2)The Study of Shen Jiong沈炯研究
3)Study on Shenjiong s Poems and Articles沈炯诗文研究

1.He was handsome, with ruddy cheeks and bright eyes他长得很英俊,两颊绯红,双目有神。
2.There was a continual play of lambent fire about his eyes.他眼睛里不断地闪现着的光芒。
3.It was the intelligent blue eyes that dominated.引人注目的是一双有神的蓝眼睛。
4.His chest swelled proudly, his eyes glowed.他的胸膛傲然挺起,目光
5.She danced, light as a feather, eyes shinning.她舞步轻快,两眼发光。
6.and all the flashing of God's gaze merged into soft beneficence.上帝的目光全部融入温柔的恩泽。
7.Fantine's eyes beamed and filled her whole face with light.芳汀顿时两眼发光,喜溢眉宇。
8.He was a youny man, bright of eye and quick of movement.他是个青年人,目光有神,行动敏捷。
9.The policeman stared at the criminal sternly.警察目光地逼视着犯罪分子。
10.He turned his head sharply towards her with his eyes glittering.他一下子转过头来,有神地看着她。
11.Most of them stand facing the east, their bright piercing eyes gazing at something in front of them.大多数面东而立,双目有神,凝视前方;
12.The eyes of even the most modest women light up the moment hope is born.在希望产生之时,连最羞怯的妇女也会双目
13.Her grey eyes were small but full of light.她的眼睛是灰色的,比较小,然而发亮。
14.There, coming out on us from among the hills, was a bright-eyed young gentleman.只见山丘间,迎面走出一位目光的少爷。
15.The white of his eyes shone in his sun-brown face.他那雪亮的眼白在褐色的脸上发光。
16.His eyes were shining/He clenched his fists/His legs were trembling他双眼有神/他紧握双拳/他两腿直打颤。
17.His great, shining eyes seemed to try to bore into her soul.他发光的大眼睛似乎要看透她的灵魂。
18.She was a woman with a normally brisk manner and alert, penetrating eyes.她是一个举止轻快,两眼有神的妇女。

The Study of Shen Jiong沈炯研究
3)Study on Shenjiong s Poems and Articles沈炯诗文研究
5)sparkling eyes; piercing eyes目光炯炯
6)Zeng Jiong曾炯
1.April 2 of this year is the 101st anniversary of the birthday of Zeng Jiong , a mathematician who made a great contribution to abstract algebra.在世界数学史上,曾炯博士曾对抽象代数作出过重要贡献。
