1.All textboks of philosophy theory claim that "the conflict between contradictions is absolute and unconditional",while author of this paper holds that the previous claim tallies with neither the fact nor the dialectic,and it is unconvincing.哲学原理教材都讲“矛盾的斗争性是绝对、无条件的” ,这一观点不符合事实 ,不符合辩证法 ,其论证也缺乏足够的说服力。
2.Before Marx and Engels,nobody believed that identity of contradiction is relative or absolute,either is conflict of contradiction.矛盾的同一性和斗争性问题在马克思、恩格斯以前是没有相对、绝对之分的。

1.absoluteness of the struggle of contradictories矛盾斗争性的绝对性
2.identity and struggle of opposites矛盾的同一性和斗争性
3.Doubts about the "Fighting Spirit of Contradiction";对矛盾“斗争性原理”的质疑和建议
4.Heroism and Belligerence in No.9 Symphony by Beethoven贝多芬第九交响曲中的英雄性和斗争性
5.a disposition to fight.喜好争吵、争斗的性格。
7.Herein lies the limited nature of the struggle.这就是斗争的局部性。
8.Herein lies the defensive nature of our struggle.这就是斗争的防御性。
9.The current struggle against the Rightists is essentially a political one.这次反右派斗争的性质,主要是政治斗争。
10.Mao Tsetung′s Theory That Identifies National Struggle with Class Struggle;毛泽东民族斗争与阶级斗争一致性的理论
11.fight, struggle, etc to the bitter end战斗、斗争...到底.
12.It was just this contact that was needed to centralise the numerous local struggles, all of the same character, into one national struggle between classes.只要有了这种联系,就能把许多性质相同的地方性的斗争汇合成全国性的斗争,汇合成阶级斗争。
13.A disposition or apparent disposition to fight, especially fiercely.好斗好战,尤指猛烈争斗的性情或明显倾向
14.Analysis on the Systematic Character and Protracted Nature of the Anti-Corruption Struggle in China;浅析我国反腐败斗争的系统性、长期性
15.In a struggle that is national in character, the class struggle takes the form of national struggle, which demonstrates the identity between the two.在民族斗争中,阶级斗争是以民族斗争的形式出现的,这种形式,表现了两者的一致性。
16.Second, it is imperative to struggle against factionalism.第二,必须坚决同派性作斗争。
17.People's characters are strengthened through struggle against difficulties.人的性格在和困难斗争时候坚强起来。
18.Our struggle has reached a decisive moment.我们的斗争已到了决定性时刻。

1.Want make contradictory solution reach in successful,both the simple "struggle philosophy" and the simple "harmonious thought" is not desirable.只有坚持辩证思维,坚持矛盾解决中的斗争性、同一性与价值性的辩证统一,掌握这种统一的适度原则,落实相关的制度安排,才能促进和谐社会建设。
2.The people s social psychology in the enemy-occupied area showed that their struggle of defying brute forces, their slavishness of having been obliged to be ruled and their inertia of indifference.沦陷区人民的社会心理主要表现为不畏强暴的斗争性,被迫统治的奴性,麻木不仁的惰性。
3)the gender struggles两性争斗
1.When the industrial civilization took place of Old South’s plantation,Blanche and Stelle became the fragile between the gender struggles.在工业文明取代南方种植园经济的趋势下,布兰琪与斯黛勒成为了两性争斗中的弱势群体。
4)the struggle of contradiction矛盾斗争性
1.Meanwhile, there must exists the struggle of contradiction, but it is secondary.在对外开放过程中 ,社会主义中国同国际资本主义双方的矛盾同一性是占据主导地位的 ,同时也必然存在着矛盾斗争性 ,但这是第二位的。
5)antagonistic behavior斗争性行为
6)identity and struggle同一性和斗争性
