
1.Aesthetics of Gender Across Ethics--New Orientations in the Criticism of Shakespeare Sonnets;性别伦理美学——莎士比亚十四行诗批评的新方向
2.Nursing Aesthetics in "Nursing Ethics" Teaching护理美学在《护理伦理学》教学中的应用
3.Is Aristotle's Ethics Virtue Ethics--On the Structure of Theories of Contemporary Ethics亚里士多德伦理学是美德伦理学吗——兼谈当代伦理学理论的结构
4.Michael Slote's Virtue Theory and Moral Psychology斯洛特的美德伦理学及其心理学预设
5.Towards Virtue Ethics: Creating an Ethical Culture朝着美德伦理学前进:创造一种伦理文化
6.Artification of Life--On Michel Foucault s aesthetic ethics;论生活的艺术化——谈福柯的美学伦理学
7.What are the main elements of virtue ethics?美德伦理学的主要要素是什么?
8.The US constructed business ethics in the last century.20世纪美国创建了现行的经济伦理学。
9.A Review of the Debates on Principle in Contemporary American Bioethics;当代美国生命伦理学中原则之争述评
10.Analyzing Ecological Ethics and Ecological Aesthetics from the Perspective of Process Philosophy;生态伦理与生态审美的过程哲学解析
11.Virtue is Knowledge;美德即知识——试析苏格拉底伦理哲学观
12.Recent Condition of Native Study on Contemporary Western Virtue Ethics国内当代西方美德伦理学的研究近况
13.On the Study on Contemporary Western Virtue Ethics in China当代西方美德伦理学的国内研究近况
14.Neuroethics:the Perfect Intersections of Humanities and Neuroscience;神经伦理学——人文科学与神经科学的完美结合体
15.Ethics education in the U.S. medical schools: a study of syllabi;美国医学院校的伦理学教育:对教学大纲的研究
16.A Study of Contemporary Virtue Ethics:The Justification and Defense of Ethical Diversity;当代美德伦理学研究:关于伦理多样性的论证与辩护
17.The Characteristics of Code of Ethics for American School Administrators and its Inspiration美国学校行政管理者伦理规范的特征及启示
18.Ethic Appeal of English and American Literature Teaching in Postmodern Context;后现代语境下英美文学教学中的伦理诉求

ethical aesthetics伦理学美学
1.His emphasis on the subjectivity, classification of the senses of beauty and sublimation and his ideas of ethical aesthetics in "The Observation" are succeeded and developed in the later "The Critique of Judgement", which transcends the empirical method in "The Observation" at the level of transcendenta.《观察》中对主体性的强调、对美感和崇高感的分类、以及伦理学美学思想都为后来的《判断力批判》所继承和发挥,而《判断力批判》则在先验哲学的层面上对《观察》中的经验主义方法实现了超越。
3)ethics aesthetics伦理美学观
4)virtue ethics美德伦理学
1.The value of virtue ethics and the trend of its revival have inspired us in the virtue education for contemporary college students.美德伦理学是一门研究人类优良道德品质及其实现(即美德的养成)的伦理学学科。
2.I argue that all are vulnerable to what I call the insularity objection: evaluating action requires attention to worldly consequences external to the agent, whereas virtue ethics is primarily concerned with evaluating an agent s inner states.最近一些著名的美德伦理学家试图对正确的行动提出种种美德伦理学所独有的解释。
3.A common belief concerning virtue ethics is that it does not tell us what we should do.人们通常认为美德伦理学并不能告诉我们应该做什么。
5)Taoist ethic aesthetics道教伦理美学
6)aesthetic thoughts of religious ethics宗教伦理美学

《当代西方电影的美学思想》  中国电影理论专著。李幼蒸著。中国社会科学出版社1986年出版。全书分《绪论》、《电影语言》、《电影表现与现实》、《电影"作者"、作品与观众的结构分析》、《反传统电影潮流》和《先锋派电影的实践与理论》 6章21节;介绍了当代西方电影美学研究的重要发展和面临的基本问题;论述了60~70年代西方主要电影美学理论,特别是结构主义和符号学电影理论的基本概念和观点,还涉及电影中的科学研究、哲理表达等问题。