1)In-situ[英][,?n 's?tju:][美]['?n 's?tju]自生
1.A new method that In-situ laser surface cladding of ceramic layer combining laser cladding technique and in-situ metal-matrix composite producing technique has been studied in this paper.本文结合激光熔覆和自生复合材料制备技术,提出激光熔覆自生陶瓷涂层的新方法,并成功地在Al合金表面制备了TiB_2自生陶瓷涂层。

1.To live alone and keep house as a bachelor.过独身生活男子独自生活并独自持家
2.Spontaneous Order?:A Puzzled Analysis on Hayek s Liberty Theory;自生自发的秩序?——哈耶克自由理路的迷思
3.They left him to rot in prison for 20 years.他们把他关在牢里20 年任其自生自灭。
4.Mr. Murrel has got a Big head.默雷尔先生自高自大
5.brucker survival capsule自给自航球形救生艇
6.a self - contained settlement in the Arctic.在北极自给自足的生活
7.Mr Johnson went into business for himself.约翰逊先生自营生意。
8.The students have to earn their daily bread.学生们得自谋生计。
9.He was free to pursue his own life in his own way.他有自由以自己的方式过自己的生活。
10.The Modern Modality of the Natural View: The Natural View of the Self organization and Ecology;自然观的现代形态——自组织生态自然观
11.self regenerative process自我再生过程自我再生过程
12.born free of free parents.自由的父母所生的、生而自由的。
13.Plankton and nekton are pelagic organisms.浮游生物和自游生物都是海面的生物。
14.Ecological Aesthetics-Balance of Natural Ecology and Cultural Ecology;生态美学——自然生态与文化生态的平衡
15.Being or relating to a process that is self-initiating or self-sustaining.自持过程一个自产生或自持续的过程的
16.In nature, all animals are wild and free.在自然界, 一切动物都是野生的, 自由自在的.
17.Self-vevence, self-knowledge, self-control, these three alone lead life to sovereign power.自重,自觉,自制,此三者可以将生命引至崇高境域。
18.Independence does not mean shutting the door on the world, nor does self-reliance mean blind opposition to everything foreign.独立自主不是闭关自守,自力更生不是盲目排外。

in situ reservoir自生自储
1.Organic matter heterogeneity was counted and studied for the fractured "in situ reservoir" samples of upper Permian series in Malang sag Santanghu basin.三塘湖盆地马朗凹陷上二叠统芦草沟组油藏多为"自生自储"裂缝型油藏,油藏样品的实验分析揭示了油藏宏观、微观两种尺度上的"有机质"非均质性表现;通过对油藏非均质性表现的成因分析,认为该类裂缝型油藏的有效油气储存空间主要是各级裂缝及毗邻基质孔隙;结合油藏特殊构造、沉积、成岩演化及烃源岩生烃演化等地质条件,探讨了该类"自生自储"裂缝油藏的油气聚集、成藏机制—"源内排烃"模式。
1.Early in 16 C in Spain, since the scholars of Salamanca School had had spontaneous order s thought, the history tradition of the thought was formed after the development of Enlightenment in Scotland and Austria School, especially Carl Menger.早在西班牙经院哲学家的思想中就蕴含着自生自发秩序思想,经由苏格兰启蒙运动,奥地利学派尤其是卡尔·门格尔的发展,最终形成了这一思想的历史传统。
4)self-creating and self-evolving自生自化
1.The cosmology of “self-creating and self-functioning” in Heng-Xian, can mutually interpret with the theory of “self-creating and self-evolving” in Lie Zi and Zhuang Zi.其所提出的“自生自作”的宇宙理论,可以与《列子》、《庄子》的“自生自化”说互相发明,表明 战国时期的气化论思想已经相当成熟。

不自生【不自生】  自即六根。谓根尘相对,则有一念心起,若无所对六尘,则一念之心毕竟不生,故名不自生。(六根者,眼根、耳根、鼻根、舌根、身根、意根也。六尘者,色尘、声尘、香尘、味尘、触尘、法尘也。)