1.On the Direction of Middle School Geography Learning Methods;中学地理学科的学法指导初探
2.A Research on Teaching Models of Integration of Information Teachnology and Geography;信息技术与地理学科教学整合模式初探
3.This article discussed the experimental teaching reform of geography, including rediscovering geography, reforming teaching program, creative experiment, establishing shared platform, reforming the standard of examination, establishing an experimental base.对地理学科的实验教学及一些创新方法进行探讨。

2.Discuss Modern National Citizen s Quality in Geography Science and Geography Education;论现代国民的地理科学素质与地理学科教育
3.Research on Environmental Ethics Education of Geography Subject in Middle School;中学地理学科中的环境伦理教育研究
4.The Application of the Concept Diagram in the Middle School Geography Teaching;概念图在中学地理学科教学中的应用
5.Review on the geographical courses of the universities in Japan;日本高校地理学科的课程设置与地理教学
6.Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics日地物理学科学委员会
7.On the Theory Status and Academic Significance of the Scientific Concept of Development论科学发展观的理论地位和学科意义
8.Any one of the sciences, such as geology or geochemistry, that deals with the earth.地球科学研究地球的诸学科中的一个,如地理学或地球化学
9.Importance and Function of Management of Scientific Research in the Disciplinary Construction of University;科研管理在学科建设中的地位与作用
10.Geo-Science Data Grid and the Impact towards Geo-Science;地球科学数据网格及其对地理科学的影响
11.Research on the Undergraduate Course Teaching of Cartography for Management of Land Resource Specialty;土地管理专业本科《地图学》教学研究
12.I'm going to study History, Science, Geography and French.我要学物理,自然科学,地理和法语。
13.New Economic Geography:the Theory,Research Methods and Discipline Comparison新经济地理学:理论、方法与学科比较
14.Innovative Geography?-? a New Branch of Geography;创新地理学——一门新兴的地理学分支学科
15.On the position and sense of management science in the present science hierarchy;论管理学在当代科学体系中的学科地位和意义
16.Infiltration of the Scientific Development View in the Geographical Teaching of Middle School;科学发展观在中学地理教学中的渗透
17.Biogeography of Apidae in Qinling Mountain;秦岭地区蜜蜂科昆虫生物地理学研究
18.A Study on the Geographical Course of "Essentials of Geoscience" in Higher Education;高校地理专业《地球科学基础》课程研究

Geography subject地理学科
1.Research on Environmental Ethics Education of Geography Subject in Middle School;中学地理学科中的环境伦理教育研究
3)geographical science地理科学
1.Regional substainable development—theme of the 21st geographical science;区域可持续发展——21世纪地理科学的主题
2.Advances of Geographical Science Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in the Past 10 Years中国科学院地理科学知识创新十年进展
3.This paper introduces Qian Xuesen s view on geographical science.钱学森在现代人类知识体系 11个门类中 ,将地理科学归结为自然科学与社会科学之间的桥梁科学 ;在五大开放的复杂巨系统中 ,把地理系统排在星系系统与社会系统之间 ;在社会总体设计部下设四大建设中 ,将地理建设与政治文明、物质文明、精神文明建设并列。
4)geographic science地理科学
1.Based on the basis of discussion between the limitation of teaching ways and ideas in traditional geographic courses and rapid development of geographic science, the paper presents the characteristics and advantage of computer aided instruction for geographical special courses and the application of teaching reform for geographic information system.在论述目前地理科学的飞速发展和传统地理学课程教学方法和手段局限性的基础上 ,阐述了对地理专业课程计算机辅助教学CAI的特色优点以及在地理信息系统课程教学改革中的应用 。
1.Comparative Study on the Talent Training Pattern of Geography in Normal Universities in Jiangxi Province;江西省高师地理科学人才培养模式的比较研究
2.Establishment of the sustainable course framework for geography;建立可持续的地理科学S课程体系结构初探
6)Geography science地理科学
1.The geography science profession (teacher education) practice teaching reform discussion;地理科学(教师教育)专业实践教学改革探讨
2.Research on reforming of college geography science education in information ear;信息时代高校地理科学教育改革探析
3.Higher pedagogical school geography science specialized curriculum constructs to the foundation geography education reform response research;高师地理科学专业课程建设对基础地理教育改革的响应研究

部门或专题军事地理学(见军事地理学)部门或专题军事地理学(见军事地理学)sectorial or thematic military geography bumen huo zhuanti lunshi diliXue部门或专题军事地理学(sec‘orial orthematie military geography)见军事地理学。