1.Second,there is a paradox between slavery and liberation in labour.二是劳动中奴役性与解放性的悖论。
2.Among the living ways of agricultural cultivation built according to the living materials of agricultural plants in Ancient Greece, people were firstly influenced by the ample and poor harvest of the plants limited by natural elements and their regular slavery.在古希腊以土地为中介、以农作物为生活资料而建立起来的农耕式生存中 ,人首先受影响、制约农作物丰歉的自然因素及其规律的奴役 ,其次受到专制和专制政制的奴役 ,再次受到神秘命运的奴役
3.Content: "Slavery" is a dark phenomena which has been existing in China for thousands of years and "slavishness" is a deep-rooted disease in the character of Chinese people, so" protest against slavery "became a vital literature subject during the enlightenment period of last century.“奴役”是中国几千年来一直存在的黑暗现象,“奴性”则是国民性中根深蒂固的顽疾。

1.The state of one who is bound as a slave or serf.奴役一个人被迫做奴隶或农奴的状态
2.hold sb. in bondage使某人被奴役[束缚、监禁]
3.The Bondage of Alsace and Lorrain阿尔萨斯-洛林蒙受奴役
4.the docile masses of an enslaved nation.被奴役民族温顺的群众。
5.We shall never submit to slavery.我们决不甘受奴役
6.Slavery is the antithesis of freedom.奴役与自由是对立的.
7.Anti-Slavery Society for the Protection of Human Rights保护人权反对奴役协会
8.To force into heavy labor, bondage, or subjugation.受奴役被迫从事苦力、接受束缚或受奴役
9.In war, the strong makes slaves of the weak, and in peace the rich makes slaves of the poor.战争时,强者奴役弱者;和平时,富者奴役贫者。
10.In war, the strong makes slaves of the weak, and in peace the rich make slaves of the poor.战争时,强者奴役弱者;和平时,富有者奴役贫者。
11.My wish would be the enslave time will be increased or the chance it breaks decreased.希望奴役时间能加长,或者打破奴役的机会少些。。。
12.Thrall. Subject is your slave forever.奴役术:受术者永久成为你的奴隶。
13.No one shall be held in slavery or servitude.不论何人均不得被处为奴隶或奴役
14.a ship used to transport slaves from their homes to places of bondage.从家乡运送奴隶到奴役地的船。
15.Committee of Slavery and Servitude奴隶制和奴役问题委员会
16.Slavery, Servitude, Forced Labour and Similar Institutions and Practices奴隶制、奴役、强迫劳动和类似的制度与习俗
17.Committee on the Drafting of a Supplementary Convention on Slavery and Servitude奴隶制和奴役问题补充公约起草委员会
18.The slavery of being waited upon is more deadening than the slavery of waiting upon other people.-Mackenzie, Compton被侍候的奴役比侍候别人的奴役更让人麻木。--麦金基

1.Contradiction between enslaved people by nowaday life and their need of unrestrained development is a serious prob- lem.当代日常生活世界对人的奴役与自由发展的关系成为一个二难撞击的重大问题。
2.Afer September 18th Incident, Japanese troops invaded Northeast China,established Manchukuo, plundered Chinese resources feverishly, enslaved Chinese people.九·一八事变后,日本帝国主义侵略中国东北,建立“伪满洲国”,大肆掠夺中国东北资源,欺压、奴役中国人民。
1.A Mercy, Toni Morrison\'s new novel, describes the physical and spiritual enslavement suffered by both slaves of different races (blacks, native Indians, and white contracted laborers) under slavery and the"free" whites whose historical and mental limitations shaped their lives in the early colonial period of the New Continent.本文通过对小说主要人物进行分析,深入探讨"奴役"的本质,认为莫里森"超越种族"的视角彰显了她对历史、社会和人心的深刻洞察。
4)the bondage number奴役数
1.Suppose b(G)is the bondage number of G,in this paper,the bondage number b(Km×C3)of Km×C3 is given,and a counterexample of Fink s conjecture is also give给出了Km×C3的奴役数b(Km×C3),得到了Fink猜想的一个反例。
2.Suppose γ(G) and b(G) to denote the domination number and the bondage number respectively.给出了图类K_m×C_n及K_m×P_n当m≥4,n≥4时的控制数与奴役数。
5)ethnic enslavement种族奴役
6)forbidding enslave禁止奴役
