1.Discuss the Awakening and Revolt of Fanyi, Bailu Chen, Sufang;论繁漪、陈白露、愫方的觉醒和反抗

1.Re-understanding SU Fang in “Beijingers”;微者足到——试谈《北京人》中的愫方
2.Discuss the Awakening and Revolt of Fanyi, Bailu Chen, Sufang;论繁漪、陈白露、愫方的觉醒和反抗
3.Life s Elegy --Opinion on Su Fang,Si Yi and Wen Qing;生命的挽歌——愫方、思懿、文清三人论
4.Su fang’s Familiar and UnfamiliarSemantic Field of Personality熟悉而陌生的人格语义场——浅谈《北京人》中的愫方
5.The Winner of Exploration of New Life -Some Thoughts on Image-building of Fan Yi, Chen Bailu and Su Fang in Cao Yu s Drama;探索生活新路的强者——论曹禺话剧中繁漪、陈白露和愫方的形象塑造
6.It means that the object of our sentiment corresponds in some special way to some inherited or acquired disposition.它意味着,我们感情的对象正以某种特有的方式迎合着我们的某些固有情愫。
7.He cannot erase the memories of childhood他忘不了童年时的情愫。
8.The brain which has been stimulated by the emotion of sex, vibrates at a much more rapid rate than it does when that emotion is quiescent or absent.受到性情愫刺激的脑,作用要比该情愫沉寂空缺的 时候快速许多。
9.The emotion of sex brings into being a state of mind.性的情愫足堪造就某种心智状态。
10.Her kindness made him regard her with renewed affection.她十分体贴, 使他对她重生情愫.
11.The chemistry between Nick and Darcy is undeniable;毋庸置疑,尼克和达西互生情愫。
12.Views on patrick White s religious faith in his literary works;论帕特里克·怀特创作中的宗教情愫
13.A Slight Touch on Chinese Law Linguistic History略论中国法律语言史——兼与刘愫贞教授商榷
14.The emotion of sex has back of it the possibility of three constructive potentialities, they are:-性的情愫背后潜藏着三种建设性的潜力,其为:
15.Sincere Feelings of Humor, Idleness and Resentful Lament in the Writing of Essays by Lin Yutang;林语堂小品文创作中幽默、闲适、悲愤的情愫
16.Deepening the Patriotism in the Traditional Theme--Lu you s poem "watching the mountains;开掘传统主题 直抒爱国情愫——论陆游的诗《关山月》
17.A review of A survey of west Area by MEI Jie;情系西部——评梅洁的报告文学《创世纪情愫》
18.An Analysis of Some Female Intellectual Images in Cao Yu s Works;知识女性的去与留——重读繁漪、白露和愫芳

1.The core beauty of narrative prose lies in emotional expression,structure and materials,and language is the carrier of its artistic einfuhlen.叙事散文的核心美是情致,结构、材料和语言则是其艺术情愫的载体。
3)factor of humanity人文情愫
1.Taking the factor of humanity into consideration is an important policy in the running of periodicals today.人文情愫是当代期刊经营的重要策略 ;人文情愫贯穿期刊经营活动的全过程 ;实施人文情愫应遵循诚信为本、读者至上、超凡脱俗等原
4)description of the character寄发情愫
5)literature sincerity文学情愫
6)sentiment of care"关怀"情愫
