
1.Prisoners and Bright Emissary;困境囚徒与光明使者——柏拉图“洞穴喻”的伦理探析
2.Plato s Cave: Light, Idea, and the Others;柏拉图的洞穴比喻:光,理念及其他
3.A small cave or cavern.洞穴小的山洞或洞穴
4.The fire in the cave, the fire blazing above the prisoners, is a metaphor for the sun.洞穴中的火,即在囚徒们上方燃烧的火,是太阳的比喻。
5.An animal's hollowed-out habitation, such as a burrow.洞穴动物中空的洞穴,如地洞
6.To inhabit or hide in a den.穴居居住或藏在洞穴里
7.underground passages, caves, etc地下通道、 洞穴等
8.Heidegger said:“ The so called underground den, is“ a metaphor for a residential area revealed by a glance looking in every direction”.海德格尔说:所谓洞穴式的地下室,是“那个对东张西望的目光显示出来的居留区域的比喻”。
9.Plato s Cave-Metaphor and the Possibility of Philosophical Education:some views on how to orient education toward happiness;从柏拉图洞穴隐喻看哲学教育的可能性——兼论教育应该怎样关涉幸福
10.a large cave or a large chamber in a cave.巨大的洞穴或洞穴中的巨大堂室。
11.Going Out of the Cave--A New Reading of Winesburg,Ohio through Plato s "Allegory of the Cave";走出洞穴——从“洞穴理论”看《小城畸人》
12.A cave or hollow used as a refuge or hiding place.洞穴一个用于避难或藏身的洞穴或空洞
13.as by falling into inaccessible caves,如掉进难以到达的洞穴,
14.paintings on the sides of the cave在洞穴内壁上的图画
15.Jewel Cave National Monument朱厄尔洞穴国家保护区
16.tunnel a hole, shaft, passage, etc挖掘洞穴、 矿井、 通道等.
17.OOOOOOOOOOOOH,@ echoed the cave.“哦,”洞穴里发出了回声。
18.explore natural caves.对自然的洞穴进行研究。

cave metaphor洞穴比喻
1.For the description of the cave metaphor in the Republic which hidden a complicated relationship about the philosopher s legislation for the masses.在《理想国》描述的洞穴比喻中,隐含了哲人/真理为民众/意见立法的复杂关系。
3)the idea of Cave洞喻
1.Study of Database Construction of Karst Caves in China;中国岩溶洞穴数据库建设研究
2.High-frequency seismic prospecting used to find caves in the rock-mass below stakes;桩位下浅层基岩内洞穴的高频震波勘探研究
3.When it was being drilled,a vertical well was drilled at first,and caves were made in coalbed gas sect,then a horizontal well were drilled at a distance of 200 m,horizontal segment were in connection with the caves,and 10 branch holes were lateral drilled symmetrically in horizontal sect.钻进时,先钻一口直井并在煤层段造洞穴,在距200 m处钻一口水平井,水平段连通洞穴,再在水平段上对称侧钻出10个分支井眼。
1.Detecting badger cave disease in embankment by ground penetrating radar;堤防动物洞穴的探地雷达探测研究
2.Grouting applied to treatment of roadbase cave in loess areas;注浆法在黄土地区公路路基洞穴处理中的应用
1.When the ion cyclotron resonance heating is adopted in Tokamak, in order to protect the antenna in a better way, the antenna is usually placed in the cavity.在托卡马 克中采用离子 回旋共振加热时 ,为了更好地 保护 天线,常 常把天 线置 于洞穴 内。
2.A finite element method with perfectly matched layers(PML) is developed for wave scattering from a two-dimensional cavity embedded in an infinite ground plane.给出二维洞穴散射问题的带有吸收边界层的有限元方法。

九喻──金刚九喻【九喻──金刚九喻】  ﹝出金刚经论释﹞  金刚九喻者,乃是金刚般若经中九种譬喻也。此经有三译:一、姚秦鸠摩罗什法师译,二、魏菩提流支法师译,三、陈真谛法师译。此九种譬喻,乃是魏时所译之文,所谓一切有为法,如星翳灯幻,露泡梦电云,应作如是观。是也。(梵语般若,华言智慧。梵语鸠摩罗什,华言童寿。梵语菩提流支,华言觉希。)  [一、星喻],谓星宿夜则明朗,日光一照,众星皆隐。以譬众生昏迷,执着诸见,自为明了;若以正智之心照之,则众见皆灭也。论云:譬如星宿为日所映而不现,故智日心法亦复如是。  [二、翳喻],谓人目有障翳,则见空华等相。以譬众生无明覆障,则见一切有为虚妄之境界也。论云:如目有翳,则见空华,观有为法,亦复如是。  [三、灯喻],谓灯因膏油而焰焰无穷,以譬众生妄识,依贪爱境界而生生不绝也。论云:譬如灯光,识亦如是,依止贪爱诸法住故。  [四、幻喻],谓诸幻化之事,无而忽有。体本不实,皆因幻师咒术之力,假作种种形相。以譬世间山河大地,皆是虚妄幻化,以因众生惑业力故,而妄有种种境界也。论云:譬如幻事,所依住处,亦复如是,以器世间,无实体故。(器世间者,谓世界如器,即山河大地等物是也。)  [五、露喻],谓露沾于草木,体不久停,为风所吹,须臾即落。以譬众生幻身,虽于世间暂尔留住,为无常风所吹,焂忽变灭也。论云:譬如朝露,身以如是,暂时住故。  [六、泡喻],泡,水沤也。谓水泡因渧、水、风三者和合而成。以譬众生根、境、识三法和合,而有苦乐受用之境也。论云:譬如水泡,所受用事,亦复如是。根、境、识等三法合故。(渧,水点也。根、境、识者,根即眼根、耳根、鼻根、舌根、身根、意根也,境即色尘、声尘、香尘、味尘、触尘、法尘也,识即眼识、耳识、鼻识、舌识、身识、意识也。)  [七、梦喻],谓昼缘诸境,夜则感梦。本无实体,惟因想生。以譬众生缘念过去,造作诸事,境虽已灭,缘想即现。盖言一切有为之法,皆因妄想而成,亦如梦境也。论云:又如梦境,过去诸法,亦复如是。  [八、电喻],谓雷、电之光,刹那不住。以譬一切现在诸法,犹如电光,焂忽则灭也。论云:譬如电光,刹那不住,现在诸法,亦复如是。(梵语刹那,华言一念。)  [九、云喻],谓云能降雨泽,又能变现不常。以譬众生阿赖耶识含藏诸法,能持未来种种境界,变现不定也。论云:譬如云影,未来诸法,亦复如是。阿赖耶识与一切法为种子根本故。(梵语阿赖耶,华言藏识,即第八识也。)