1."stand firmly by weakness"and"deal tactfully with all kinds of situation by softness".老子的"为道"由内而外、由高到低包含三个层次:以无守争、以立身、以柔应世,"为道"三层涵义正是老子"三宝"说的学理依据。

1.To or at a lower intensity.减的强度由强到
2.The condition or quality of being frail.虚的状态或性质
3.The condition or quality of being weak.虚的状态或状况
4.A feeble body makes a feeble mind.衰之躯造就薄意志。
5.The L-R Weak Smash Product over Weak Hopf AlgbrasHopf代数的L-RSmash积
6.I am weak. I am weak, very weak.我比较柔。 我是柔的,非常柔的。
7.Frailty of bodily constitution or health.虚,纤体质或健康上的虚
8.The upbeat or unaccented part of a measure.拍或小节中唱的部分
9.Frail in constitution or health.体的,羸的体质或健康娇
10.Relating to or exhibiting asthenia;weak.虚的与虚有关的或表示现出虚的;无力的
11.A person with a slender, thin, or frail body.细长型者,瘦型人身体细长、瘦或虚的人
12.One that is thin, frail, or slight.纤的人,细微的东西纤、瘦或轻微的人或物
13.Third, we were faced with a weak enemy.第三,敌人的脆
14.(fml)cause(sb)to become pale and weak使(某人)苍白衰
15."No," he said, weakly.“不行,”他虚地说。
16."No," she answered, weakly.“是的,"她微地说。
17.the weaker vessel较的人((指女性))
18."The future doesn't belong to the fainthearted"“前途与者无缘”

1.The idea of naturalness outspreads theoretically into the ideas that Reversing is the movement of Tao and that Inaction and Feebleness are the function of Tao.而“自然”观念的“逻辑”展开便是“反者道之动”、“无之以为用”和“者道之用”的思想,老子以此说明:“自然”才是生命之根、和谐之本和力量之源。
3)weak (weak~*) convergence弱(弱~*)收敛
4)weak-weak union弱弱联盟
5)weak acid-base弱酸弱碱
6)So weak, yet so powerful弱弱强强

弱弱 弱   ①虚弱,不强壮。《灵枢·五变》:“何以知五脏之柔弱也。”   ②柔软,松弛。《灵枢·五变》:“小骨弱肉者,善病寒热。”   ③脉象名。脉搏软而无力。《灵枢·禁服》:“脉大以弱,则欲安静,用力无劳也。”《素问·平人气象论》:“长夏,胃微软弱曰平,弱多胃少曰脾病。”   ④指人的婴幼时期。《素问·上古天真论》:“昔在黄帝,生而神灵,弱而能言,幼而徇齐,长而敦敏,成而登天。”   ⑤指卑湿。《素问·异法方宜论》:“南方者……其地下,水土弱,雾露之所聚也。”