1.:The poetic compositive achievements of Wang Changlin,a famous poet in the flourishing period of Tang Dynasty,are chief ly in the poems of wugu and qijue.盛唐时期著名诗人王昌龄的诗歌创作成就 ,主要在五古和七绝两种体裁上。
2)wu-yan ancient poem五言古诗

1.Lu Ji s Imitative Ancient Poems Value in the Cource of the Ancient Poems Development;陆机《拟古诗》在五言古诗发展中的价值
2.WeiYingWu s Creative Accomplishment of Five-word Ancient Poetry and Characteristic;韦应物五言古诗的创作成就及其特色
3.To Know the Status of WEI Ying-wu s Poems of Five-word Ancient Style in Poetic Criticism of the Ming Dynasty from the Anthology of Tang Poetry;从唐诗选本看韦应物五言古诗在明代诗歌批评中的地位
4.From An Anthology of Ancient Five-character Poetry to An Anthology of Poems on the Secrets of Tang s Poets--Discussion on Wang Shizhen s "The Idea of Romantic Charm";从《五言古诗选》到《唐贤三昧集》——谈王士禛“神韵说”
5.Influence of Ancient Five-Character Poetry of Late Tang Dynasty on the Inheritance and Development of the New Yuefu Movement of Middle Tang Dynasty;晚唐五言古诗对中唐新乐府运动的继承和发展
6.Applying the Principle of Iconicity to the Translation of Poetry comment on three translated versions of the two five-character poems of "Dreaming of Li Bai" by Tu Fu;符号象似性原则在诗歌翻译中的运用——兼评杜甫五言古诗《梦李白》三译
7.Nineteen Ancient Poem” represents the highest merits of Five Words Poem of Han Dynasty.古诗十九首》代表了汉代五言抒情诗的最高成就。
8.A Development of the Old Poetic Style of Five-characters-verses:One of Notes on Du Fu s Poetry;纪行诸赋的启迪,五言古风的开拓——杜诗杂论之一
9.The First Systematic Summary and the First Innovative Breakthrough of the Research on The Nineteen Old Poems by Muzhai《古诗十九首》研究的首次系统梳理和突破——评木斋的汉魏五言诗研究
10.On the Voice of Nineteen Classic Poems;美丽凄怆之语,何以成为“五言之冠冕”——解析《古诗十九首》的声音
11.Artistic Characteristics of Nineteen Ancient Poems with Five Characters a Line;五言之冠冕,艺术之精髓——试谈《古诗十九首》的艺术特色
12.On the Development of the Five-Character and Eight-Line Chinese Poems in Southern Dynasties;南朝五言诗篇制的演变——兼论五言八句诗的发展
13.On Nineteen Ancient Poems Written in Jianan Caowei Period--A Probe into the Emergence of Poetry with Five Characters to a Line;初论古诗十九首产生在建安曹魏时代——从五言诗形成历程角度的探寻
14.Some Remarks on the Origination of the Five-Character Poems: Starting from the Distinction between“Poetry as Expression of Ambitions”and“Poetry Arising from Emotions”;论五言诗的起源——从“诗言志”、“诗缘情”的差异说起
15.On "Jiuseng" Style Poems--A Discussion on the Decline of Five-characters Eight-lines Poems In Song Dynasty;论九僧诗——兼论五言律诗在宋代的衰落
16."The Poem Says Will"--The First Cultural Trace To The Source Of Classical Poetrics;“诗言志”——古典诗学文化溯源之一
17.On the Contribution of the Classical Seven-character Poetry of the Tang Dynasty to the Perfection of the Classical Seven-character Poetry;论盛唐七古对七言古诗诗型完善的贡献
18.Poems, Remarks, Thinking On the Poetic Nature of the Language and Thinking in Ancient Chinese Philosophy;诗·言·思──试论中国古代哲学言语与思维的诗化

wu-yan ancient poem五言古诗
3)An Anthology of Ancient Five-Character Poetry《五言古诗选》
1.From An Anthology of Ancient Five-Character Poetry to An Anthology of Poems on the Secrets of Tang s Poets,we can see clearly the development trace of Wang Shizhen s poetical t.王士禛康熙27年编选的《唐贤三昧集》中所反映出来的神韵主张,其实早在其康熙22年应徐乾学劝而编选的《五言古诗选》中即已有所表现,只是没有《唐贤三昧集》来得明晰。
4)initiate the style五言古绝的首创
1.Especially, the article set forth that Baozhao initiate the style of the poem and this style deeply affected Libai and Dufu, who were two of the most famous poets in Tang Dynasty.本文从研读文本出发,对鲍照的五言诗进行了较为系统的分析与论述,并通过论述鲍照对五言古绝的首创及唐代两位最伟大的诗人—李白、杜甫的影响,进而论证鲍照五言诗的成就及地位。
5)A Study on Yuan Zhen's Wu-Yan-Gu-Shi元稹五古研究
6)Five Notes of Corrigenda on the Ancient Book古籍勘误五则
