conductive Cylindrical Shell导电圆柱壳体磁弹性二阶谐波共振响应分析
18.The Rank-decision Equality of Singular Value and Eigen Value Decomposition for Harmonics Analysis奇异值与特征值分解在谐波源定阶中的等价性

Harmonic Gray-scale灰阶谐波
1.Phase Study of Hepatic Hemangioma with Harmonic Gray-scale Contrast-enhanced Uhrasonography;肝血管瘤灰阶谐波超声造影时相研究
2.Objective To evaluate the enhanced patterns of primary liver cancers at harmonic gray-scale contrast-enhanced ultrasonography with contrast agent SonoVue.目的应用新一代超声造影剂和实时灰阶谐波成像技术探讨肝癌超声造影的增强模式。
3)Low-order Harmonic低阶谐波
1.Study on the Improvement of Low-order Harmonics Expansion Method;低阶谐波展开方法的改进研究
4)harmonic order number谐波阶数
5)second order harmonic mode二阶谐波
1.The experiment result showed that sinusoidal tube can effectively inhibit second order harmonic mode,increase first order pressure amplitude and lower down heating block temperature.在一定加热功率下,正弦管能有效抑制系统产生的二阶谐波,提高一阶压力波动幅值并降低加热块温度。
6)sub harmonic step"亚谐波"台阶

电力牵引高次谐波电力牵引高次谐波harmonics of electric traction d Ionl一qlony旧gooe}x{ebo电j]牵引高次谐波(harmonies of eleetrietraction)整流式交流电力机车在整流过程中将引起交流侧电流、电压波形畸变,按傅立叶级数分析该畸变波形可分解成频率为基波频率整数倍的一系列高次谐波分量的叠加。 高次谐波电流、电压可引起下列不良影响: (1)对通信线产生杂音干扰影响; (2)引起电力系统中其他电力电容器设备的过负荷; (3)当电气化铁路负荷某次谐波电流频率与电力系统自身谐振频率相近时,可产生电流谐振,使该次谐波电流在电力系统中放大,危及电力系统安全运行; (4)使旋转电机、变压器、电力电缆的出力减少并产生过热,影响电气设备寿命; (5)造成继电保护误动或仪表读数误差; (6)使半导体开关元件换相失灵。 为限制谙波的危害,各国都规定了允许谐波含量的标准(见供电质童)。 为降低电力牵引负荷产生的谐波,在电力牵引变电所和电力机车中可装设由电容、电感组成的谐波吸收装置。交流一直流一交流电力机车利用电力电子技术,可实现低谐波分量的负荷特性,使谐波含量降低。