1.Analysis on "The Girls Melancholy on Her Future Marriage;也说“女心伤悲,殆及公子同归”
1.Grief Nursing of Bereaved Parents after the Death of Child;儿童死亡后居丧父母悲伤护理研究现状
2.A study and application of grief emotion in nursing care of family members of cancer patients;悲伤情绪的研究及其在临终病人家属护理中的应用
3.Research progress on grief of caregivers of Alzheimer s disease patients;老年性痴呆病人照顾者的悲伤研究进展

1.a feeling of dreary or pessimistic sadness.沉闷的、悲观的悲伤情绪。
2.a melancholy mood, person悲伤的心情、 人.
3.He was overwhelmed with grief [joy].他不胜悲伤 [欢喜] 。
4.a joyful [mournful]sound高兴[悲伤]的声音
5."Tragedy is a sad story with an unhappy ending, is it?"悲剧就是结局悲惨的悲伤故事,是吗?
6.To feel, appear, or act despondent, sad, or mournful.忧郁,沮丧,悲伤,忧伤
7.characterized by or causing or expressing sadness.具有悲伤的特征或引起、经历悲伤的。
8.Her mind is distracted bygrief.她的心因悲伤而错乱 [她悲伤得发狂] 。
9.Filled with or expressing grief; mournful.忧愁的,消沉的充满悲伤的或表现悲伤的;悲痛的
10.Marked by or exhibiting sorrow, grief, or pain.忧伤的,悲痛的以悲伤,痛苦为特点的;表现出悲伤、痛苦的
11.Deep distress or misery, as from grief; wretchedness.悲惨或悲哀深深的痛苦或苦恼,如因悲伤;不幸
12.To express emotion, such as grief or sadness, by shedding tears.流泪流泪来表达感情,如悲痛或悲伤
13.the author of a mournful poem lamenting the dead.用悲伤语调写悲诗的作者。
14.Incoherent with grief.由于悲伤而语无伦次的
15.Used to express sorrow or dismay.用来表达悲伤或惊慌
16.Her face shadowed with sorrow.她的脸悲伤地阴沉下来
17.Hagen smiled a little sadly.黑根悲伤地苦笑了一下。
18.dragged him sadly forth,悲伤地拖着他前进,

1.Grief Nursing of Bereaved Parents after the Death of Child;儿童死亡后居丧父母悲伤护理研究现状
2.A study and application of grief emotion in nursing care of family members of cancer patients;悲伤情绪的研究及其在临终病人家属护理中的应用
3.Research progress on grief of caregivers of Alzheimer s disease patients;老年性痴呆病人照顾者的悲伤研究进展
1.In SHEN Congwen and Turgenev\'s works,the thick atmosphere of sadness in their heart from their descriptions of the beauties of nature and the human nature can deeply be felt,which seems inconsistent with the pursuit of the arts but greatly related to the life experiences of two authors,as well as their characters.在沈从文和屠格涅夫的笔下,我们可以看到其在描写大自然的美景以及表现美好的人性的同时,均渗透出他们内心深处浓重的悲伤情调,而这种看似相悖的艺术追求是与两位作者的生活经历以及思想性格分不开的。
1.Differences Between Field-dependent and Field-independent Individuals in Shame and Sad Memories不同场认知风格个体的羞耻与悲伤记忆差异
2."The peacock flies southeasterly"a poem narrated by the sad writing style has descript a sorrowful love story.《孔雀东南飞》一诗以悲伤的笔调叙写了一个凄美的爱情故事。
6)Sorrow; grief; dolor.悲伤悲哀;悲伤;悲痛
