1.The Problems Existing in Waipian in Zhuangzi;《庄子》外篇存在的问题

1.Studies on"The Imperial Edict"Carried in The Extrinsic Papers by Baopuzi(Gehong)《抱朴子外篇》所载东晋初年《庚寅诏书》考
2.The Research of Social and Literatural Thought about 《BaoPuzi Wai Pian》;《抱朴子外篇》社会与文学思想研究
3.Appraisement of Guo Tai and Mi Heng in Outer Chapter of Baopuzi;正郭与弹祢——《抱朴子外篇》汉末名士评议
4.The evolution from Neipian to Waizapian in Zhuangzi;《庄子》内篇到外杂篇的嬗变过程浅论
5.the anonymous buildings外观千篇一律的楼房
6.Mental Representation as a Means of Tracking Anaphora in Narrative Discourse;语篇连贯的外部条件:语篇回指的心理表征分析
7.The"Dual Principle"and Value Orientation in Discourse --On Teaching Discourse of Foreign Languages;语篇中的“双重规则”及价值取向——谈外语语篇教学
8.On the Contextual Function of the Chinese Adverb \%Dao\%;论副词“倒”的语篇功能——兼论对外汉语语篇教学
9.The speech was meant for foreign consumption.那篇讲话是让国外人听的。
10.Ferocious, deleterious traffic accidents inflict irrevocable damages to the eye.本篇报告二位外伤性眼球移位病患。
11.The composition is quite good except for the spelling.这篇文章除了拼写以外,其他都不错。
12.In addition, I have published a paper on my major.此外,我还发表了一篇专业方面的论文。
13.Everyone wrote a good essay but her.除了她之外,每个人都写了一篇好文章。
14.The whole article includes three parts with eight chapters except the preface.全文除引言外包括三篇共八章的内容。
15.Discussing the Discourse Teaching of CSL from the Grammatical Metaphor Theory从语法隐喻理论探对外汉语语篇教学
16.Besides novels, I also like to read short stories.除了小说以外,我还喜欢读短篇小说。
17.How to evaluation a surgical research article with skimming如何快速阅读和评价一篇外科学论文
18.From a lay perspective, the article is difficult to get through.在外行的眼光来看,这篇文章很难通过。

publicity-oriented texts外宣篇章
1.As a publicizing vehicle,the C/E translation of the publicity-oriented texts has been playing an increasingly important role.作为对外宣传的重要媒介,外宣篇章的翻译起着非常重要的作用。
1.The evolution from Neipian to Waizapian in Zhuangzi;《庄子》内篇到外杂篇的嬗变过程浅论
4)the intermingled parts from the outer chapters外篇羼入
5)Comments on Warm Heat from Exogenous Contraction外感温热篇
1.Explanations to the first 10 items of Ye Tianshi s Comments on Warm Heat from Exogenous Contraction;叶天士《外感温热篇》前十条阐释 ——湿热病与体质的关系及温热病与湿热病的治疗原则
6)extra-textual factors篇章外因素
