
1."Leung Chan King-chi Memorial Scholarship, The"梁陈琼枝纪念奖学金
2.Pomp of Liang-Chen Frontier Poetry and Its Han Dynasty Complex;论梁陈边塞诗的盛况及其“汉代情结”
3.Relationship between Wang Lin's collusion with the Beiqi Dynasty and the establishment of the Chen Dynasty--A concurrent discussion on the rise of aboriginals in the south in the Late Southern Dynasty王琳附齐与陈霸先立国——兼论梁陈之际江南土豪的兴起
4.The Editor of Yutai Xinyong and the Facts of Literary Thoughts of the Liang and Chen States;《玉台新咏》的编者与梁陈文学思想的实际
5.On Urban Literature in Wei and Jin,the Southern and Northern Dynasties--Taking the Cases of Song,Qi,Liang and Chen Dynasties in point;魏晋南北朝的城市文学——以宋齐梁陈为例
6.On the Viewpoints of Literary Officials of Song Dynasty to the Literature of Chen;论北宋初文臣的梁陈文学观——以《文苑英华》选取陈代作品的态度为中心
7.After them, the use of allusion was popularized.骈文用典,自此愈演愈烈,至于梁陈,则几于句句用典。
8.Differences and Similarities of the Views of Chinese and Western Cultures in Chen Duxiu and Liang Shuming;陈独秀与梁漱溟的中西文化观异同论
9.Chen Jing, Chen Longcan, Wei Qinguang, Deng Yaping, Qiao Hong, Lu Lin, Wang Tao, Kong Linghui and Liu Guoliang in table tennis.乒乓球:陈静、陈龙灿、韦晴光、邓亚萍、乔红、吕林、王涛、孔令辉、刘国梁;
10.Disproof of the Conclusions that “Chen Baxian,the Founder of Chen Dynasty Was More than a Match for Liu Bang and Cao Cao or Sun Quan and Liu Bei”;陈武帝“汉高、魏武之亚”、“无惭权、备”驳议——宋、齐、梁、陈开国四帝简论之一
11.Comparison of LIANG Shu-ming and CHEN Xu-jing about Cultural Social Thought--Taking the CHEN Xu-jing's Criticism as the Center梁漱溟与陈序经文化社会思想之比较——以陈序经的批评为中心
12.At 24, he joined his uncle Xiang Liang in an armed uprising in today's Suzhou in response to the insurgency led by two peasant leaders, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang.24岁时,他跟随项梁在苏州起义,响应陈胜,吴广。
13.Reaching the Same Object by Different Routes:From Liang qichao and Chen yinque s Discourses on Tao yuanming;文史殊途——从梁启超、陈寅恪的陶渊明论谈起
14.The Literary and Historical Styles of Liang shu and Chen shu :Some Notes in Their Readings;姚氏父子的文笔与史笔——读《梁书》、《陈书》札记
15.The southern hardwood calligraphy originated in the Southern Dynasties (420-589) and its representative calligraphers include Wang Xizhi, Wang Xianzhi, Zhi Yong and Yu Shinan.南派始于东晋,继而宋、齐、梁、陈,由王羲之,王献之,智永、虞世南等为代表。
16.This paper has stud ied the protective methodandthe aboveground exhi bition hall design of this famous Baiheliang Ridge.就此讨论了白鹤梁的保护方式,及其地面陈列馆的设计方案。
17.Uttering Her Own Voices: The Marked Individuality of Chen Yi in Her Music Compositions用音乐作为世界文化沟通的桥梁——“访长江学者”讲座教授陈怡
18.A Comparison and Contrast of Liang Qi-chao s and Chen Du-xiu s Views of Social Development--Starting from Liang s New Citizen and Chen s New Youth;梁启超、陈独秀社会发展观比较——从新民与新青年出发

New Song in Liang-Chen Dynasties梁陈新曲
3)poets of Liang-Chen Dynasty梁陈诗人
4)Liang-chen Literature梁陈文学
5)Liang & Chen Plan梁陈方案
6)the period when the Liang Dynasty transferring to the Chen Dynasty梁陈之际

梁陈1.汉代所置梁国与陈国的并称。地在今豫东平原。 2.指南朝梁与陈。