《建筑标准法》,"The Building Standards Law"
1)"The Building Standards Law"《建筑标准法》

1.The Concept of Integrated Disaster Prevention in Building Standard--The Discussion of Integration between Japan's "Building Standards Law" and Disasters,Building disaster prevention建筑标准的综合防灾理念——试论日本《建筑标准法》与灾害、建筑综合防灾的融合性
2.Standard Method of Measurement of Building Works建筑工程标准计量方法
3.NCSBCS = National Conference of States on Building Codes and Standards全国建筑法规和标准协商会
4.Code for classification of seismic protection of buildings建筑抗震设防分类标准
5.Standard for design of railway building铁路房屋建筑设计标准
6.Unified standard for modular coordination of buildings建筑模数协调统一标准
7.Standard for modular coordination of building staircases建筑楼梯模数协调标准
8.Standard for safety inspection of building construction建筑施工安全检查标准
9.Standard for modular coordination of dwelling houses住宅建筑模数协调标准
10.Unified standard for design of building structures建筑结构设计统一标准
11.Research on the Method of Identifying the Standard Value of City Building Night Landscape Lighting;城市建筑物景观照明标准值确定方法研究
12."The Example+Project" Takes "Constructs CAD" Standard Teaching Method Discussion“实例+项目”作为《建筑CAD》标准教学法的探讨
13.Industry standard of 《Testing for water vapour adsorption/desorption performance of building materials》《建筑材料吸放湿性能测试方法》行业标准介绍
14.Discussion on building energy conservation and the standardization system construction on building energy conservation浅谈建筑节能与建筑节能标准化体系建设
15.Proposal on Revised Chinese House Architectural Standard对修订房屋建筑制图统一标准的建议
16.Standard for energy conservation design of new heating residential buildings民用建筑节能设计标准(采暖居住建筑部分)
17.Standard for inspection of civil architecture in site民用建筑节能现场检验标准(采暖居住建筑部分)
18.Pre-research of Green Architectural Design Based on "Evaluation Standard for Green Building";基于《绿色建筑评价标准》的绿色建筑设计初探

Building Codes and Standard建筑法规和标准
3)typical building标准建筑
4)local building code当地建筑法则[标准]
5)Standard Method of Measurement of Building Works建筑工程标准计量方法
6)nun-startard architecture非标准建筑
