1.For each piece of record,true history and magic tales exist at the same time.南朝齊梁時期的著名高僧寶誌,生前就有大量神通傳說流傳,其亡後這些傳說隨時代的推移不斷衍變與增加,其反映便是歷史上存在的大量寶志文獻。
2)communicating with Deity通神

1.Are you really a cure?您只是一个普通神甫吧?
2.the electrical discharge that travels along a nerve fiber.通过神经纤维的放电波。
3.communicating branch with auricular branch of vagus nerve迷走神经耳支交通支
4.render holy by means of religious rites.通过宗教仪式使神圣。
5.sanctity of the mail通信秘密神圣不可侵犯
6.On Combination and Co-Construction of Scientific Spirit and Humanistic Spirit;论科学精神与人文精神的融通与共建
7.Connection of trigeminal nerve and facial nerve branches and its clinical significance三叉神经-面神经交通支及其临床意义
8.The nerve gas will most likely be released into a ventilation unit.神经毒气一般会通过通风系统释放
9.The sentox nerve gas that was released into the air duct system contains a corrosive agent神经毒气通过通风系统掺杂腐蚀物
10.Study of Functional Regulation of Neuronal M/KCNQ Channel, Na Channel, TRPV1 Channel and Neuronal Excitability神经元M通道、Na通道、TRPV1通道功能调节及神经元兴奋性调节的研究
11.To foreordain or elect by divine will or decree.命中注定通过神意或神谕来预先注定或选择
12.Usually there is a story of creation and a genealogy of the gods to be remembered.通常有一些神话和诸神的谱系需要记忆。
13.Analysis of Accommodation Point of Science and Human Spirit;高校科学精神与人文精神融通的切入点探析
14.Study on the Fusion and Promotion of Scientific Spirit of Medicine andHumanistic Spirit of Medicine;论医学科学精神与医学人文精神的融通与共建
15.Quality Education-The Harmonious Combination of Scientific and Humanism Spirits;素质教育:科学精神与人文精神的有机融通
16.The study infiltration of 125I-NGF on sciatic nerve injury坐骨神经损伤对神经生长因子通透性的研究
17.Surgical treatment of lower lumbar nerve root port stenosis with exterior and interior decompression of nerve root神经根内外减压治疗下腰段神经根通道狭窄症
18.Expression of Acid-sensing Ion Channels in Petrosal Ganglion酸敏感离子通道在大鼠岩神经节神经元的表达

communicating with Deity通神
3)Nerve passage神经通道
1.On relationship between modern architecture and theosophy;试探现代建筑与通神学的渊源关系
5)neural pathway神经通路
1.The neural pathway of visual word form processing was implicated in the neurological model of reading, which was based on early studies in patients with acquired reading disorders.基于获得性阅读障碍的早期阅读"神经病学模型"对视觉词形加工的神经通路进行了描述。
2.Abnormal activity of the vestibular-autonomic neural pathways is primary factor for inducing motion sickness.前庭内脏神经通路活动的异常是运动病的主要诱因,揭示前庭信号影响内脏活动的神经通路是阐明运动病发生机理的基础。
6)Shen long Capsule神通胶囊

神通【神通】 (术语)神为不测之义,通为无碍之义。不可测又无碍之力用,谓为神通或通力。是为五种通之一,有五通,六通,十通之别。法华经序品曰:“此瑞神通之相。”大乘义章二十本曰:“神通者就名彰名,所为神异,目之为神。作用无拥,谓之为通。”(参见:神)