
1.On Carving and Modeling Art of Plastic Shadow Art in Shanxi从《风光好》看元代文人的道德准则
2.Like bright moon and fresh breeze in a hall of jade"好一似,霁月光风耀玉堂."
3.No churchyard is so handsome that a man will desire straight to be burried there .墓地风光好,无人想长眠。
4.The windows permit light and air to enter.这些窗户采光及通风性能良好.
5.You know, seeing you sure brings back a few things.看你这样好像还蛮风光的
6.Keep it dark, well ventilated and quiet.保持卧室光线偏暗,通风良好,保持室内安静。
7.Yes. Nice and sunny, with a fresh breeze blowing.是的,美好而又阳光灿烂,并伴有轻轻的微风。
8.And it will be a good thing to show my family so they can see how America looks.让我家里人看看美国的风光,这本书也是很好的。
9.The house is on the high floor, good daylight, ventilate, very quiet to live in!此房在高区,采光,通风都很好,安静适宜居住!
10.We took advan-tage of it by going for a ride.我们趁着这一大好时光来了个乘车兜风。
11."Oh, well, you've had time to see a great deal of it, anyhow."“哦,是这样,不过你也有足够的时间好好领略纽约的风光了。”
12.a monitor roof enables the lights to be either vertical or on the roof slope and also provides excellent ventilation.通风屋盖可在竖直面上采光,也可在屋顶的坡面上采光,还可同时提供良好的通风条件。
13.This was the opening attack of the season by one of the storms with which Shanghai was favoured each summer.这是年年夏季要光顾上海好几次的风暴本年度内第一回的袭击!
14.It was a very fine May day, clear, sunny, and breezy.那是一个很好的五月天气,天空晴朗,阳光灿烂,微风和煦。
15.As we climbed higher a wonderful view opened out before us.当我们再爬高一些时,一派美好的风光就展现在我们眼前。
16.You get the best view over Bergen, the fjords and the surrounding pine-covered mountains from the belvedere.在观景台上能看到卑尔根、海湾及周围葱葱群山最好的风光。
17.We hope the unsophisticated folkway,the beautiful natural environment and the hospitable people of Deqing may arouse your interest to pay Deqing a visit.优美的景色,谆朴的民风,好客的德清人民欢迎您来旅游、观光、作客。
18.He also has a reputation for revelling in the power and glamour his position brings.米歇尔好炫耀地位给他带来的权势和风光也是有名的。

a wonderful sight好风光
3)a superb view大好风光
4)What magnificent northern scenery!好一派北国风光!
5)risk preference风险偏好
1.Incentive mechanism of knowledge workers with risk preference;基于风险偏好的知识型员工激励机制
2.The Effects of Top Management Team s Risk Preference Diversity on Strategic Investment Decision Making:An Experiment Research;高层管理团队风险偏好异质性对战略投资决策影响效应的实验研究
3.The Determination of Conversion Condition of Convertible Bonds Based on the Investor s Risk Preference;基于投资者风险偏好的可转换债券转换条件判定
6)good style of work好的作风
1.In several aspects, the paper explains that we should insist on using good style of work to select the good-styled in cadre selection so as to advance cadre s institutional improvement conscientiously.从几方面阐述了在干部选拔中,应坚持用好的作风选作风好的人,切实推进干部制度建设。

大好1.谓友好﹐相善。 2.很好﹐极好。 3.犹言好一个。 4.病全好。