1."Plum blossom falls " Cross-blown song "Mahadur" in 28 of the Wei ,Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties to the Tang and Song Yuan, Ming and Qing generations of origin has been one of the popular tunes, and the "pack willow," and representatives of the 2007 song .《梅花落》是汉横吹曲《摩诃兜勒》二十八解中自魏晋南北朝以来历唐宋元明清几代一直流传的曲调之一,是和《折杨柳》一起的笛曲代表。

1.Textual and Calligraphic Research on a Fragmentary Dunhuang MS,P.2160;P.2160《摩诃摩耶经》书法残卷考订
2."mokesa" is the abbreviation of "mokesachui",is the Bodhisattva;“摩诃萨”为“摩诃萨?省钡氖÷?即菩萨;
3.In the first part of the epic poem Mahabharata, it is written that the sage Vyasa asked Ganesha to transcribe the poem as he dictated it to him.在史诗《摩诃婆罗多》的第一部分,据说圣人毗耶娑要求甘尼萨转录他口述的诗。
4.According to Hinduism - Mahasamadhi - also spelled Maha Samadhi - is the final conscious abandoning of the physical body.根据印度教——摩诃三摩地——又叫大三摩地——是抛弃肉身的最终意识。
5.On the Essence of Aesthetics of the Indian Epic Mahabharata;论印度史诗《摩诃婆罗多》的美学本质
6.The Compare of the Story Between Mahasangha-vinaya and Dharmagupta-vinaya;《摩诃僧祇律》与《四分律》记述故事之比较
7.The Comparison to the Plot structure between the Epic Mahabharata and the Masterpiece Romance of the Three Kingdoms《摩诃婆罗多》与《三国演义》情节结构比较
8.A Research on New Words in Mahasamghika in the East Jin Dynasty《摩诃僧祇律》中所见东晋新词研究
9.These cards were made of cloth and depicted motifs from the Ramayana, Mahabharata, etc.这些扑克是用布料制造,描述《罗摩衍那》、《摩诃婆罗多》等主题。
10.Themes from the Ramayana and Mahabharata are painted on these cards.来自《罗摩衍那》和《摩诃婆罗多》的主题也描绘在这些扑克上。
11.A Study on Constituent Semantics of Disyllable Compound Structure in Mahāsāmghika-vinaya;《摩诃僧祇律》双音复合结构语义复合关系研究
12.Mo He Yan the Characteristics of that Chan Thought and It is in Spread of Tibet;摩诃衍那禅思想的特点及其在西藏的传播
13.The Worries of Identity in Primitive Ages;远古时代的身份焦虑——《摩诃婆罗多》的主题研究
14.The Temptation of the Orient: Brook s Mahabharta;东方的诱惑?——评彼得·布鲁克导演的《摩诃婆罗多》
15.Mongols Worship of Mahakala in the Yuan Dynasty and the Literature about It;论元代蒙古人摩诃葛剌神崇拜及其文学作品
16."That same day the Lord said to Moses,"当日,耶和华吩咐摩西说,
17."And the Lord said to Moses,"耶和华晓谕摩西说,
18.Mahabodhi Temple Complex at Bodh Gaya菩提伽耶的摩哈菩提寺

3)chebulagic acid诃黎勒酸
1.AIM To analyze the hydrolyzable tannins chebulinic acid (I) and chebulagic acid(II) in Fructus Chebulae and its confusion varieties by using high performance capillary electrophoresis (HPCE) method.目的 对不同来源的诃子及其易混淆品中的可水解丹宁 :诃子酸 (chebulinicacid ,I)、诃黎勒酸 (chebulagicacid ,II)进行定量分析。
4)Terminalia chebula诃黎勒树
5)Mohammed[英][m?u'h?med][美][mo'h?m?d, -'hɑm?d, m?-]摩诃末
1.The conquest of Mohammed even made the country become a big empire.摩诃末的扩张使花剌子模成为一个大帝国,然而,这个大帝国内矛盾重重,抵御不了蒙古人的入侵,于13世纪初期最终被蒙古军灭亡。
1.Mongols Worship of Mahakala in the Yuan Dynasty and the Literature about It;论元代蒙古人摩诃葛剌神崇拜及其文学作品
