喀斯特地貌,Karst landform
1)Karst landform喀斯特地貌
1.Huajiang Gorges area is one of the busy tourist attractions in the mid-west of Guizhou,where the typical Karst landform,fragile ecology and unusual geographic location have exerted special significance to the development of Guizhou tourism in general and of tourism industry in the west of Guizhou in specific.花江大峡谷是贵州中西部旅游热点地区之一,典型的喀斯特地貌以其旅游景观突出、自然生态非常脆弱等客观条件,加上特有的区位优势,都使其对贵州旅游业乃至西部旅游业的发展有着特殊意义。
2.Firstly, the characteristic of the karst landform in the section from Gaoping to Jinxin of Hu-Rong Expressway is introduced,the cause of the Karst development is analyzed,and the development history of the regional Karst is studied.简要介绍了沪蓉国道主干线湖北省高坪-吉心段的喀斯特地貌特征,分析其发育和形成原因,并对区域喀斯特发育史作了研究。
3.The subject takes the Huaxi County as a model to seek the countermeasure of solving the problem of sustainable development and protecting the weak ecology in Karst landform area.本文以贵阳市花溪喀斯特地区为研究范例,寻求解决喀斯特地貌条件脆弱生态的保护与可持续发展问题的对策。

1.Formation Mechanism and Distribution of Karst Physiognomy in China中国喀斯特地貌的形成机制及分布
2.The distributed area and the features analysis of karst and non karst landscape in Guizhou;贵州喀斯特与非喀斯特地貌分布面积及其特征分析
3.Population Ecologic Structure of Dendrocalamus Tsiangii in Karst Physiognomy;喀斯特地貌黔竹种群生态结构初步研究
4.The Integration and Exploit of the Tourist Productof Karst of Yunnan, Guizhou and Guangxi;论滇黔桂喀斯特地貌旅游产品的整合及开发
5.Researches on the Formation and Evolution of Cone Karst in Libo World Heritage Site;荔波世界自然遗产地锥状喀斯特地貌形成与演化研究
6.The Study on Damage and Protection of Water Environments under Karst Geomorphy in Highway Construction;公路建设在喀斯特地貌下的水环境破坏与保护研究
7.Isolation and Identification of Bacillus thuringiensis Strains from Guilin Karst Landform Area桂林喀斯特地貌分布区苏云金芽孢杆菌菌株的分离鉴定
8.This park features a spectacular limestone karst landscape with an underground river.普林塞萨港地下河国家公园以雄伟的石灰石喀斯特地貌和那里的地下河流而举世闻名。
9.A Study on the Ways of Land Renovation and Ecological Environment Construction on the Karst Area --a case study of Gongxian county, Sichuan province;喀斯特地貌区土地整治与生态环境建设途径研究——以四川省珙县为例
10.How can we soive the problems of enormous fillings and inefficiwnt machinery utilization by broken blasting in embankment of karst topography?填石路堤在喀斯特地貌中,如何利用破碎爆破来解决填料过大,机械利用不高等工程施工问题。
11.The Fractal,Entropy and Geomorphological Meaning of Karst Drainage Basins喀斯特流域水系分形、熵及其地貌意义
12.Categorization of karst landform on the basis of landform factor eigenvalue基于地形因子特征值的喀斯特流域地貌类型判别
13.Effects of Geology and Landform on Karst Rock Desertification:A Case Study in Dahua County of Guangxi,China地质地貌因素对喀斯特石漠化的影响——以广西大化县为例
14.Caves of Aggtelek Karst and Slovak Karst阿格泰莱克洞和斯洛伐克喀斯特地形
15.New Cascade Railway Tunnel新喀斯喀特铁路隧道
16.Design of Anti-seepage Curtain for Karstland & Its Construction Characters喀斯特地区防渗帷幕设计及施工特点
17.Typical Study on Agricultural Land Valuation in Guizhou Karst Areas;贵州喀斯特地区农用地估价典型研究
18.Karst rocky desertification hazard is one important geo-ecological disaster existing in the karst area.喀斯特石漠化灾害是存在于喀斯特区的一种重要的地质-生态灾害。

Karst geomorphology喀斯特地貌
1.Interpretation of karst geomorphology and water system on satellite photograph;卫星像片上喀斯特地貌及水系的解译
2.Progress and Trend of Karst Geomorphology Study;喀斯特地貌研究进展与趋势
3.In this paper, three determined factors influencing on the evolution of karst geomorphology of upper Cenozoic in Guizhou, e.本文对晚新生代贵州喀斯特地貌演进的三大控制因素 ,即地质基础、新构造运动及挽近气候波动进行了分析论证。
1.This paper analyses the landform character and its formation cause of a special landformtype-conglomerate karst, and points out that studying and developing this landform will have impor-tant theoritical and actual value.在四川盆地西北边缘龙门山山前地带上侏罗统蓬莱镇组砾岩中形成的以安县龙泉砾宫和汶江石林为代表的特殊地貌,其地貌特征是典型的喀斯特地貌,其根本原因是有大量可溶性成分的存在,因此是喀斯特地貌中的一种罕见的特殊类型——砾岩喀斯特地貌
4)karst topography喀斯特地貌
1.The karst topography in Guizhou province is analysed, the topographic sorts and correlations among population, GDP, vegetation and drainage density are portrayed respectively.对贵州省喀斯特地貌进行了特征分析,讨论了喀地貌类型及其与人口、经济、植被和河网密度等的关系。
5)Karst microland喀斯特微地貌
1.The composition and structure of soluble rock are main factor for form of Karst microland.可溶岩的物质成分和结构构造是喀斯特微地貌形成的主要内在影响因素,作者从形成贵州喀斯特微地貌的可溶岩岩石学特征出发,讨论贵州喀斯特微地貌的成因,分析其对水土保持的影响。
6)Kasit topography喀斯特地貌型
