补虚化瘀方,Buxuhuayu anagraph
1)Buxuhuayu anagraph补虚化瘀方
1.Effect of Buxuhuayu anagraph on bone marrow hematopoietic microenvironment of carcinomatous mice after chemotherapy补虚化瘀方对化疗荷瘤小鼠骨髓造血微环境的影响

1.Effect of Buxu Huayu Prescription on Myeloid Hematopoiesis in Tumor -bea ring Mice After Combined Chemotherapy补虚化瘀方对联合化疗荷瘤小鼠骨髓造血功能的影响
2.Effect of Buxuhuayu anagraph on bone marrow hematopoietic microenvironment of carcinomatous mice after chemotherapy补虚化瘀方对化疗荷瘤小鼠骨髓造血微环境的影响
3.Mechanism of Yiqi Huayu Bushen Recipe in treating cervical syndrome in rats with qi deficiency,blood stasis and kidney deficiency益气化瘀补肾方治疗气虚血瘀肾虚型颈椎病大鼠的机制研究
4.Mechanism of "Yiqi Huayu Bushen Recipe" in Treating Cervical Spondylopathy of Qi Deficiency Pattern in Rats益气化瘀补肾方对大鼠气虚型颈椎病的作用机制研究
5.Study on antioxidant effect of Buxuhuayuqutanyin for pneumoconiosis补虚化瘀祛痰饮对尘肺病人抗氧化作用机制
6.Bushen Blood Circulation Treatment of Kidney Deficiency of Blood Stasis of Adenomyosis Clinical Study;补肾活血化瘀法治疗肾虚血瘀型子宫腺肌病的临床研究
7.Clinical Studies on the Method of Tonifying the Kidney and Promoting Blood Circulation in Treating Chronic Pelvic Inflammatory Disease of the Type of Deficiency of Kidney and Blood Stasis补肾化瘀法治疗肾虚血瘀型慢性盆腔炎的临床研究
8.The Clinical Study on the Effect of Tonifying Kidney Dissipate Stasis and Regulate Menstrual Cycle in Treating Hypomenorrheal after Artificial Abortion Syndrome of Deficiency of Kidney and Blood Stasis补肾化瘀调周法治疗肾虚血瘀型人流术后月经过少的临床观察
9.Methods: According to the main pathogenesis of blood stasis in brain vessels and insufficiency of blood supply of the VD rats.方法:拟定了以活血化瘀、血补虚、脑开窍的通脉益智丹对血管痴呆大鼠进行实验研究。
10.Protective Effects of Hua Yu Ke Sai Fang Treatment on Acute Cerebral Infarction of Syndrome Qi-insufficicncy and Blood Stasis and Its Mechanisms化瘀克塞方对急性脑梗死气虚血瘀证的保护作用及机制研究
11.Mechanisms of "Yiqi Huayu Bushen Recipe" in Treating Cervical Spondylopathy of Blood Stasis Pattern in Rats益气化瘀补肾方对大鼠血瘀型颈椎病作用机制研究
12.Clinical Research on Cycle Treatment of Invigorating the Kindney and Promoting Blood Flow in Treating Patients with Barrenness of Ovulation Failure Diagnosed Deficiency of Kidney and Blood Stasis Type;补肾活血方周期疗法治疗肾虚血瘀型无排卵性不孕症的临床研究
13.Bushenqiangdu Formula for curing ankylosing spondylitis(syndrome of kidney deficiency,Du meridian cold and blood stasis)补肾强督方治疗强直性脊柱炎肾虚督寒血瘀证的临床研究
14.It is argued that MS is caused by kidney deficiency and treated by nourishing kidney, enriching qi and blood.多发性硬化是由于肾气亏虚、痰瘀互结所致,治疗宜补肾益气、活血化瘀。
15.Effect of "strength-xu and dissolve-yu"  Techniques of Needling on Expression of Type I Collagen Immunohistochemical Observation补虚化瘀针法对骨质疏松大鼠I型胶原蛋白的影响
16.Experimental Study of the Effect of "Strength_xu and Dissolve_yu" Techniques of Needling on Expression of Type Ⅰ Collagen mRNA补虚化瘀针法对骨质疏松大鼠Ⅰ型胶原mRNA表达的影响
17.The Effect of Reinforcing Inefficiency and Dissolving Stasis Technique of Needling on Bony Histomorphometry in Osteoporosis Rats补虚化瘀针法对骨质疏松大鼠形态计量学影响的研究
18.Clinical Research on the Effect of JianPiBuShenJiangZhuoHuaYuJian(JPBSJZHYJ) on Chronic Renal Failure(CRF);健脾补肾降浊化瘀煎治疗慢性肾衰(脾肾亏虚,浊瘀内蕴证)的临床研究

Buxu Huayu Prescription /pharmacology补虚化瘀方/药理学
3)the TCM preparation for tonifying kidney and activing blood circulation补肾化瘀方
1.Clinical study on effect of the TCM preparation for tonifying kidney and activing blood circulation on estrogenic and progesterone hormone and promote the menstruation recovery probably after drug-induced abortion;补肾化瘀方对药流后雌孕激素的影响及调经作用临床研究
1.Effect of TCTS on Experimental Endometriosis of Rats;化瘀补肾方提取物干预大鼠子宫内膜异位症
5)Buxu Huayu Qutan Decoction补虚化瘀祛痰饮
1.Effect of Buxu Huayu Qutan Decoction on Anti-oxidative Capacity in Aged Patients with Stable Angina Pectoris of Coronary Heart Disease补虚化瘀祛痰饮对老年冠心病稳定性心绞痛患者抗氧化作用的影响
6)reinforcing inefficiency and dissolving stasis technique补虚化瘀针法
1.Objective:To explore the effect of reinforcing inefficiency and dissolving stasis technique of acupuncture on bony histomorphometry in osteoporosis rats.目的:探讨补虚化瘀针法对骨质疏松大鼠形态计量学的影响。
