1.While training principals of Dalian middle scho ols and primary school s, we insisted keeping abreast of time and continued innovating and thus formed a diversified and effect-emphasized training pattern.大连市的中小学校长培训工作,坚持与时俱进,不断创新,形成了多元化、重实效的培训模式,走出了校长培训的新路。

1.We should focus on key projects, stress practical results and lay a solid foundation.要突出重点,注重实效,打好基
2.Give Prominence to Main Points and Pay Attention to Real Efficiency and Deepen the Work of Making Public the Affairs of Bureaus;突出重点 注重实效 深化局务公开工作
3.Dealing or concerned with facts or actual occurrences; practical.实际的,实干的讲究事实或实际的;重实效
4.pragmatic approach实际的方法,重实效的方法
5.Taken as a whole, the plan is rather practical.总体上看,该计划相当注重实效
6.To Promote the Application of Modern Educational Technology All-round, Paying Attention to Actual Effect;注重实效,全面推进现代教育技术应用
7.Develop Water- saving Garden through Paying Attention to Actual Effect and Strengthening Management;发展节水园区要注重实效、加强管理
8.Inefficient implementation of prices aggravates the problem.政策不能有效地实施使问题更为严重。
9.State Key Laboratory of efficient and clean combustion of coal煤的高效低污染燃烧技术重点实验室
10.Anti - corruption is a big issue of practice and theory.反腐有效性是重要的实践和理论问题。
11.Empirical Research on the Performance of Asset Reorganization of Listed Companies;我国上市公司资产重组绩效实证研究
12.Performance Evaluation Practices of China Everbright Bank Chongqing Branch;中国光大银行重庆分行绩效考评实践
13.Positive research into regional interaction effect on Chongqing College Town;重庆大学城区域联动效应的实证研究
14.Positive and Negative Effects of Applying Virtual Reality to the Society;“虚拟现实”对社会影响的二重效应
15.Empirical Study on the Performance of Assets Rearrangement of Listed Companies in China;中国上市公司资产重组绩效实证研究
16.An empirical study of asset restructuring performance of listed agricultural company;农业上市公司资产重组绩效实证研究
17.Paying Attention to the Model Education and Improving the Effectiveness of the Moral Education.;注重先进典型教育 提高德育的实效性
18.Emphasize Marketing Efficiency and Raise Enterprise s Competitive Power;注重营销效率 提升企业竞争实力

significant efficency重要实效
3)training modes重在实效
4)pay more attention to substantiality注重实效

那些情况下许可证自行实效? 凡属于下列情况之一者,建设单位和个人所获得的城市建设用地规划许可证或建设工程规划许可证自动实效: (1)非城市规划行政主管部门核发的城市建设用地规划许可证和建设工程规划许可证; (2)获得建设用地规划许可证后,超过一定期限(一般为半年)未办理征用地、划拨手续而未经批准单位同意延期征用的核办理征用、划拨手续后,超过一定期限(一般为两年)而未使用土地的建设用地规划许可证; (3)建设用地单位和建设单位已经被撤销或者迁移出已批准的地址的建设用地规划许可证和建设工程规划许可证; (4)获得建设工程规划许可证后超过一定期限(一般为半年)为进行施工建设的建设工程规划许可证; (5)获得临时用地规划许可证和临时建设许可证超过一定期限(一般为两年)而又没有办理延期使用手续的临时用地许可证和临时建设许可证; (6)没有经过城市规划行政主管部门批准同意擅自出让、转让和改变实用性质的建设用地建设用地规划许可证和建设工程规划许可证; (7)被城市规划行政主管部门吊销的建设用地规划许可证和建设工程规划许可证; (8)擅自涂改的建设用地规划许可证和建设工程规划许可证;