
1.The Evolvement and the Cultural Perspectives of Beauty Images;论美人意象的抒情模式及其文化内涵
2.Beauty Images in Qu Yuan s Cifu Works and Their Influence;变与不变:屈骚美人意象及其余影管窥
3.The Connotative between "Faerie Beauty" with Politics of Han Wei-the Six Dynasties Poetry;汉魏六朝诗歌中的美人意象与政治托寓
4.Some people say beauty itself is abstract. Do you agree?有些人认为美本身是抽象的。你同意吗?
5.On Aesthetic Anthropology Nature of "Beauty is the Freedom of Phenomenon";论“美是现象中的自由”命题的审美人类学意蕴
6.Comparison and "Sweet Grass and Artistic Beauty":Discussing on the Aesthetics Appreciation of "Elegies of Chu" by Quyuan比德于“香草美人”——试论屈原楚辞的审美意象
8.The Symbolization and Obscurity of the Image of the Two Characters in the Dream of Red Mansion--To analyze the scabby-headed monk and crippled Taoist;“双真”形象的象征意蕴和朦胧美——《红楼梦》癞头和尚、跛足道人形象浅析
9.On Esthetic Implication of "Moral" Practitioners in "Zhuang-zi" from Image Creation从人物形象塑造论《庄子》体“道”者之人生审美意蕴
10.On Aesthetics in Zhuang Zi s Creation of "Moral" Examples;论《庄子》达“道”者形象塑造的人生审美意蕴
11."How beauteous mankind is!": The Theme and Symbolic Meaning of The Tempest;“人类是多么美丽!”——《暴风雨》的主题思想与象征意义
12.A Comparative Study of the Two Kinds of Aesthetic Images and Life Goals in China s Classical Literature;古典文学中两种审美意象与人生追求比较
13.On the Image of the Dilapidated Palace in the Poems of Late Tang Period Mediating on the Past as well as the Poets Aesthetic Mentality;论晚唐怀古诗之残宫意象及诗人审美心理
14.An Aesthetic Explanation of Horse Image and the Enmity between a horse and His Owner in Ancient China;马意象与中国古代马与人恩怨的审美阐释
15.Vanilla and Beauty Changed in the Shape in Liao Zhai Zhi Yi;论“香草美人”的原型意象及在《聊斋志异》中的范变
16.On the lmage of Giant and the Aesthetic Signifcance in Mao Zedong s Three Ci;毛泽东三首词中的巨人形象及其美学意义
17.On the mermaid image in T.S.Eliot s "The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock;评《J·艾尔弗莱德·普鲁弗洛克情歌》的美人鱼意象
18.War,Humanity and Animality -- Animal Imagery in American War Novel;战争·人性·兽性——美国战争小说中的动物意象初探

the fragrant flower and beautiful woman images香草美人意象
3)the beauty image of peach blossom桃花的香草美人意象
4)imagery beauty意象美
1.The imagery beauty of China ancient jew.从首饰艺术特有的表现形式主题、造型及材质、装饰方式出发,通过分析、比较最能体现传统意象审美特征(整体性、多义性、象征性和真实的生命特性)的典型首饰作品,探讨中国古代首饰艺术的意象美表现特点。
5)aesthetic images审美意象
1.On female body images deconstruction of aesthetic images in the consumption era;论消费时代女性身体图像对审美意象的消解
2.To well convey emotions and extend aesthetics in news broadcasting, it is vital for the anchorperson to have a thorough understanding and appropriate interpretation of the aesthetic images and convey the images to.新闻播音在向受众传递信息的同时,更要注重审美空间的延伸与拓展,其中,对播音中审美意象的把握尤为重要。
3.The thesis analyzes and explains symbolic technique of JI Kang s Siyan poems in the begining,which include expressional characteristics of aesthetic images of his Siyan poems from conceptual levels and symbolic images of his Siyan poems from artistic levels.以嵇康四言诗审美意象的表现特征——象征性作为分析和阐释嵇康四言诗象征艺术问题的逻辑出发点。
6)aesthetic image审美意象
1.The analysis of the essence of the aesthetic image;再界定审美意象的本质特征
2.From the children s point of view,Andersen used aesthetic images to show us how the Danish children lived their lives in the 19th century as well as their desires and pursuits,which are great national in color.他从儿童的审美角度出发,撷取了富有丹麦民族生活特色的,浸透了浓重丹麦民族精神积淀的审美意象,来反映19世纪丹麦儿童的生活、愿望和理想追求。
3.These images can be called aesthetic images of nature.《诗经》中就有许多这种自然审美意象。

蓝花美人蕉(Canna orchiodes),美人蕉科
蓝花美人蕉(Canna orchiodes),美人蕉科 吴德邻摄[图]