
1.Fallaciousness of “Two States Doctrine”:A Violation of History and Law;与史不符、于法不容——论“两国论”的荒谬性
2.The Values of View of Empirical Curriculum and Absurd Speculations;经验主义课程观的价值与荒谬性的思辨
3.In Commenting the Absurd of Tragedy Conflict Dispel Way on the Yuan Zaju论元杂剧中悲剧冲突消解方式的荒谬性
4.Witchcraft,however,failed again and again in its advancement because of its own absurdness,which caused people to lose confidence in it;但一方面由于巫术的荒谬性 ,巫术一再失败 ,使人们对它失去了信心 ;
5.Fantasticality Uprising Happiness;荒谬·反抗·幸福——阿尔伯特·加谬荒谬哲学
6.The fallacy has been exposed in its naked absurdity.这谬论的荒诞性已被充分揭露。
7.On the Common Characteristics of Sartre s "Nothingness" and Camus s "Absurdity";论萨特“虚无”与加缪“荒谬”的共通性
8.theatre of the absurdph.,1. 荒谬剧场
9.The absurd trial is a sendup of the Dublin court.那荒谬的审判是对都柏林法院讽刺性的模仿。
10.The absurd trial was a sendup of the dublin court那荒谬的审判是对都柏林法院讽刺性的模仿
11.The regularity of a habit is generally in proportion to its absurdity.习惯的规律性通常与其荒谬的程度成正比。
12.VI. Absurd Logic六、荒谬可笑的逻辑
13.The expedition is an absurdity.这趟出游是荒谬绝伦的。
14.He said several nonsensical things.他说了许多荒谬的话。
15.Malaysian politicians are being myopic and absurd马国政客的短视和荒谬
16.It would be preposterous to shovel coal with a teaspoon.用茶匙铲煤是荒谬的。
17.That' s a preposterous excuse !那是一个荒谬的藉口!
18.This is an absurd supposition.这更是荒谬的主观臆断。

1.It highlights the themes of "absurdity" and "resistance" in Camus works,praises people for their indomitable struggle against the plague and war,and reflects the author s deep concern for the human existential condition and the life value as well as his humanism spirit.解读了《鼠疫》中的象征,凸现了加缪作品"荒谬"和"反抗"的主题,颂扬了人们对瘟疫和战争的顽强反抗,体现了作者对人类生存状况和生命价值的深切关注及人道主义精神。
2.As a prominent characteristic as well as an important technique of Günter Grass s works, "absurdity" should primarily be considered as a worldview.格拉斯走上文学道路之初便与"荒诞"结下不解之缘:在反思德国当代历史和欧洲基督教传统的基础上,他接受了加缪的荒谬观和"启蒙反抗说",从而为自己的艺术创作奠定了一种怀疑论的艺术思想基础。
3.There are two clues in Camus theory,one is absurdity,from absurdity torevolt,from single revolt to collective revolt,from revolt to abstention;another is balance,life is the balance between absurdity and revolt,absurdity is the balance of opposite or comparing,revolt is the balance of make sure of the one s own right and denial the exceed right of others.加缪在其哲学中展现的线索是:从荒谬到反抗,从个体的反抗到集体的反抗,又从反抗到节制;而他展现的思想则是一种平衡:生活是荒谬与反抗的平衡,荒谬是对立与比较的平衡,反抗则是肯定自己权利与否定他人越权的平衡。
1.Separate the Sheep From the Goat, the novel written by Yi Ling exultantly exposed the tragedy and absurdity of the intellectuals exiled to the remote county during the Cultural Revolution.懿翎的长篇小说《把绵羊和山羊分开》用狂欢化的形式展现了文革中 一群被流放到偏僻小县的知识分子的悲剧命运,从中折射出那个时代的荒谬 性。
2.The world is absurd in the eyes of existentialists.存在主义者认为,人生存的世界是荒谬的。
3.He resistant absurd and looked for the value of individual and group fit which being up to the ultimate value of thinking.1985年后,王蒙从理想主义“青春”中蜕变而出,他不断反思传统文化和现代政治文化的弊端,希望在病态的乖戾的人性中唤醒生命的本真,在绝望中反抗荒谬;而且他渴望找到个体价值与群体价值的契合点,这是王蒙对现代化历程中的知识分子的个体价值的重新确立。
4)absurd express荒谬表达
1.The philosophical effect of absurd theatre is a kind of subjective reality and it s absurd expression.本文以尤内斯库的名剧《犀牛》为例,第一部分简要介绍了该剧作的创作特点,第二部分重点分析了荒诞派将西方戏剧传统的"净化"的功能转变为以体验为主的教化功能,其追求的是一种心理的主观真实和外在的荒谬表达。
5)absurd life荒谬人生
1.At the beginning of this play,they lead an absurd life,and under the protection of pipe dream and alcohol,they dare not face truth.因此,直面荒谬人生并获得人与人之间的同情、理解、宽恕是奥尼尔也在其最后的剧作中为迷惘的现代人寻找的超越荒谬、反抗荒谬的生存之路。
6)Absurd man荒谬的人

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-