《象征交换与死亡》,Symbolic Exchange and Death
1)Symbolic Exchange and Death《象征交换与死亡》
1.Simulacrum,Simulation and the Implosive World of Bourgeois——Investigation of Jean Baudrillard s Symbolic Exchange and Death;拟像、拟真与内爆的布尔乔亚世界——鲍德里亚《象征交换与死亡》研究

1.Simulacrum,Simulation and the Implosive World of Bourgeois--Investigation of Jean Baudrillard s Symbolic Exchange and Death;拟像、拟真与内爆的布尔乔亚世界——鲍德里亚《象征交换与死亡》研究
2.The Post-production Era, the Rebellion of Symbols and the Radical Critical Theory-Interpretations of Svmbolic Exchange and Death by Baudrillard;后生产时代、符号的造反与激进批判理论——鲍德里亚《象征交换与死亡》解读
3.On the Symbolic significance of The Sound and the Fury;死亡与象征——解析《喧哗与骚动》中的象征意象
4.ram head and bloody bones(死亡的象征)骷髅头和交叉骨; 吓唬小孩的妖怪
5.two crossed bones (or a representation of two crossed bones) used as a symbol danger or death.两根交叉的骨头(或者两根交叉骨头的图画),用作危险或死亡的象征。
6.From the Forest of Symbols to the Exchange of Symbols--A Research on the Symbols"Magic"and"Myth"从象征之林到象征交换——论符号“巫术”与符号“迷思”
7.Also, the borrower cannot trade the eyesight of the god of death.借用死亡笔记的人不能交换死神眼。
8.On the Theme of Death and Symbolization of The Dead;试论《死者》的死亡主题及其象征手法
9.Then the dead were counted, prisoners exchanged,接着就是双方清点死亡人数,交换战俘,
10.It comes into the room like the spirit of death and hopelessness.它飞进房间,就像死亡和绝望的象征。
11.Life, Tragedy and Revelation: On the Symbols of Death in Moby Dick;人生·悲剧·启示——论《白鲸》中的死亡象征
12.A representation of two bones placed crosswise, usually under a skull, symbolizing danger or death.交叉骨圆形描绘两根骨头交叉放置的图形,通常画在骷髅下面,象征危险或死亡
13.Love Adjoins Death--the Intentional Probe of Death in"Border Town;爱与死为邻——《边城》死亡意象探析
14.Thus, candles are symbols of both life and death, as well as both hope and fear.因此,蜡烛既是生命和死亡的象征,也是希望和恐惧的象征。
15.Candles are symbols of both life and death, as well as both hope and fear.蜡烛既是生命和死亡的象征,也是希望和恐惧的象征。
16.a human skull (or a representation of a human skull) used as a symbol of death.作为死亡象征的人类颅骨(或者人类颅骨的图画)。
17.The Symbolization of Death Seen from Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening;从《雪夜停在林边》看西方文学中的死亡象征
18.The Symbolic Meaning of Death in Hofmannstahl's Early Works霍夫曼斯塔尔早期作品中死亡的象征意义

symbolization of death死亡象征
1.Besides the direct description of scences of death,western writers employ the symbolization of death of varous types.除了直接的死亡场景描述以外,西方文学还常常借助于各种死亡象征的运用。
3)dance of death象征死亡的舞蹈
4)symbolic exchange象征交换
1.From Symbolic Exchange to Silent Mass;从象征交换到沉默的大众
5)Night as an image of death.黑夜是死亡的象征
6)symbolic exchange象征性交换
1.Baudrillard s early thought may be generalized by social critical theory,which,on the one hand,shows that he accepts the theory of alienation which is synthesized by Political Economy of Marxism and semiotics to analyze modernity and,on the other hand,suggests that he,in the position of symbolic exchange,criticizes modernity.波德里亚早期思想可以用社会批判理论来概括,一方面表明了他是站在马克思主义政治经济学与符号学相结合的异化论的立场上对现代性进行分析,另一方面表明了他是站在象征性交换的立场上展开对现代性的批判。
2.The symbolic exchange is related closely with local culture,economy and social cooperation.这种象征性交换的形成,与当地哈尼族的文化观念、经济因素、社会互助等息息相关,其实质是借助一般交换的象征形式,建构多样化的再分配与互惠关系,有效实现当地社会关系的再生产。
